63 Inspiring Diana Ross Quotes from the American Singer

Diana Ross born Diane Earle on March 26, 1944 in Detroit Michigan rose to fame as the leader of ‘The Supremes’ a pop-soul vocal group she formed with friends in 1959.

Renamed from The Primettes The Supremes achieved 12 number-one hits with songs like “Baby Love” and “Stop! In the Name of Love.”

In 1970 Ross embarked on a successful solo career with hits spanning pop rhythm and blues (R&B) and disco.

Diana Ross Quotes

Her acting career also took off in the 1970s with notable films like “Lady Sings the Blues.”

Despite a wane in commercial success in the mid-1980s Ross remained a popular concert performer receiving prestigious awards like a Grammy for lifetime achievement in 2012 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016.

She is also the mother of actress Tracee Ellis Ross.

Here are some of the most famous quotes by Diana Ross.

Encouraging Diana Ross Quotes


If I have someone who believes in me, I can move mountains. ~ Diana Ross.


You see, I’ve never really studied acting. ~ Diana Ross.


One thing you cannot control is nature. ~ Diana Ross.

I want an autobiography without revealing any personal information. ~ Diana Ross.

I don’t think getting in and out of a limousine has anything to do with being an icon. ~ Diana Ross.


My life has often been described as ‘from rags to riches’ but in fact, the Ross’s were never raggedy. ~ Diana Ross.

I have a lust for life. I’m in love with trees. I love nature and I’m a people watcher. ~ Diana Ross.


I’m not afraid to say what I feel now . . . It’s taking a stand for yourself, not being a pushover. ~ Diana Ross.

Don’t call the doctor, don’t call ya mamma, don’t call the preacher; no, I don’t need it. ~ Diana Ross.

My family called me a wiggle tail because I was a little skinny, wiry kid full of energy. ~ Diana Ross.


I’m an icon, or a diva, or a soul sister, or a queen. Labels, I have never gotten into the label thing. ~ Diana Ross.

My father worked hard, but we were still very poor; and I didn’t want anybody arguing about money, so I became the entertainer, the one who wanted everyone to be happy. I didn’t want there to be any problems. ~ Diana Ross.


I was always lucky, and I knew it. ~ Diana Ross.

My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunities. ~ Diana Ross.

Best Diana Ross Quotes

You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself. ~ Diana Ross.


It takes a long time to get to be a diva. I mean, you gotta work at it. ~ Diana Ross.

I know that my fans want to know who I’m sleeping with, but it’s really none of their business. ~ Diana Ross.

It has always been, and still is, my intention to build a playground in Central Park. ~ Diana Ross.


No, nothing really upsets me. ~ Diana Ross.

I was brought up in this part of Detroit that they used to call the ghetto. ~ Diana Ross.

You can always tell where Diana Ross has been by the hair that’s left behind! ~ Diana Ross.

I am in prayer for his kids and the family. ~ Diana Ross.


Take a little time out of your busy day to give encouragement to someone who’s lost their way. ~ Diana Ross.

I have always felt its important to stay present. To stay in the moment. To stay now. I never try to think about legacy and being remembered. ~ Diana Ross.

Top Diana Ross Quotes

I try to choose the songs that really are basically coming from my heart. I think that through the songs that I select, people know what’s going on in my life. ~ Diana Ross.

I majored in fashion design in school, and I have always wanted to design my own line of clothing, jewelry, and stuff like that; so this was just a step for me in that direction. ~ Diana Ross.


My children come first and the career comes in around that. ~ Diana Ross.

With the Supremes I made so much money so fast all I wanted to do was buy clothes and pretty things. Now I’m comfortable with money and it’s comfortable with me. ~ Diana Ross.

If I’m with a man I’m soft and buttery. ~ Diana Ross.


I even thought of adopting a child as a single mother. ~ Diana Ross.

I learned something from that. If someone asks me something that I really don’t want to do, I say no. I have to trust that. And I’m not afraid to talk money. ~ Diana Ross.

