Life insurance offers peace of mind and ensures a safety net for your family in unforeseen circumstances.
While purchasing life insurance is vital especially for the primary earner it’s essential to be cautious as not all insurance agents have the customer’s best interest in mind.
Instead of rushing into a decision swayed by sales tactics one should prioritize finding a trustworthy insurance advisor, someone who prioritizes educating you about the best possible coverage for your needs.

While nothing in life is entirely predictable, the inevitability of life’s uncertainties is certain.
Hence, understanding the significance of life insurance can be essential for sound financial planning.
Sharing insightful quotes from life insurance experts can inspire others to consider this essential tool.
Top 10 Life Insurance Quotes

Driving race cars is risky, not having life insurance is riskier. ~ Danica Patrick.

Remember kids, I have life insurance. ~ Adam Savage.

Life insurance is the best way to provide financial protection.

Life insurance offers a man the only way where he can make his will before he makes his money. ~ Unknown *

Term life insurance is a good defensive game plan. ~ Dave Ramsey.

You need life insurance if somebody will suffer financially when you die. ~ Unknown.

For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull. ~ Ralph Nader.

If a child, a spouse, a life partner or a parent depends on you and your income, you need life insurance. ! Suze Orman.

When getting help with money, whether it is insurance, real estate or investments you should always look for a person with the heart of a teacher, not the heart of a salesman. ~ Dave Ramsey.

Would you agree that the only person who can take care of the older person you will someday be – is the younger person you are now? ~ Unknown.
Famous Life Insurance Quotes
There is only one kind of life insurance, and that is pure protection based on a mortality table. All others are pure protection plus a cash value element that I call ‘funny’ banking. ~ Venita VanCaspel.

There is a clear link between protecting your car and home and protecting your life. So life insurance was a logical addition to the AA’s range. ~ Kevin Sinclair.
The chief beneficiary of life insurance policies for young, single people is the life insurance agent. ~ Wes Smith.

Every man has problems that only life insurance can solve. In the young man’s case, the problem is to create cash; for the older man, to conserve it. ~ Ben Feldman.

Life insurance will protect your family’s financial future. ~ Unknown.
The basic purpose of life insurance is to create cash, nothing more or nothing less. Everything else confuses and complicates. ~ Ben Feldman.

Best Life Insurance Quotes
If people understood what life insurance does, we wouldn’t need salesmen to sell it. People would come knocking on the door. But they don’t understand. ~ Ben Feldman.

Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs. ~ Kim Hubbard.
Not having insurance not only destroys your life, it destroys your fiscal life. It breaks up marriages. You cannot functions anywhere unless you have good health. ~ Charles B. Rangel.

My wife bought an extra life insurance policy on me. ~ Willie Aames.
You don’t buy life insurance because you are going to die, but because those you love are going to live.
I can handle being married for my money; it’s being married for my life insurance that gives me pause. ~ Jacob M. Appel.

Whatever excuses you may have for not buying life insurance now will only sound ridiculous to your widow. – Unknown *
Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement, an insurance pact. It differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding, more exacting. ~ Emma Goldman.

You can get over a million dollars worth of life insurance in case you die, but only eight to ten bucks and hour to live. ~ Stanley Victor Paskavich.
Popular Life Insurance Quotes

Life insurance became popular only when insurance companies stopped emphasizing it as a good investment and sold it instead as a symbolic commitment by fathers to the future well-being of their families. ~ James Surowiecki.

A policy of life insurance is the cheapest and safest mode of making a certain provision for one’s family. ~ Benjamin Franklin.
You can get up to a million dollars or more in life insurance in case you die. But can only get about seven or eight bucks an hour to live. ~ Stanley Victor Paskavich.
Life insurance offers you Long-term Savings which will give huge benefit later,feel allowed to make inquiry. ~ Insurance Helpline.

We do need to plan ahead, don’t we, in life? I have spare tire on my car. I also have life insurance. I have a lot of things that I plan ahead for. ~ Peter DeGraaf.
I don’t call it “Life Insurance,” I call it “Love Insurance.” We buy it because we want to leave a legacy for those we love. ~ Farshad Asl.

Life Insurance is a kind of long-term financial security policy that generates huge savings and tax advantages. ~ Unknown.
I do not sell life insurance. I sell money. I sell dollars for pennies apiece. My dollars cost 3 cents per dollar per year. ~ Ben Feldman.
Great Life Insurance Quotes
Life insurance is not about how much money will be paid out when a policyholder dies. It’s about knowing that you will be taking care of your family and loved ones if tragedy strikes.

To carry adequate life insurance is a moral obligation incumbent upon the great majority of citizens. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt.
I detest life-insurance agents, they always argue that I shall someday die, which is not so. ~ Stephen Butler Leacock.

Life insurance is also known as love insurance for your family ~ David Angway.
I want to be clear here: It does not matter what you say in your will or trust; the beneficiary document attached to your IRA accounts and your life insurance policy overrides what you say elsewhere. If you want to change the beneficiary, you must change the beneficiary document. ~ Suze Orman.
Prolonged unemployment is a tragedy of broken lives, broken families, foreclosed homes, and life without insurance. ~ Jan C. Ting.

The only thing a man can buy on the installment plan, on which his widow won’t have to finish the payments after he dies, is life insurance. ~ Unknown *
The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit. ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Life insurance offers you Long-term Savings which will give huge benefit later, feel allowed to make inquiry. ~ Unknown.
Life is beset by many annoyances, and those that stand out above all are the life insurance and advertising agents. ~ Alice Foote MacDougall.
Thought-Provoking Life Insurance Quotes
Every month that you send a check to the life insurance company, you’re making a bet with them. Don’t worry, one day you’ll win. ~ Nitya Prakash.

You don’t need to pray to God any more when there are storms in the sky, but you do have to be insured. ~ Bertolt Brecht.
My mother had taught shorthand and typing to support us since my father died, and secretly she hated it and hated him for dying and leaving no money because he didn’t trust life insurance salesmen. ~ Sylvia Plath.

Once your kids are grown and you know that you’re completely healthy, consider canceling your life insurance policy. ~ Suze Orman.
You can’t put a value on a human life, but my wife’s life insurance company made a pretty fair offer. ~ Unknown *
Life insurance can be numbingly complicated. Clients often turn off their brains and surrender their judgment to the very agent or planner who brought on their coma in the first place. ~ Jane Bryant Quinn.
Wise Life Insurance Quotes

It’s very easy for trusted companies to mislead naïve customers, and life insurance companies are trusted. ~ Daniel Kahneman.
Getting life insurance is like making a bet you can’t win. If you live, you don’t get the money. If you die, you don’t get to enjoy the money. ~ Oliver Gaspirtz.

If you know your life chances are greatly reduced, should you be in a position to take out life insurance if that knowledge is not available to the insurers? ~ David Sainsbury.

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? ~ Woody Allen.
I actually lost 90 pounds over the course of 15 months in order to save money on life insurance. ~ Derek Kilmer.
Many kids come out of college, they have a credit card and a diploma. They don’t know how to buy a house or a car or health insurance or life insurance. They do not know basic microeconomics. ~ Jesse Jackson.
So these were the 50 top quotes about Life Insurance.
If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Self Improvement quotes and Good Vibes quotes.