70 Best I Miss You Quotes for Him or Her [Romantic Love]

The absence of a loved one can trigger an upsurge of emotions, frequently leading to feelings of melancholy and loneliness.

When you are separated from your partner, your mind may become a playground of thoughts conjuring up scenarios that have no basis in reality.

This is especially true for individuals navigating the turbulent seas of a long-distance relationship which has its own set of problems.

Despite these difficulties, communication shines as a beacon of hope. The physical gap may be bridged by expressing your emotions, sharing your ideas and recognizing the hole their absence causes.

It’s a sensitive acknowledgement of how much you miss them, a reaffirmation of your friendship.

We’ve compiled a unique selection of “I miss you” quotes to keep the romance alive in your relationship.

These quotes capture the desire and love that is frequently amplified by distance.

You may keep the flames of your romance shining brightly by sharing these phrases with your faraway companion assuring its survival despite the miles between you.

Let these words to serve as an evidence to your enduring love, a promise of your commitment and a bridge that connects your hearts regardless of physical distance.

Best I Miss You Quotes


I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly. ~ Franz Kafka.


Missing you comes in waves. Tonight, I’m drowning. ~ Chris Young.

To say I miss you is an understatement. ~ Unknown.

I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you. ~ Unknown.

Some days the memories still knock the wind out of me. ~ Unknown.

Whenever I miss you, I look at my heart. Because it’s the only place I can find you. ~ Unknown.

If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever. ~ Unknown.

I just… I just miss him. And hate being so alone. Does he miss me? He must. ~ Suzanne Collins.

Each night, I put my head to my pillow. I try to tell myself I’m strong because I’ve gone one more day without you. ~ Unknown.

We only part to meet again. ~John Gay.

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Deep I Miss You Quotes

I really do miss you. What can I say, life is so boring without you. ~ Unknown.

I miss you as soon as I wake up. I miss you when I’m about to sleep. I wish you were always here next to me. ~ Unknown.

Hell is loving you in my sleep and waking up alone. ~ Unknown.

Missing someone is not about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you have talked…it is about that very moment when you are doing something and wishing they were there with you. ~ Unknown.

Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love. ~ Munia Khan.

I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to. ~ William in (A Knight’s Tale).

When you are missing someone, time seems to move slower, and when I’m falling in love with someone, time seems to be moving faster. ~ Taylor Swift.


I will continue loving and missing you until the end of time. ~ Unknown.

MISSING someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is. ~ Unknown.

Beautiful I Miss You Quotes

I hide my tears when I say your name but pain in my heart is still the name. Although I smile and seem carefree, who misses you more than me. ~ Unknown.

I’m still missing you. Well I guess that I have, I guess that I have never really had you. ~ Tegan Quin.

Even if I spend the whole day with you, I will miss you the second you leave. ~ Unknown.

There’s solace in the thought that I will never finish missing her. ~ Jim Crace.

I think part of me doesn’t want to remember him, for fear of missing him too much. ~ Francesca Marciano.


My eyes await your return. Please come back soon. I miss you baby! ~ Unknown.

I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart. ~ Terri Guillemets.

The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. ~ Unknown.

I’ve missed you every single day we weren’t together since the moment I met you. ~ Colleen Hoover.

Sad I Miss You Quotes

A thousand words couldn’t bring you back… I know this because I tried, neither could a thousand tears… I know this because I cried, you left behind a broken heart and happy memories too… but I never wanted memories.. I only wanted you. ~ Unknown.

Even though we are miles apart, you are still a very important part of who I am. ~ Unknown.


My heart never knew loneliness until you went away. I’m missing you. ~ Unknown.

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ~ Claudia Adrienne Grandi.

I miss everything about you, Can’t believe that I still want you and after all the things we’ve been through. ~ Colbie Caillat.

I knew that looking back on the tears would make me laugh but I never knew that looking back on the laughs would bring tears. ~ Unknown.

I think about you now and then about all the mornings that could have been. ~ Atticus.

Missing you is like walking around without my heart. I feel this way because my heart is still with you. ~ Unknown.

Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life. ~ Unknown.


When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you. ~ Unknown.

Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too. ~ Unknown.

Within you I lose myself… Without you I find myself, wanting to be lost again. ~ Unknown.

Famous I Miss You Quotes

No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart. ~ Anthony T. Hincks.

When I miss you, I read some of our old conversations and I ended up with a big, silly smile on my face. ~ Unknown.

Nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it. ~ Unknown.

I might not always show it or tell you, but I miss you like crazy when you are not here. ~ Unknown.


If I miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you. ~ Gemma Troy.

When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart, days feel like years. ~ Unknown.

You don’t have to be a thousand miles from me for me to miss you. ~ Unknown.

Even though I miss you so much, it comforts me to know that we are at least both under the same sky. ~ Unknown.

I will only stop missing you when I am with you. ~ Unknown.

He kisses me like he misses me, even before I have to go. ~ C.J. Carlyon.

My first thought in the morning is always you. ~ Unknown.

I can’t sleep; everything I ever knew is a lie without you. I can’t breathe when my heart is broke in two, there’s no beat without you. You are not gone, but you are not here. At least that’s the way it seems. Missing you isn’t the hardest part. Knowing that I once had you is. ~ Unknown.


I feel bad when you miss me, I feel sad when you don’t. ~ Unknown.

No matter how bad things got between us I still miss you and wish nothing but the best for you. ~ Unknown.

A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I’m missing you. ~ Beth Obedoza.

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you. ~ Unknown.

You may not always be here at my side, but you are always right here in my heart. I miss you. ~ Unknown.

I never want to miss a day without you. ~ Maria Koszler.

I think a part of me will always be waiting for you. ~ Unknown.

Top I Miss You Quotes

The scary thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you. ~ Nicolas Sparks.

You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there. ~ Unknown.

You have no idea of the amount of happiness you brought into my life. ~ Unknown.


I only miss you when I’m breathing. ~ Jason Derulo.

I miss you… a little too often, a little too much.. and a little bit more.. every day. ~ Unknown.

I miss you every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day. ~ Shanece.

We’ll meet again, but you’re a lifetime away, and I need you now. ~ Karen Quan.

Instagram Captions for I Miss You

I think about you all the time.

I wish you were here.

I can feel your breath on my neck.

I can’t stop thinking about you.

When will I see you again?

I can’t wait to be with you again.

I see you everywhere around me.

I’m counting the days by minutes.

So these were the 70 top quotes about ‘I Miss You’.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Best Friend quotes and Sibling Love quotes.


Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

I love sharing inspirational quotes and motivational content to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #motivation #internetpillar