41 Best Herb Brooks Quotes from the Ice USA Olympics Pro

Herb Brooks was an ice hockey player and coach from the United States.

Best Herb Brooks Quotes


Play your game. ~ Herb Brooks.

Great moments are born from great opportunities. ~ Herb Brooks.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. ~ Herb Brooks.

Maybe I’m sort of like the players – there’s still a lot of little boy in me. ~ Herb Brooks.

My recruiting key – I looked for people first, athletes second. ~ Herb Brooks.

And maybe I’m a little smarter now than I was before for all the stupid things I’ve done. ~ Herb Brooks.

If you give 99 percent, you will make my job very easy. ~ Herb Brooks.

You can’t be common; the common man goes nowhere; you have to be uncommon. ~ Herb Brooks.

Prepare to grow through pain. ~ Herb Brooks.

You don’t have enough talent to win on talent alone. ~ Herb Brooks.

This is your time. Their time is done. It’s over. I’m sick and tired of hearing about what a great hockey team the Soviets have. This is your time. Now go out there and take it! ~ Herb Brooks.

Let me start with issuing you a challenge: Be better than you are. Set a goal that seems unattainable, and when you reach that goal, set another one even higher. ~ Herb Brooks.

You were born to be a player. You were meant to be here. This is your time. Now get out there and take it. ~ Herb Brooks.

Many want to win, but how many prepare? That is a big difference. A sound value system held water then, holds water today, and will hold water in the future. ~ Herb Brooks.

Famous Herb Brooks Quotes

I’m a dreamer. ~ Herb Brooks.

A group of remarkable young men gave the nation what it needed most: a chance, for one night, not only to dream but a chance, once again, to believe. ~ Herb Brooks.

You’re playing worse every day, and right now, you’re playing like it’s next month. ~ Herb Brooks.

You win with people, not with talent. So the quality of the people is very important in building your team. ~ Herb Brooks.

What is courage? Let me tell you what I think it is. An indefinable quality that makes a man put out that extra something when it seems there is nothing else to give. ~ Herb Brooks.

Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players. Every one of you. And you were meant to be here tonight. ~ Herb Brooks.

Great Herb Brooks Quotes

You must have goals in your life, or otherwise be prepared to be used by those who do have them. ~ Herb Brooks.

The name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back. ~ Herb Brooks.


Win, lose, or tie, you’re gonna play like champions! ~ Herb Brooks.

I learned early on that you do not put greatness into people…but somehow try to pull it out. ~ Herb Brooks.

You were born to be hockey players. Every one of you. And you were meant to be here tonight. ~ Herb Brooks.

When you pull on that jersey, you represent yourself and your teammates, and the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back. Get that through your head! ~ Herb Brooks.

Inspiring Herb Brooks Quotes

Write your own book instead of reading someone else’s book about success. ~ Herb Brooks.

Everything goes in cycles, to a degree. ~ Herb Brooks.

You’re playing worse everyday and right now you’re playing like it’s next month. ~ Herb Brooks.

You win with people, not with talent. So the quality of the people is very important in building your team. I always looked for people with a solid value system. Then I recruited kids from a cross-section of different personalities, talents, and styles of play. ~ Herb Brooks.

We should be dreaming. We grew up as kids having dreams, but now we’re too sophisticated as adults, as a nation. We stopped dreaming. We should always have dreams. ~ Herb Brooks.

Legs feed the wolf. ~ Herb Brooks.

Motivational Herb Brooks Quotes

Risk something or forever sit with your dreams. ~ Herb Brooks.

Every single one of those players was chosen for a specific reason. I’ve seen them, I’ve watched them, and I coached a lot of them. ~ Herb Brooks.

Success is won by those who believe in winning and then prepare for that moment. ~ Herb Brooks.

You know, Willie Wonka said it best: we are the makers of dreams, the dreamers of dreams. ~ Herb Brooks.

I wanted people with a sound value system as you cannot buy values. You’re only as good as your values. ~ Herb Brooks.

Inspirational Herb Brooks Quotes

If we play ’em 10 times, they might win nine, but not this game. ~ Herb Brooks.

We need to look at what Europe is doing to get better and try to get better ourselves. We need to make some changes and that can only be good for the game. Tolstoy once said, ‘Everybody wants to change the world, but they don’t want to change themselves.’ So we all have to change our thinking and focus on getting our kids better. ~ Herb Brooks.


This is your moment. You’re meant to be here. ~ Herb Brooks.

If I’d have went on the ice when this thing happened, someone would have speared me or something. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment and pride. They had to do it; it was their moment. ~ Herb Brooks.

So these were the 41 top Herb Brooks quotes on winning, ice hockey and success.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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