Naya Rivera was an actress, singer, and model from the United States.
Best Naya Rivera Quotes

Success can be anything you want it to be. ~ Naya Rivera.

Success is a lot sweeter when it’s a slow build. ~ Naya Rivera.

Getting hit on by both genders is such a champagne problem. ~ Naya Rivera.

You only get one you, it’s best to just love yourself. ~ Naya Rivera.

Your life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be proud. ~ Naya Rivera.
We’ve all been hurt by words before. So before you speak, think about how your words might affect someone else. ~ Naya Rivera.
Never feel bad about cutting someone out of your life – sometimes that’s the only option. ~ Naya Rivera.
You doesn’t bring up to bring someone else down. ~ Naya Rivera.
Famous Naya Rivera Quotes

It’s good to get your mistakes out of the way early—as long as you learn from them! ~ Naya Rivera.
If you care about your life, then there are going to be certain people you don’t want in it. ~ Naya Rivera.
If you think back to your first love, you always remember them and little things always remind you of them. ~ Naya Rivera.
So when life gives me lemons, I say f*ck it and drink champagne. ~ Naya Rivera.
Success is not defined by what the people around you want. It is based on what you want for yourself. ~ Naya Rivera.
It’s on my bucket list, to get in a real fight. ~ Naya Rivera.
I gained 15 pounds and never looked back. ~ Naya Rivera.
Inspirational Naya Rivera Quotes

I went into junior high feeling like a loser and a has-been. I didn’t want to come home after school and watch TV. I wanted to be on TV. ~ Naya Rivera.
We’re supposed to make ourselves feel better by making other people feel worse? It doesn’t work that way. ~ Naya Rivera.
A friendship is just as much give-and-take and compromises as a romantic relationship. ~ Naya Rivera.
When you’re deciding whom to be friends with and whom to let into your life, you have to look for quality people who bring out the best in you. ~ Naya Rivera.

You have to get comfortable with yourself. ~ Naya Rivera.
From the time I was in utero, it was my fate to be in front of the camera. The sound of flashbulbs made me kick and I’m sure if the sonogram technology had allowed it, you’d have seen little fetus me trying to turn so they got my good side. ~ Naya Rivera.
When you hang out with people who are true friends, you come away feeling lighter, more inspired to work hard, give love, and take care of yourself. ~ Naya Rivera.
There are always going to be things you don’t like about yourself or reasons to compare yourself to others. ~ Naya Rivera.
Whoever you are, and whatever you believe in, you need to find something that gets you to a calmer place and makes you feel refreshed. ~ Naya Rivera.
Popular Naya Rivera Quotes

God has a plan for me … even if I don’t understand it. ~ Naya Rivera.
Learning how to love yourself is something everyone struggles with. ~ Naya Rivera
Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. ~ Naya Rivera.
Sometimes you have to cut people out of your life and not look back. ~ Naya Rivera.
There’s no way to win, to make a decision that feels wholly right. ~ Naya Rivera.
I don’t trust people who claim to like everyone, because, really, how is that possible? ~ Naya Rivera.
Make bad decisions and take wrong turns, That makes us human. ~ Naya Rivera.
I think it’s important to have someone who has more perspective. ~ Naya Rivera.
Top Naya Rivera Quotes
Instead of worrying about who doesn’t like you, take some time to remember who does. ~ Naya Rivera.
You can’t be a good friend to someone else unless you’re a good friend to yourself first. ~ Naya Rivera.

People think that you achieve these goals, you check off certain boxes, and all of a sudden life’s perfect. That’s not true. ~ Naya Rivera.
Everyone is always telling you to love yourself, though no one ever tells you how to go about doing it. ~ Naya Rivera.
Inspiring Naya Rivera Quotes
If God was shutting some doors, it was so I’d pay attention to the ones that were open. ~ Naya Rivera.
My passion for music is one of my greatest loves. ~Naya Rivera.
The more imperfect your life has been, probably had a lot more fun along the way. ~ Naya Rivera.

I will admit to hoarding beauty products. I’m a beauty lady. ~ Naya Rivera.
Music is one of my greatest loves. I don’t think I would be able to live without music in my life. ~ Naya Rivera.
Be kind to people, do the best that you can do and don’t compromise yourself for anyone else and you’ll end up being the best person, trust me. ~ Naya Rivera.
So these were the 47 top Naya Rivera quotes and sayings on love, life, God, music and success.
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