100 Best Ringo Starr Quotes about Life, Love and Peace

Ringo Starr, born Richard Starkey, rose from a challenging childhood in Liverpool, England, to become the iconic drummer of The Beatles.

Despite suffering from multiple health complications, his tenacity saw him become a self-taught drummer, earning recognition for his unique style influenced by his left-handedness.

In 1962, he joined The Beatles, replacing Pete Best, his steady drumming and affable personality playing a pivotal role in shaping the band’s image and musical style.


Starr not only contributed with his drumming skills but also occasionally stepped in as a vocalist.

His phrase ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ famously became the title of The Beatles’ first movie.

After The Beatles disbanded, Starr enjoyed a successful solo career, forming the All-Starr Band and even venturing into acting.

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His drumming style revolutionized the perception of drummers in popular music. Despite his fame, Starr remained committed to charitable causes, particularly those addressing special needs.

Today, he divides his time between his residences in England, Switzerland and Los Angeles.

I have shortlisted the most famous quotes from Ringo Starr for you.

Best Ringo Starr Quotes


I’m not sleeping with all the women I appear with. ~ Ringo Starr.


Take a dose of rock and roll, and wash it down with cool clear soul. ~ Ringo Starr.


We thought we’d be really big in Liverpool. ~ Ringo Starr.

Well, I’m getting happier all the time, which is very nice. ~ Ringo Starr.

I don’t feel old and I don’t think I look my age. It doesn’t worry me. ~ Ringo Starr.


I like playing with a live band and I’ve got my act and we’re fine. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m like everyone else, on the stage it’s good. Not too much fun in the hotel or the airplane or the bus, but you got to do it. ~ Ringo Starr.

I feel as though that was someone else playing. I was possessed! ~ Ringo Starr.

America: It’s like Britain, only with buttons. ~ Ringo Starr.


Everything government touches turns to crap. ~ Ringo Starr.

It all comes down to who you crucify, you either kiss the past or future good-bye. ~ Ringo Starr.

Last night I had a peace dream… ~ Ringo Starr.

Roy Orbison was the only act that The Beatles didn’t want to follow. ~ Ringo Starr.


I made all my mistakes playing with people. ~ Ringo Starr.

I want to deal with what’s in front of me now to the best of my abilities, and sometimes that’s not very good. But a lot of the days it is really great. ~ Ringo Starr.

I mean, women are very important to me. I don’t know, they just drive me crazy. ~ Ringo Starr.

The Beatles were just four guys that loved each other. That’s all they’ll ever be. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m warning you with peace and love I have too much to do. So no more fan mail. Thank you, thank you. And no objects to be signed, nothing. Peace and love, peace and love. ~ Ringo Starr.

I never studied anything, really. I didn’t study the drums. I joined bands and made all the mistakes onstage. ~ Ringo Starr.


I love the modern technology now. ~ Ringo Starr.

I mean, I was born the day war broke out, but I don’t remember all the bombs though they did actually break up Liverpool, you know. I remember when I was a little older, there was big gaps in all the streets where houses used to be. We used to play over them. ~ Ringo Starr.

Top Ringo Starr Quotes

Of course I’m ambitious. What’s wrong with that? Otherwise you sleep all day. ~ Ringo Starr.

Believe me, I wish this song was yours instead of mine. ~ Ringo Starr.

The White Album is important to me for different reasons. One – I had left the band on the White Album. ~ Ringo Starr.


I’ve never had any big ideas about being the solo. ~ Ringo Starr.

We’d get in the car and I’d look over at John and say ‘Christ. Look at you. You’re a bloody phenomenon!’ and just laugh because it was only him. ~ Ringo Starr.

I like Beethoven, especially the poems. ~ Ringo Starr.

I love being in a band. I love playing with other human beings. I’ve never practiced drums unless there was another human being in the room. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m nervous ahead of every gig. I feel like running away three seconds before I’m due on stage. But I’m all right as soon as I get the mic in my hand. ~ Ringo Starr.


