68 Spine-Chilling Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes from The Milwaukee Cannibal

Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who committed his first murder in 1978.

Over the next 14 years he killed 16 boys and young men most of whom were poor and from racial minority groups.

Dahmer’s crimes which included cannibalism and necrophilia shocked the public and resulted in criticism of the local police for not catching him sooner.

Some believed the police didn’t prioritize the cases because the victims were often homosexual or from minority groups.

Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

Dahmer’s life and crimes were discussed in several books including one by Anne E. Schwartz.

I have listed below the quotes by Jeffrey Dahmer.

Best Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

Source: Wikipedia

I don’t care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


I’ve always heard that two heads are better than one. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


For what I did I should be dead. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


I always knew that it was wrong after the first killing. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


Looking back on my life, I know I have made others suffer as much as I have suffered. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I wanted to keep something of the person with me. I kept the mummified head and skull of one of the victims in a carrying case in my locker at work. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

When you’ve done the types of things I’ve done, it’s easier not to reflect on yourself. When I start thinking about how it’s affecting the families of the people, and my family and everything, it doesn’t do me any good. It just gets me very upset. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

It doesn’t matter, Mom. I don’t care if something happens to me. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Yes, I do have remorse, but I’m not even sure myself whether it is as profound as it should be. I’ve always wondered myself why I don’t feel more remorse. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

The first killing was not planned. I had had fantasies about picking up a hitchhiker and taking him back to the house and having complete control and dominance over him. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

So later that night I take the body to the crawl space. And I’m down there and I can’t get any sleep that night, so I go back up to the house. The next day, I have to figure out a way to dispose of the evidence. Buy a knife, a hunting knife. Go back the next night, slit the belly open, and mas**rbate again. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I think in some way I wanted it to end, even if it meant my own destruction. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


It all revolved around having complete control. Why or where it came from, I don’t know. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Famous Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

[It became] an incessant and never-ending desire to be with someone at whatever cost. It just filled my thoughts all day long. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

That was just done as a prank. I found a dog, and cut it open just to see what The insides looked like, and for some reason I thought it would be a fun prank to stick the head on a stake and set it out in the woods. And brought one of my friends back to look at it and said I’d stumbled upon that in the woods. Just for shock value….I wasn’t into any occult then, it was just a prank. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


I’ll probably have to live with it for the rest of my life. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I had a box in my bedroom closet and it contained the mummified head and genitals of a young man I met in one of the bars down in Milwaukee. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I had these obsessive desires and thoughts wanting to control them, to – I don’t know how to put it – possess them permanently. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer., He Said During An Inside Edition Interview

The only motive that there ever was was to completely control a person; a person I found physically attractive. And keep them with me as long as possible, even if it meant just keeping a part of them. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I don’t even know if I have the capacity for normal emotions or not because I haven’t cried for a long time. You just stifle them for so long that maybe you lose them, partially at least. I don’t know. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I was up visiting a friend’s, and was walking back home in the evening, and saw these three seniors, seniors in high school approaching. I just had a feeling that something was going to happen, and sure enough, one of them just took out a billy club and whacked me on the back of the neck. For no reason. Didn’t say anything, just hit somebody. And I ran. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


If I was killed in prison. That would be a blessing right now. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

It is now over. This has never been a case of trying to get free. I didn’t ever want freedom. Frankly, I wanted death for myself. This was a case to tell the world that I did what I did, but not for reasons of hate. I hated no one. I knew I was sick or evil or both. Now I believe I was sick. The doctors have told me about my sickness, and now I have some peace. I know how much harm I have caused… Thank God there will be no more harm that I can do. I believe that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save me from my sins… I ask for no consideration. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer., In Court during a closing statement at his murder trial.

Harrowing Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

It’s just like a big chunk of me has been ripped out and I’m not quite whole. I don’t think I’m over dramatizing it, and I’m certainly deserving of it, but the way I feel now, it’s just like you’re talking to someone who is terminally ill and facing death. Death would be preferable to what I am facing. I just feel like imploding upon myself, you know? I just want to go somewhere and disappear. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


It’s hard for me to believe that a human being could have done what I’ve done, but I know that I did it. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

It was a way of making me feel that they were a part of me. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Yes, I always had that sense it was wrong. I don’t think anybody can kill somebody and think that it’s right. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

When I was a little kid, I was just like anybody else. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

The killing was a means to an end. That was the least satisfactory part. I didn’t enjoy doing that. That’s why I tried to create living zombies with uric acid in the drill [to the head], but it never worked. No, the killing was not the objective. I just wanted to have the person under my complete control, not having to consider their wishes, being able to keep them there as long as I wanted. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I separated the joints, the arm joints, the leg joints, and had to do two boilings. I think I used four boxes of Soilex for each one, put in the upper portion of the body and boiled that for about two hours and then the lower portion for another two hours. The Soilex removes all the flesh, turns it into a jelly like-like substance and it just rinses off. Then I laid the clean bones in a light bleach solution, left them there for a day and spread them out on either newspaper or cloth and let them dry for about a week in the bedroom. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


