53 V for Vendetta Quotes by Alan Moore

In the novel ‘V for Vendetta’, the future is depicted as the British government has evolved into a totalitarian regime.


Here are some amazing quotes from the book.

V for Vendetta Quotes by Alan Moore


Happiness is the most insidious prison of all. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Remember, remember the fifth of November of gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


The ending is nearer than you think, and it is already written. All that we have left to choose is the correct moment to begin. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


God is in the rain. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Noise is relative to the silence preceding it. The more absolute the hush, the more shocking the thunderclap. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Best V for Vendetta Quotes by Alan Moore


Happiness is a prison, Evey. Happiness is the most insidious prison of all. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

While a truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


The past can’t hurt you anymore, not unless you let it. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


It seems strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses, and apologized to no one. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

I’m the king of the 20th century. I’m the boogeyman, the villain, the black sheep of the family. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Famous V for Vendetta Quotes by Alan Moore

They say that life’s a game, & then they take the board away. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


With so much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

You must understand that knowledge is not all your heritage. It also includes courage and belief, like hers that we commemorate herein…and romance. Always, always romance. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

There’s no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There’s only an idea. Ideas are bulletproof. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Let me show you firmness of my belief. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Our masters have not heard the people’s voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Meaningful V for Vendetta Quotes by Alan Moore

Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Equality and freedom are not luxuries to lightly cast aside. Without them, order cannot long endure before approaching depths beyond imagining. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Your pretty empire took so long to build, now, with a snap of history’s fingers, down it goes. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Authority allows two roles: the torturer and the tortured. Twists people into joyless mannequins that fear and hate, while culture plunges into the abyss. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

If you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


They made you into a statistic. But, that’s not the real you. That’s not who you are inside. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


I didn’t put you in a prison, Evey. I just showed you the bars. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Top V for Vendetta Quotes by Alan Moore

My mother said I broke her heart…but it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish? It sells for so little, but it’s all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us…but within that inch we are free. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


Love your rage, not your cage. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

The world’s a stage, & everything else is Vaudeville. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

No one will ever forget that night, and what it meant for this country. But I will never forget the man and what he meant to me. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.


By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

Everybody has their story to tell. ~ V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.

V for Vendetta

So these were the 53 quotes from the V for Vendetta novel.

Also read: Scarface quotes and Mad Hatter quotes and Fahrenheit 451 quotes and Practical Magic novel quotes.

Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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