I’d like to end up sort of unforgettable. ~ Ringo Starr.

I hope the fans will take up meditation instead of drugs. ~ Ringo Starr.

Gene Autry was the most. It may sound like a joke – Go and have a look in my bedroom, It’s covered with Gene Autry posters. He was my first musical influence. ~ Ringo Starr.

When I was thirteen I only wanted to be a drummer. ~ Ringo Starr.

From 13, I wanted to play drums. I wanted to play with good people and I’m still doing it. I still love it so that’s why I do it. ~ Ringo Starr.


Wake up meat head, don’t pretend that you are dead. ~ Ringo Starr.

My occupation is syncopation. But, every time, my syncopation is different, because I can never play the same fill twice. I just can’t, never have been able to. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m always good for starting a bit of a tune and the first verse, but after that I just can never go anywhere. It takes me years, that’s why I’m so slow. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’ve always felt that a space is as good as a fill. ~ Ringo Starr.

I don’t like talking. It’s how I’m built. Some people gab all day and some play it smogo. I don’t mind talking or smiling, it’s just I don’t do it very much. I haven’t got a smiling face or a talking mouth. ~ Ringo Starr.


That’s all drugs and alcohol do, they cut off your emotions in the end. ~ Ringo Starr.

I used to wear different rings when I first got called Ringo in about 19, about, umm, ’59 I got called Ringo. ~ Ringo Starr.

I don’t particularly like messages, because everybody takes whatever they take from whatever. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’ve never really done anything to create what has happened. It creates itself. I’m here because it happened. But I didn’t do anything to make it happen apart from saying ‘Yes’. ~ Ringo Starr.

The second side of Abbey Road is my favorite. ~ Ringo Starr.


You either kiss the future or the past goodbye. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’ve said this over and over again, but I love being in a band. ~ Ringo Starr.

If you could play, I’d play with you all night. But if I’m just playing by myself, it gets boring pretty quick. ~ Ringo Starr.

Books are good. ~ Ringo Starr.

I am the best rock drummer on the planet. ~ Ringo Starr.

People only look at me as a Beatle but my friends look at me as a whole person. That’s how life works, but it’s not bugging me anymore. ~ Ringo Starr.


I get on with kids and I feel that’s because I am one. ~ Ringo Starr.

You know, we can’t go on forever as four clean little mop tops, playing She Loves You. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m a musician and I’m really blessed, because in my life if I can hold the sticks, I can play. ~ Ringo Starr.

Famous Ringo Starr Quotes

The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is you never get to take your pants off. ~ Ringo Starr.

I was in George Martin’s studio in Amsterdam and he was telling me, ‘They come in here and it takes them three days to do a bass line.’ Well I’m not from that era. ~ Ringo Starr.


People in Liverpool don’t move very far, you know. ~ Ringo Starr.

I think we should have understanding and love and peace. I mean, peace and love has been my situation. You hear that in the song. I’m trying to promote that now: peace and love and understanding. ~ Ringo Starr.

They said do what you want, because if we don’t like it, no-one will hear it. ~ Ringo Starr.

If you made a record, I’d probably pick out tracks that I like and download that. That’s just how it is. ~ Ringo Starr.


I don’t talk about myself in the third person, and I laugh at people who do. ~ Ringo Starr.

I couldn’t put my finger on one reason why we broke up. It was time, and we were spreading out. They were spreading out more than I was. I would’ve stayed with the band. ~ Ringo Starr.

I used to write songs and I’d present it to the boys, and they would be rolling on the floor laughing, because I’d just rewritten another song and hadn’t noticed it! ~ Ringo Starr.

Powerful Ringo Starr Quotes

No, no, no, I don’t snort no more, I’m tired of waking up on the floor. No thank you please, it only makes me sneeze, then it makes it hard to find the door. ~ Ringo Starr.