I made my fantasy life more powerful than my real one. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I carried it too far, that’s for sure. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Mind-Blowing Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

I wanted to find out just what it was that caused me to be so bad and evil. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


It made me feel like they were a permanent part of me. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I couldn’t find any meaning for my life when I was out there, I’m sure as hell not going to find it in here. This is the grand finale of a life poorly spent and the end result is just overwhelmingly depressing… it’s just a sick, pathetic, wretched, miserable life story, that’s all it is. How it can help anyone, I’ve no idea. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I was sick or evil or both. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Source: Wikipedia

I can’t think of anything that would have stopped me. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I tried to keep the person alive by inducing a zombie-like state by injecting first a dilute acid solution into their brain, or hot water. It never did completely work. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

There are still times when I still do have those old compulsions. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners… But for that very reason, I was shown mercy so that in me… Jesus Christ might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


A sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Took the head, washed it off, put it on the bathroom floor, mast**bated and all that, then put the head back down with the rest of the bags. Next morning we had a large buried drainage pipe, about ten feet long put the bags in there, smash the front of it down, and leave it there for about two and a half years. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dangerous Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

I even went so far as planning on setting up an altar with 10 different skulls and skeletons. It was my way of remembering their appearance, their physical beauty. I also wanted to keep…if I couldn’t keep them there with me whole, I at least could keep their skeletons. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

If a person doesn’t think there is a God to be accountable to, then-then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we, when we died, you know, that was it, there is nothing” ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


If it all happens naturalistically, what’s the need for a God? Can’t I set my own rules? Who owns me? I own myself. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I’ve got to start eating at home more.. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I decided I wasn’t ever going to get married because I never wanted to go through anything like that. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I was completely swept along with my own compulsion. I don’t know how else to put it. It didn’t satisfy me completely, so maybe I was thinking, ‘Maybe another one will. Maybe this one will.’ And the numbers started growing and growing and just got out of control, as you can see. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Spine-Chilling Jeffrey Dahmer Quotes

I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we, when we died, you know, that was it, there is nothing. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


As the years went by, and the compulsion became stronger and the obsession more intense, it became the main focus of my life. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

My consuming lust was to experience their bodies. I viewed them as objects, as strangers. It is hard for me to believe a human being could have done what I’ve done. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Ideas keep turning over and over in my mind and they won’t go away. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

As the years went by, and the compulsion became stronger and the obsession more intense, it became the main focus of my life. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.


I’ve always been a private person, who wouldn’t like to open up and share anything with anyone. I’d like to keep my thoughts to myself. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

That was the least satisfactory part. I didn’t enjoy doing that. That’s why I tried to create living zombies with uric acid in the drill to the head, but it never worked. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

It’s a process, it doesn’t happen overnight, when you depersonalize another person and view them as just an object. An object for pleasure and not a living breathing human being. It seems to make it easier to do things you shouldn’t do. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I still have guilt. I will probably never get rid of that, but yes, I’m free of the compulsion and the driving need to do it I don’t think I’m capable of creating anything. I think the only thing I’m capable of is destroying I’m sick and tired of being destructive. What worth is life if you can’t be helpful to someone?” ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

I should have gone to college and gone into real estate and got myself an aquarium, that’s what I should have done. ~ Jeffrey Dahmer.

Quotes About Jeffrey Dahmer

What do I think of Jeffrey Dahmer? I don’t know the man personally, but I’ll tell ya this, that’s a good example as to why insanity doesn’t belong in the courtroom. Because if Jeffrey Dahmer doesn’t meet the requirements for insanity, then I’d hate like hell to run into the guy that does. Beyond that, I have no comment on Jeffrey Dahmer because I’m not Jeffrey Dahmer. ~ John Wayne Gacy.

You think of the crimes that he committed, they’re so horrific you kinda think only a madman or somebody totally evil–evil incarnate would do this but when you talked with Jeff Dahmer you did not get this idea. He could be engaging, he could be bright, witty, he could make jokes. He was able to fool a lot of people. ~ Detective Patrick Kennedy.

He fooled everyone. He fooled me…he fooled his probation officer, his attorney, the police…He had bodies in the next room when the police were standing in his outer room. ~ Lionel Dahmer, Jeff’s father.

So these were the 68 top Jeffrey Dahmer quotes and sayings.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Craig Sager quotes and Annie Oakley quotes.

Short Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer, known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, was an infamous American serial killer active from 1978 to 1991, responsible for the gruesome deaths of 17 men.

His criminal acts included dismemberment and, in some cases, necrophilia and cannibalism.

Despite his severe mental health diagnoses, Dahmer was deemed sane at trial, resulting in multiple life sentences.

Full Name Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer
Born 21 May 1960, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Died 28 November 1994 (age 34 years), Columbia Correctional Institution, Portage, Wisconsin, United States
Other Names The Milwaukee Cannibal, The Milwaukee Monster
Parents Lionel Dahmer, Joyce Dahmer
Height 1.84 m
Siblings David Dahmer
Conviction(s) First-degree murder (16 counts),
Disorderly conduct (2 counts),
Second-degree sexual assault and enticing a child for immoral purposes
Criminal Penalty Life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (x16; total of 941 years in prison)
Victims 17
Span of Crimes 1978–1991
Imprisoned At Columbia Correctional Institution, Portage, Wisconsin

His troubled childhood, marked by a lack of parental attention and an early fascination with dead animals, foreshadowed his later crimes.

