Death of a Salesman is one of the most well-known and significant plays in American theatre history.
The tragic portrayal of the American dream gone awry in the play is heartbreaking.

It examines the human condition and the extremes people will go to in search of meaning in their life.
I have made a list of the best quotes from the Death of a Salesman book.
Best Death of a Salesman Quotes by Arthur Miller

Pop! I’m a dime a dozen, and so are you. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).

Sure, in the front there you’re in the middle of all kinds a noise. Whenever you got a party, Mr. Loman, you just tell me and I’ll put you back here. ~ Stanley (Death Of A Salesman).

The jungle is dark but full of diamonds, Willy. ~ (Death Of A Salesman).

Where is he? I’ll whip him, I’ll whip him! ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).

Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).

Never fight fair with a stranger, boy. You’ll never get out of the jungle that way. ~ Ben (Death Of A Salesman).
He’s not the finest character that ever lived. But he’s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).

Why, boys, when I was seventeen I walked into the jungle, and when I was twenty-one I walked out. And by God I was rich. ~ Ben (Death Of A Salesman).
That’s just what I mean, Bernard can get the best marks in school, y’understand, but when he gets out in the business world, y’understand, you are going to be five times ahead of him. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).
Also read: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Quotes by Roald Dahl and The Lorax Quotes by Dr. Seuss.
Famous Death of a Salesman Quotes by Arthur Miller
Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be? What am I doing in an office, making a contemptuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am! ~ Biff (Death Of A Salesman).

I’ve got to get some seeds. I’ve got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing’s planted. I don’t have a thing in the ground. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).
He works for a company thirty-six years this March, opens up unheard-of territories to their trademark, and now in his old age they take his salary away. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).

Biff, dear, if you don’t have any feeling for him, then you can’t have any feeling for me. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).
I was fired, and I’m looking for a little good news to tell your mother, because the woman has waited and the woman has suffered. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).

I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been. ~ (Death Of A Salesman).
Top Death of a Salesman Quotes by Arthur Miller
To suffer fifty weeks of the year for the sake of a two-week vacation, when all you really desire is to be outdoors, with your shirt off. ~ (Death Of A Salesman).

I don’t know what the future is. I don’t know-what I’m supposed to want. ~ (Death Of A Salesman).
He’s not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog. Attention, attention must be finally paid to such a person. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).
A man is not a bird, to come and go with the springtime. ~ (Death Of A Salesman).

What a woman! They broke the mould when they made her. ~ (Death Of A Salesman).
What am I doing in an office, making a contemptuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am! ~ Biff (Death Of A Salesman).

Funny, y’know? After all the highways, and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).
Ah, it’s a dog’s life. I only wish during the war they’d a took me in the Army. I coulda been dead by now. ~ Stanley (Death Of A Salesman).

They don’t need me in New York. I’m the New England man. I’m vital in New England. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).
Cause I get so lonely – especially when business is bad and there’s nobody to talk to. I get the feeling that I’ll never sell anything again, that I won’t make a living for you, or a business, a business for the boys. ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).
Popular Death of a Salesman Quotes by Arthur Miller

I know, dear, I know. But he likes to have a letter. Just to know that there’s still a possibility for better things. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).
The only thing you got in this world is what you can sell. And the funny thing is that you’re a salesman, and you don’t know that. ~ Charley (Death Of A Salesman).

I don’t say he’s a great man. Willy Loman never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).
You can’t eat the orange and throw the peel away – a man is not a piece of fruit! ~ Willy (Death Of A Salesman).
Then make Charley your father, Biff. You can’t do that, can you? ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).

A small man can be just as exhausted as a great man. ~ Linda (Death Of A Salesman).
Hap, he’s got to understand that I’m not the man somebody lends that kind of money to. He thinks I’ve been spiting him all these years and it’s eating him up. ~ Biff (Death Of A Salesman).

So these were the 32 top Death of a Salesman quotes by Arthur Miller.
If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other articles on Who Moved My Cheese book quotes and The Perks of Being a Wallflower book quotes.