Being in The Beatles was a short, incredible period of my life. I had 22 years leading up to it, and it was all over eight years later. ~ Ringo Starr.


I’m not going to say anything because nobody believes me when I do. ~ Ringo Starr.

I know when I feel good when I play. There’s a closeness with musicians you only get from playing live, even in the studio it’s still playing live. For me, it’s what expands my soul. ~ Ringo Starr.

So this is America. They must be out of their minds. ~ Ringo Starr.

They paint you red before they sacrifice you. It’s a different religion from ours – I think. ~ Ringo Starr.

I learned to knit in hospital. They give you stuff to do to keep you busy because you’re so ill. ~ Ringo Starr.

At the end of the day, I can end up just totally wacky, because I’ve made mountains out of molehills. With meditation, I can keep them as molehills. ~ Ringo Starr.


You’re like the devil with horns in your head, the only way I’ll get you is to get you in bed. ~ Ringo Starr.

Gaps can be very emotional. I mean, that’s in my drumming. When I drum, you know, I don’t need to drum all over the track. I play with the singer and I can back off. ~ Ringo Starr.

Inspirational Ringo Starr Quotes

I don’t collect any memorabilia. I wish I’d have kept everything I had. But who knew you had to keep it. Just gave it away. And we lost so much and we didn’t look after a lot of it. ~ Ringo Starr.

The drummer’s always going to be there. They’re the floor of the whole deal and everyone can stand up on you. ~ Ringo Starr.


I didn’t play drums to make money. I played drums because I loved them. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m the greatest in this world. ~ Ringo Starr.

When you’re in a band – before it got to grunge – you dressed the bit. So yeah, I’ve always had an attitude with the clothes. ~ Ringo Starr.

I hate click tracks. A lot of people I know like to use click tracks. Like my son is perfect on the click tracks. It makes me too edgy. ~ Ringo Starr.

A lot of the players I’m with, thank God, we’re all still vertical. We’ve lost so many great players through the years, and we’re still standing, as Elton John says. ~ Ringo Starr.

Drumming is my middle name. ~ Ringo Starr.

I think I’m more prolific in the songwriting. ~ Ringo Starr.


Beatles, women and children first! ~ Ringo Starr.

We will miss George for his sense of love, his sense of music and his sense of laughter. ~ Ringo Starr.

I was the new boy. It was like joining a new class at school where everybody knows everybody else but me. ~ Ringo Starr.

The kids are interested in the music of them. They’re not interested in mop-tops and Beatle boots and crazy suits. It’s all down to the music now – that’s what they hear, and that’s what they love. ~ Ringo Starr.

Ten years from now, it’ll all be the blues because that’s the only speed I’ll be able to play. ~ Ringo Starr.

Inspiring Ringo Starr Quotes

I’ve never broken a bone in my life, or in my body. ~ Ringo Starr.


I’ve never gone to the bedroom when I was starting out and practiced away. ~ Ringo Starr.

I hate click tracks. I’m too busy in the click track to feel my own heart rhythm, my own soul beat. ~ Ringo Starr.

The main thing is not to be afraid of that, to get to a place where you’ll go gracefully, not screaming and kicking up a fuss. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’d like to be in a man band, but with Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and Keith Richards. We’d have a rocky edge. ~ Ringo Starr.

I feel the older I get, the more I’m learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it’s all about finding yourself. ~ Ringo Starr.


I am truly grateful. I’m a grateful human being. ~ Ringo Starr.

I am a big Beatles fan. And, you know, unbeknownst to anyone, I used to be one. But I have no problems of putting titles and lines from other songs in my songs, because they’re great lines and great titles. ~ Ringo Starr.

I’m on my feet and I’m doing what I love to do, and I’m in a profession, as a musician, where we can go on for as long as we can go on. ~ Ringo Starr.

So these were the 97 top Ringo Starr quotes about Life, Love, Music, Drumming and Peace.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Eddie Vedder quotes and Nellie Bly quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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