In the game of wrestling, two competitors shove each other out of a ring.
Being skilled at wrestling requires years of practice and devotion.
Wrestlers must fight and never surrender.
Wrestling is a test of strength, endurance, and resolve as well as a sport.

If you like wrestling, you will understand what it means to give it your all in the ring.
We’ll look at some of the finest wrestling quotes that will inspire you.
So, whether you’re a seasoned wrestler or a casual lover of the wrestling sport, keep reading and prepare to be inspired!
Top 10 Wrestling Quotes

Wrestling is my first love. ~ Randy Orton.

Fatigue makes cowards of us all. ~ Unknown.

I am not the biggest, I am not the strongest, but I am damn sure the toughest! ~ Daniel Bryan.

The weird thing about me is that I’m naturally an introvert, so I don’t talk to people. ~ Eli Drake.

There’s no drama like wrestling. ~ Kane.

Wrestling is ballet with violence. ~ Jesse Ventura.

Once you’ve wrestled, everything in life is easy. ~ Dan Gable.

When I wrestled, I always considered myself an athlete and a wrestler. ~ Rocky Johnson.

Every day I turned a ‘you can’t’ into a ‘you can.’ ~ Rulon Gardner.

Wrestling is a team sport, and an individual sport all rolled into one. ~ William Baldwin.
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Inspirational Wrestling Quotes
You must show no mercy nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you, for your greatness will silence them all. ~ The Ultimate Warrior.

Wrestling and sports entertainment is not about the moves, it really isn’t. It’s about being able to evoke emotion in one facet or another. ~ The Undertaker.
In Mexico, wrestling is part of the cultural fabric. The guys wear masks and they are real-life superheroes. ~ Chris Jericho.

I’m the man that made wrestling famous. ~ Hulk Hogan.
Even before I got to WWE, I studied Triple H. He was one of my favorite superstars; his wrestling was ruthless, and I think a lot of his style you can see in me a little bit. ~ Sheamus.

The obvious goals were there – State Champion, NCAA Champion, Olympic Champion. To get there I had to set an everyday goal which was to push myself to exhaustion or, in other words, to work so hard in practice that someone would have to carry me off the mat. ~ Dan Gable.

A lot of my intensity in wrestling was due to my mental preparation before the matches. I got myself into a different world. ~ Dan Gable.
More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill – none have wrestled without pride. ~ Dan Gable.
Wrestling is an art form. I don’t worry about those who don’t get it. I worry about satisfying those who do. ~ Paul Heyman.

Wrestling is something that nothing else can replace for me. ~ Daniel Bryan.
I happen to be a three-time former WWF champion and a hardcore legend, and I never had my own dressing room. ~ Mick Foley.

It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired – you quit when the gorilla is tired. ~ Robert Strauss.
Famous Wrestling Quotes
I had to realize that everyone has opinions, and they all have the right to feel a certain way, and you have to respect that. ~ Randy Orton.

Once you’ve wrestled, everything else in life is easy. ~ Dan Gable.
When the day comes when you don’t believe in yourself, there’s the door. Get the hell out! ~ John Cena.
Always remember the pain of defeat, and never let it happen again. ~ Dan Gable.
Never back down and never quit. ~ John Cena.

Wrestling – what men do during boys basketball season. ~ Dan Gable.
When I was really little, I wanted to be a wrestler so I could be like the girls I looked up to. My brother then told me, ‘You don’t want to be like your idols; you want to grow up and be better than them.’ To this day, that’s the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten. ~ AJ Lee.

Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. ~ Dan Gable.
You’re never a loser until you quit trying. ~ Mike Ditka.
Inspiring Wrestling Quotes
The first period is won by the best technician. The second period is won by the kid in the best shape. The third period is won by the kid with the biggest heart. ~ Dan Gable.

The only things that matter in wrestling are your teeth and your testicles. Anything else, keep wrestling, stop whining. ~ Gary Dierks.
Wrestling is the only sport I’ve ever competed in that puts you totally in a situation of constant motion without breaks. I could play football or baseball, swim – but there’s always some kind of situation that would break my thoughts, break my concentration. ~ Dan Gable.
Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams. ~ Dwayne Johnson.

I like to think I proved a wrestler’s skin color doesn’t matter. ~ Rocky Johnson.
There’s no drama like wrestling. ~ Andy Kaufmann.