I listen to most everything that’s out there because I need to stay aware of what’s happening in the industry. ~ Diana Ross.

Popular Diana Ross Quotes

When we first began, we didn’t have any hits. ~ Diana Ross.


Being a parent is very important to me. ~ Diana Ross.

I don’t know what I feel about wearing my furs anymore. I worked so hard to have a fur coat, and I don’t want to wear it anymore because I’m so wrapped up in the animals. I have real deep thoughts about it because I care about the world and nature. ~ Diana Ross.

I really, deeply believe that dreams do come true. Often, they might not come when you want them. They come in their own time. ~ Diana Ross.

Criticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I don’t hold on to that. ~ Diana Ross.


I don’t like to have too many makeup artists around, so I always like to do my own. ~ Diana Ross.

I think a responsibility comes with notoriety, but I never think of it as power. It’s more like something you hold, like grains of sand. If you keep your hand closed, you can have it and possess it, but if you open your fingers in any way, you can lose it just as quickly. ~ Diana Ross.

You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself. ~ Diana Ross.

I keep a great organizer, I try to keep my priorities in the right place. ~ Diana Ross.

I think that if my voice for some reason changes – because your voice does change – then it’s time for me not to sing. ~ Diana Ross.

I look forward to the future – and going into the studio to make new music. ~ Diana Ross.


I can be a better me than anyone can. ~ Diana Ross.

So I’m not worried about the emotions I carry with me, because I’m happy that I have them; I think it’s good for the work I do. The emotions that are not healthy are the ones you hold inside, like anger. ~ Diana Ross.

Famous Diana Ross Quotes

Instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years and try to look at what I need to do now in order to get there then. ~ Diana Ross.

The first time I heard a Billie Holiday record, I thought, ‘What’s so great about Billie Holiday?’ ~ Diana Ross.

I just appreciate still having the longevity that I’ve had in my career. ~ Diana Ross.

I’m not really a songwriter – I’m an interpreter. So in a sense I am an actress first and foremost. I act out the songs, and I lead with my heart. ~ Diana Ross.


Most people are so hard to please that if they met God, they’d probably say yes, she’s great, but… ~ Diana Ross.

I’d traveled a lot, was going temporarily insane and became very successful, but there was no one to take that all home to. ~ Diana Ross.

If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die. Dreams see us through to forever. Where clouds roll by for you and I. ~ Diana Ross.

Inspiring Diana Ross Quotes

They tell me that it will be hard to find a man strong enough to love my own strength and independence, and not worry about being Mr. Diana Ross, but I disagree. I know absolutely that that man is somewhere out there. ~ Diana Ross.


I don’t have to sit around and wait for the next movie to come along, I can go out and sing. ~ Diana Ross.

I don’t judge people by their sexual orientation or the color of their skin, so I find it really hard to identify someone by saying that they’re a gay person or a black person or a Jewish person. ~ Diana Ross.

I have three girls, and I say the same thing to them. I’m not involved in their careers because I’ve learned that it’s important for them to stand on their own two feet. They’ll feel better and prouder of themselves if they do. ~ Diana Ross.

I’m a parent, and I try to take care of my health and keep my life in order. In the last few years I’ve really had to decide what’s important to me, and it seems to me that my family and my health are top on the list. And those have nothing to do with show business. ~ Diana Ross.


Hair has always been important. ~ Diana Ross.

Either black people end up being the best in sports, or else it’s show business. You know, we all got rhythm. ~ Diana Ross.

A reporter once asked me if I ever cried. I wonder if people think I’m just as hard as a rock and have no emotions at all. ~ Diana Ross.

Discipline is a necessary tool to help you get what you want in life. It forces you to stay on center and to move away from the things that are not necessary. ~ Diana Ross.

So these were the top 63 Diana Ross quotes on music, love and life.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Rudy Francisco quotes and Mark Nepo quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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