Frank Kameny was born to a Jewish family in New York City and he was a crucial figure in the pre-Stonewall gay rights movement.
He was a gifted individual and he obtained his doctorate from Harvard and began working at the United States Army Map Service.
However, he was ousted for his sexual orientation, sparking his activism.

Kameny became the first person to fight for sexual orientation civil rights in U.S. courts, triggering policy changes in the Civil Service Commission in 1975.
He led the first ever gay and lesbian demonstration at the White House in 1965 and was the first openly gay candidate for Congress in 1971.
Kameny, along with Barbara Gittings, successfully convinced the American Psychiatric Association to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973.
He also worked tirelessly to allow gays in the military, repeal D.C.’s sodomy laws and coin the rallying cry “Gay is Good.”
Kameny’s contributions to gay rights were recognized in later years, marking him as a key pioneer in the movement.
Let’s have a look at the best Frank Kameny quotes.
Best Frank Kameny Quotes

He was the up and equal homosexual who would not sit at the back of the bus. ~ Frank Kameny.

When it was even seriously entertained that this would be a zoning issue, I blew up. Absolutely not. ~ Frank Kameny.

We are interested in obtaining rights for our respective minorities. ~ Frank Kameny.
Best*ality is not my thing, but it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind and the animal rarely does, I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should. ~ Frank Kameny.
If I disagree with someone, I give them a chance to convince me they are right. And if they fail, then I am right and they are wrong and I will just have to fight them until they change. ~ Frank Kameny.
Famous Frank Kameny Quotes
Not only is homosexuality, whether by inclination or overt act, not immoral, but homosexual acts engaged in by consenting adults are moral, in a positive and real sense. ~ Frank Kameny.

As I have been saying for nearly a year, the law needs to be changed to allow the gay businesses to move to another part of the city. ~ Frank Kameny.
There’s an ethical and moral obligation by the city for this group of establishments. The city created [the O Street cluster]. If these establishments had decided quite on their own when all this happened that would be a different matter, but they were very specifically directed to go down there. ~ Frank Kameny.
On a one-time basis for these O Street establishments, they should be exempted from all of these restrictions so they can move as a group if they want to some practical place. ~ Frank Kameny.
The person who really needs the psychotherapy is not the homosexual youngster who gets dragged to the psychiatrist’s office by his mother, but the mother, to relieve her anxieties about his homosexuality. ~ Frank Kameny.
So these were the 10 top Frank Kameny quotes and sayings.
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