Grappling with fate is like meeting an expert wrestler: to escape, you have to accept the fall when you are thrown. The only thing that counts is whether you get back up. ~ Deng Ming-Dao.

I grew up on a farm, and I always learned when you work, you go forward, you don’t stop and say, well, I’ll take a break. You always go forward and get the job done. ~ Rulon Gardner.
Excuse The Rock for one second, his cell phone is going off. Hello? Hey, it’s nothing. He says he knows you! ~ Dwayne Johnson.
Just when they think they know the answers, I change the questions. ~ Rowdy Roddy Piper.
There’s always ways of motivating yourself to higher levels. Write about it, dream about it. But after that, turn it into action. Don’t just dream. ~ Dan Gable.

In wrestling, there’s a shelf life, and some wrestlers don’t pay attention to the shelf life. ~ Dwayne Johnson.
When you’re wrestling with life and, or yourself and getting the beat down, don’t forget to tag God in! ~ Sanjo Jendayi.
Powerful Wrestling Quotes
I bring smiles to people’s faces. I also stand on people’s faces. Balance. ~ CM Punk.
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing. ~ Marcus Aurelius.

You’ve got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. ~ John Irving.
Blood, sweat, and respect. The first two you give. The last you earn. Give it. Earn it. ~ Dwayne Johnson.
People dream to be in the WWE, but my dream is to be the best in the WWE. They can have the money and fame. My dream is to become known as the greatest wrestler of all time. ~ Sasha Banks.
Everything I do is to become better, the best ever and I’m not going to stop. ~ Dolph Ziggler.

You just wrestle in what you’re wearing. ~ Christian.
Whether fighting or spitting, my discipline is unforgiving! ~ John Cena.
Anyone who never fails is someone who never tries. ~ Unknown.

I go out and give it 110% every time I’m out there. I try hard. ~ Rowdy Roddy Piper.
The sport of wrestling is a tremendous builder of the values and characteristics which are needed to succeed in any walk of life. Much of what I have managed to achieve in life I owe directly to the years I spent in the wrestling room, as an athlete and a coach. Wrestling is a great educational tool. ~ Dennis Hastert.
Wrestling is overcoming obstacles. Every drop of sweat, every black eye, and every mile run reinforce that the will to train sets winners apart. ~ Unknown.
When I was 12, I was living in Iowa, and I emailed so many wrestling schools, and one of them was actually in Boston. I joined it at 18 – the New England Pro Wrestling Academy. They were doing a fantasy camp. I was 17 about to turn 18. I told my mom, ‘I’m 18 now. I just signed these papers by myself, and I’m going to do this.’ ~ Sasha Banks.
Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do. ~ Scott Hall.

If you’re afraid to fail, you’ll never succeed. ~ Dan Gable.
But it’s the wrestler who can put the fatigue out of his mind and break through the ‘wall’, like a marathon runner after 18 or 20 miles, who will survive. The key to that survival is in hard workouts that develop the mental confidence to the point where you won’t submit to fatigue and pain descending upon you. ~ Lou Banach.
Profound Wrestling Quotes
If Shakespeare was alive today he would be writing wrestling shows. ~ Chris Jericho.
Wrestling begins at the end of your comfort zone. ~ Unknown.
I’m not trying to brainwash my critics. If they’re critics, they’re critics, and that’s their job to be critical, but I certainly enjoy the involvement I have with my fans. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them, and I don’t waste time with someone stubborn who is not going to come around. ~ John Cena.
When I’m good, I’m good, brother but when I’m bad, I’m better. ~ Rowdy Roddy Piper.
I’ve always wanted to entertain people, and when I was in school, I was interested in creative writing, but wrestling was always there. When I ran into financial problems, I just figured when life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade. ~ AJ Lee.
I have never seen a wrestling match or prize fight, and I don’t want to. When I find out a man is interested in these sports, I drop him. ~ Hedy Lamarr.
You’re throwing The Rock out? No wonder WCW went out of business. ~ Dwayne Johnson.
Life is like a wrestling match: a lot of times, things are looking good, and then something happens, and you’re fighting from underneath. ~ Matt Hardy.
Wrestling needs to be about the art form again. It needs to be about painting a picture and having a really good match. ~ Hulk Hogan.
When I’d get tired and want to stop, I’d wonder what my next opponent was doing. I’d wonder if he was still working out. I’d tried to visualize him. When I could see him working, I’d start pushing myself. When I could see him in the shower, I’d push myself harder. ~ Dan Gable.