Dahmer’s life ended in 1994 when he was murdered by a fellow inmate.

His early life was unstable, with frequent family moves and parental neglect contributing to his social isolation and bizarre interest in dead animals.

Quick Facts about Jeffrey Dahmer

  • Jeffrey Dahmer, born on May 21, 1960, in Milwaukee, became one of America’s most notorious serial killers.
  • Dahmer’s early fascination with dead animals hinted at his troubled future.
  • His first murder occurred in 1978 when he was just 18 and still in high school.
  • Strangulation and dismemberment were Dahmer’s grim methods of choice.
  • Shockingly, Dahmer engaged in necrophilia with his victims’ corpses.
  • He practiced cannibalism, believing it kept him connected to his victims.
  • In 1991, Dahmer was caught after a would-be victim escaped and alerted authorities.
  • Dahmer’s Milwaukee apartment was dubbed the “House of Horrors.”
  • He confessed to 17 murders, stunning both police and the public.
  • Dahmer was convicted of 15 murders and received multiple life sentences.
  • His case attracted global media attention, solidifying his infamy.
  • Psychological evaluations diagnosed Dahmer with necrophilia and borderline personality disorder.
  • Experts believe Dahmer’s troubled childhood and fascination with dead animals were early warning signs.
  • Despite therapy, Dahmer’s violent tendencies persisted.
  • He showed little remorse for his crimes, reinforcing his image as heartless.
  • Prison life was tough for Dahmer, who was often targeted by other inmates.
  • Dahmer was murdered by a fellow inmate in 1994, just two years into his sentence.
  • His case underscored the need for early intervention in potential criminal cases.
  • Dahmer was known as the “Milwaukee Cannibal” for his gruesome acts.
  • The house where Dahmer grew up was later demolished due to its dark association.
  • Dahmer sometimes impersonated authorities to lure his victims.
  • He used acid and other methods to dissolve his victims’ remains.
  • Audio tapes of Dahmer’s confessions provide a chilling insight into his mindset.
  • Dahmer’s life and crimes have influenced various cultural works.
  • After his death, debates arose over the ethical considerations of studying his brain.
  • The Dahmer case led to policing and investigative reforms.
  • Dahmer’s last intended victim, Tracy Edwards, escaped which led to his arrest.
  • His crimes shocked the world, raising awareness of serial killers.
  • The “Dahmer Effect” refers to the public’s intense fascination with serial killers.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer’s legacy remains a haunting reminder of his violent and depraved acts.

Top Questions about Jeffrey Dahmer

Q: Who was Jeffrey Dahmer?

A: Jeffrey Dahmer was an infamous American serial killer who took the lives of 17 males between 1978 and 1991, engaging in heinous acts like murder, necrophilia, and cannibalism.

Q: What did Dahmer do to his victims?

A: Dahmer lured his victims to his apartment, drugged them, and then committed his crimes, which included murder and desecration of their bodies.

Q: Why did Jeffrey Dahmer commit his crimes?

A: Dahmer said he killed to avoid abandonment, driven by an uncontrollable urge tied to his desire for control and companionship.

Q: How did Jeffrey Dahmer die?

A: Dahmer was killed by a fellow inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Wisconsin in 1994.

Q: How was Dahmer apprehended?

A: Dahmer was caught when a would-be victim escaped and sought help from the police, leading to the discovery of his crimes.

Q: What drove Dahmer’s actions?

A: Dahmer expressed a compulsive need for dominance and control over his victims, even after death.

Q: Was Dahmer a necrophiliac?

A: Yes, Dahmer engaged in necrophilia, violating and consuming the remains of his victims.

Q: What was the verdict in Dahmer’s trial?

A: Dahmer was sentenced to 16 life terms but was murdered in prison in 1994.

Q: How did Dahmer’s crimes impact law enforcement?

A: His case prompted changes in criminal investigation processes and emphasized the importance of inter-agency communication.

Q: What chemical did Dahmer use in his crimes?

A: Dahmer used hydrochloric and muriatic acid in experiments on his victims, attempting to control or incapacitate them.

Q: Are there films about Jeffrey Dahmer?

A: Yes, Dahmer’s life and crimes have been explored in films and documentaries like “My Friend Dahmer” and “The Jeffrey Dahmer Files.”

Q: What is the underlying motive for Dahmer’s actions?

A: Dahmer’s motives are complex, attributed to his desire for control and dominance, with the exact reasons still debated.

Q: How did Dahmer change the public’s view of serial killers?

A: Dahmer’s case heightened awareness about serial killers, prompting discussions on mental health and criminal justice shortcomings.

Q: What lessons can be learned from Dahmer’s case?

A: Dahmer’s case underscores the need for early behavioral intervention and vigilance in protecting society’s vulnerable.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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