75 Mario Benedetti Quotes from Uruguayan Journalist and Poet

Mario Benedetti was a famous writer known for his short stories and novels that depicted the middle-class life in Uruguay.

He was brought up in a wealthy family and received a good education.

His literary career began with poetry but he soon shifted to writing short stories and novels.

His most famous works include “Montevideanos” “La tregua” and “El cumpleaños de Juan Angel.”

Mario benedetti Quotes

Although he was a popular writer in Uruguay and Latin America he faced tough competition from other Latin American authors.

Benedetti was also known for his political stance supporting Castro’s regime in Cuba where he lived for some time.

Along with his stories and novels, he also wrote plays essays and poetry.

Some of his stories were translated into English in the collection “Blood Pact and Other Stories.”

Below is a best collection of quotes by Mario Benedetti.

Top 10 Mario Benedetti Quotes


The butterfly will remember forever that it was a worm. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Don’t tempt me, because if we tempt ourselves we can’t go back. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Your eyes are my spell against the bad day. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Love is a word, a bit of utopia. ~ Mario Benedetti.


When I have worries, fears or a love affair, I have the luck of being able to transform it into a poem. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Feelings are innocent like white arms. ~ Mario Benedetti.


There are few things as deafening as silence. ~ Mario Benedetti.


The butterfly never forgets that it was once a caterpillar. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Perfection is a polished collection of errors. ~ Mario Benedetti.


A confession: solitude no longer hurt me. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Famous Mario Benedetti Quotes


An intellectual’s weapon is writing, but sometimes people react as if it were a firearm. A writer can do a lot to change the situation, but as far as I know, no dictatorship has fallen because of a sonnet. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Uncertainty is a daisy whose petals are never finished with dewatering. ~ Mario Benedetti.

I do not write for the reader to come, but for him who is here, short of reading the text on my shoulder. ~ Mario Benedetti.


That the world and I really love you, but I always a little more than the world. ~ Mario Benedetti.

I think the only positive thing that came from Uruguay’s dictatorship was the spread of Montevideo natives around the world, and I continued writing about them from my various places of exile. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Generosity is the only legitimate selfishness. ~ Mario Benedetti.

You do not know how I value your simple courage to love me. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Best Mario Benedetti Quotes


When hatred is on the loose, one loves in self-defence. ~ Mario Benedetti.

It is almost time for me to begin to dedicate my insomnia to you. ~ Mario Benedetti.


I like looking at everything from far away, except you. ~ Mario Benedetti.


What wonderful insomnia if it’s your body that’s keeping me awake. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Just when we think we have all the answers, all the questions change. ~ Mario Benedetti.

A river of sadness flows through my veins, but I have forgotten to weep. ~ Mario Benedetti.


I never thought happiness would be so sad. ~ Mario Benedetti.

We are born sad and we die sad, but meanwhile we love bodies whose sad beauty is a miracle. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Popular Mario Benedetti Quotes

I need not fall into the remote risk of needing you. ~ Mario Benedetti.


In life you have to avoid three geometric figures – vicious circles, love triangles and square minds. ~ Mario Benedetti.

The real influence on my work was reality, that of my country and Latin America in general. ~ Mario Benedetti.

My first two books did nada. I ended up paying the publishers. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Who would tell you that the truly weak people never give in. ~ Mario Benedetti.

After all Death is a Symbol that there was Life. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Great Mario Benedetti Quotes


I do not know your name, I only know the look with which you tell me. ~ Mario Benedetti.


We all need an accomplice, someone to help us use the heart. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Reality is a bundle of problems about which nobody claims copyright. ~ Mario Benedetti.

In the end, death is just a symptom of having lived. ~ Mario Benedetti.


I never thought that in happiness there would be so much sadness. ~ Mario Benedetti.

It is clear that the best thing is not the caress itself, but its continuation. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Five minutes is enough to dream a whole life, that’s how relative time is. ~ Mario Benedetti.

A lawyer with a wallet can steal more than a thousand armed men. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Mario Benedetti Quotes in Spanish

Después de todo la muerte es sólo un síntoma de que hubo vida. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Cuántas palabras, sólo para decir que no quiero parecer patético. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Porque hay una cosa que es cierta y es que la quiero. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Algunas cosas del pasado desaparecieron pero otras abren una brecha al futuro y son las que quiero rescatar. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Más que sus ojos, su mirada. Miraba como queriendo decir algo y no diciéndolo. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Debe ser una regla general que los solitarios no simpaticemos ¿O será que sencillamente, somos antipáticos? ~ Mario Benedetti.


Se es o no se es, no importa el día. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Francamente, no sé si creo en Dios. A veces imagino que, en el caso de que Dios exista, no habría de disgustarle esta duda. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Posiblemente me quisiera, vaya uno a saberlo, pero lo cierto es que tenía una habilidad especial para herirme. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Si alguna vez me suicido, será en domingo. Es el día más desalentador, el más insulso. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Qué buen insomnio si me desvelo sobre tu cuerpo. ~ Mario Benedetti.

que el dolor no me apague la rabia, que la alegría no desarme mi amor. ~ Mario Benedetti.


A veces me siento desdichada, nada más que de no saber qué es lo que estoy echando de menos. ~ Mario Benedetti.

No hay que prometer nada porque las promesas son horribles ataduras, y cuando uno se siente amarrado tiende a liberarse, eso es fatal. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Ella me daba la mano y no hacía falta más. Me alcanzaba para sentir que era bien acogido. Más que besarla, más que acostarnos juntos, más que ninguna otra cosa, ella me daba la mano y eso era amor. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Lo qué uno quiere de verdad, es lo que está hecho para uno; entonces hay que tomarlo, o intentar: En eso se te puede ir la Vida, pero es una vida mucho mejor… ~ Mario Benedetti.


Sigue llenando éste minuto de razones para respirar. ~ Mario Benedetti.

La seguridad de saberme capaz para algo mejor, me puso en las manos la postergación, que al fin de cuentas es un arma terrible y suicida. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Me aburrí de mí mismo, de mi propia paciencia. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Cada vez que te enamores no expliques a nadie nada, deja que el amor te invada sin entrar en pormenores. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Sus labios eran una caricia necesaria, cómo podía haber vivido hasta ahora sin ellos. ~ Mario Benedetti.


El Olvido está lleno de Memoria. ~ Mario Benedetti.

qué bueno que tengas el valor de ser distinto y no sucumbas al poder unánime. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Tengo la horrible sensación de que pasa el tiempo y no hago nada y nada acontece, y nada me conmueve hasta la raíz. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Así estamos, cada uno en su orilla, sin odiarnos, sin amarnos, ajenos. ~ Mario Benedetti.


Que te quede bien claro. Donde acaba tu boca, ahí empieza la mía. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Cómo la necesito. Dios había sido mi más importante carencia. Pero a ella la necesito más que a Dios. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Es tan lindo saber que Usted existe. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Pedir perdón es humillante y no arregla nada. La solución no es pedir perdón, sino evitar los estallidos que hacen obligatorias las excusas. ~ Mario Benedetti.

Contigo no tengo necesidad de vivir a la defensiva. Me siento feliz. ~ Mario Benedetti.

So these were the 75 popular quotes about Mario Benedetti.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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