Practice without improvement is meaningless. ~ Chuck Knox.
I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler. ~ Socrates.
Motivational Wrestling Quotes
To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are. ~ Muhammad Ali.
Wrestling teaches you nothing comes easy. Nothing in life comes easy, so you have to work at it. ~ Mike Sullivan.
I can take anyone down at any time; they can’t take me down; no one can ride or turn me; I can control anyone. ~ Dan Gable.
No activity I know is more of a confidence builder and at the same time more ‘humility training’ than wrestling. ~ Jim Leach.
I never won anything by myself. I was always strong because of help that gave me extra strength to win. ~ Dan Gable.

Determination is the strength needed to succeed. ~ Dan Gable.
Don’t you ever, and ‘Dwayne Johnson’ means ever, come at ‘Dwayne Johnson’ and ask him a question like that again or else ‘Dwayne Johnson’ will knock your teeth so far down your throat! ~ Dwayne Johnson.
Wrestling is my therapy. ~ Unknown.
In wrestling, my mustache made me look more like a villain. A good mustache can give you the look of the devil. ~ Jesse Ventura.
Know what is in your heart. But definitely go to school and learn as much as you can, and if wrestling is still what you want, find a good wrestling school and kind of learn as much information about it as you can. If I did it, this tiny thing, anyone can do it. ~ AJ Lee.
Best Wrestling Quotes
Wrestling’s a form of expression, and it expresses vastness. ~ John Darnielle.
Success isn’t always about greatness, it’s about consistency. ~ Dwayne Johnson (The Rock).
Being in this industry isn’t for everyone, that’s for sure. Wrestling consumes your whole life – for me that’s fine, it’s what I want, but for others not so much. ~ Tenille Dashwood.
Wrestling has been a way of life with me day in and day out. I won’t get too far away from it. I might walk through the wrestling room once a week. I could go every day if I wanted. But just walk through, make sure it’s still there. ~ Dan Gable.
What’s the key to success? The key is, there is no key. Be humble, hungry, and the hardest worker in any room. ~ Dwayne Johnson.

Wrestling is one of the last truly rebellious American things left. ~ Billy Corgan.
Professional wrestling is a beautiful yet cruel mistress. She will treat you well and treat you horribly, but outside of my family, it is my one true love. ~ Luke Harper.
Never wrestle with a strong man nor bring a rich man to court. ~ Latvian Proverb.
My advice to young wrestlers is that your surroundings really make a difference. You want to put yourself in good, positive surroundings. ~ Dan Gable.
Know your role and shut your mouth! ~ Dwayne Johnson.
Wrestling is not an action; it is a sport. ~ Anushka Sharma.
The only person that is going to tell you that you can’t do things in life are people who have failed. ~ Chris Jericho.
Popular Wrestling Quotes
Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. Give everything you got today for tomorrow may never come. ~ Dan Gable.
I’m not interested in being famous. I’m interested in doing my job and doing it well, and that’s wrestling, and that’s what I love. ~ AJ Lee.

I’m the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. ~ Bret Hart.
The best wrestling characters are an extension of your real-life personality, and I’ve always been a bit of an attention seeker. ~ Tenille Dashwood.
The most important thing about being in wrestling is that you have to connect with the crowd, connect with the fans, and you either want them to love you, or to hate you. Either way, so long as they’re reacting to what you’re doing. ~ Chris Jericho.
In order to become a wrestler, one should have the strength of a weight-lifter, the agility of an acrobat, the endurance of a runner, and the tactical mind of a chess master. ~ Alexander Medved.
They say I’m insane; I say thank you very much. ~ Rowdy Roddy Piper.
It’s so important just to be true to yourself and to own your own character and take responsibility for it, and speak up and say, ‘This isn’t right; this isn’t me.’ It’s a great lesson, not just in wrestling but in life. If you’re not feeling something that’s true to your heart – everybody’s gotta be true. ~ Becky Lynch.
It just goes to show, if you remain focused and you have a dream and you have a desire to do something, then no matter what gets in your way, you can never lose hope. It’s possible. ~ Rey Mysterio.

It’s kind of beating a dead horse if you’re talking about going out and saying wrestling’s fake. ~ Owen Hart.
I would say wrestling gives you confidence. It gives you strength. It helps you learn discipline, and to know that you have to love the process and respect the process, and if you just keep going, you can accomplish anything. ~ Alexa Bliss.
So these were the 112 quotes about Wrestling.
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