27 Feeling Invisible Quotes When You Are Feeling Down

It’s difficult to feel sad and invisible. It is possible to feel as if no one cares about you and that you are alone in the world.

But keep in mind that you are not alone, and that others have felt the same way.


That’s why we’ve collected a compilation of feeling invisible quotes to assist you through those difficult moments.

Top 10 Feeling Invisible Quotes


Nobody likes feeling invisible to the one they think about constantly. ~ Unknown.


Everyone smiles with that invisible gun to their head. ~ Unknown.


I’m feeling invisible you won’t see me anywhere. And I’m feeling invisible when you need me I’ll be there. ~ Unknown.


We could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible. ~ Unknown.


Early on, my emotional work had to do with feeling unheard and invisible. ~ Daphne Zuniga.


I hate being the center of attention…but I also hate feeling invisible. ~ Unknown.


Feeling invisible is something you create in your mind. You see it in the mirror, you hear it in your voice, but it’s not real. ~ Unknown.


I’m sick of feeling worthless, nothing, invisible & not important to you. ~ Unknown.


It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored. ~ David Levithan.


Most days, I wander around feeling invisible. Like I’m a speck of dust floating in the air. ~ Unknown.

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Famous Feeling Invisible Quotes

But most days, I wander around feeling invisible. Like I’m a speck of dust floating in the air that can only be seen when a shaft of light hits it. ~ Sonya Sones.

I think if you have a really big, heavy person, there’s a feeling of an invisible puppeteer jerking them around in space. They don’t feel like they are moving themselves. ~ Brad Bird.

If you appreciate someone, tell them that you do. There are far too many important people walking around feeling invisible. ~ Unknown.


Feeling invisible to the person you want to notice you the most. ~ Unknown.

I was feeling invisible & like I didn’t matter to anyone. Sometimes a small gesture, even through twitter, means the world to someone. ~ Unknown.

Deep Feeling Invisible Quotes

I think I went through my phase of feeling sort of invisible when I left my small hometown in Canada and moved to the big city of Vancouver. I kind of had to decide right there in that moment what I was going to do with the rest of my life and make a thousand decisions after finishing high school. Fortunately, I chose acting. ~ Justin Chatwin.


Invisible tears are the hardest to wipe away. ~ Unknown.

There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and beauty, and although invisible, its forces are mighty. ~ Charles F. Haanel.


When I became too tall, too loud, too strong, I became invisible. ~ Susie Clevenger.

Thoughtful Feeling Invisible Quotes


The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~ Vladimir Nabokov.

Sometimes my life opened its eyes in the dark. A feeling as if crowds drew through the streets in blindness and anxiety on the way towards a miracle, while I invisibly remain standing. ~ Tomas Transtromer.

You can be chased home or hit or called names or spit on, and it’s over. You have the memory of it, but it’s very different from the emotional and psychological experience of feeling invisible, of not learning the confidence to stand up in class and speak. ~ Chirlane McCray.

She mourned the history that the invisible intruder had erased, but not enough that she would spend a second more of her future feeling the emptiness. ~ Thomm Quackenbush.


Feeling invisible to the person you notice the most is the worst feeling in the world. ~ Unknown.

Sometimes I catch myself wanting to point out a flaw in something that someone likes. I think it’s my sick way of not feeling invisible. ~ Unknown.


So these were the 27 top quotes about Feeling Invisible.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Gothic Love quotes and Reap What You Sow quotes.

References and Sources:

  1. Top 21 Feeling Invisible Quotes – Ineffable Living
  2. 40 Feeling Invisible Quotes For When You Feel Ignored
  3. 101 Depression Quotes To Not Feel Alone – Parade
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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

I’m the Founder of Internet Pillar - I love sharing quotes and motivational content to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #motivation #internetpillar