80 Best Mary MacKillop Quotes to Inspire You

Born in Melbourne in 1842, Mary MacKillop, a dedicated educator and religious figure, profoundly influenced Australia’s social and educational landscape.

As the eldest of eight in a Catholic immigrant family from Scotland, Mary understood the value of education early on.


She juggled various roles as a shopgirl, a governess, a teacher and a boarding school proprietress to support her family. At 24, she pledged her life to God, adopting the name “Mary of the Cross.”

Co-founding Australia’s first order of nuns, the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart and establishing St. Joseph’s School in Penola, South Australia, she devoted herself to serving the needy across rural Australia.

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Despite numerous trials, including excommunication, she remained steadfast, forgiving and committed to her cause.

Mary MacKillop, beatified and later canonized, is now recognized as Australia’s patron saint. Her persistent dedication to education transformed 19th-century Australia, cementing her legacy as a remarkable female leader.

Here are some of the inspiring quotes from Mary MacKillop.

Best Mary MacKillop Quotes


Let not your crosses make you unhappy. ~ St Mary MacKillop.


I must only trust in the mercies of God. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Lean more on God and less on ourselves. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Forgive from your heart everyone who has pained you. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Let us show love in our acts, bearing with one another. Forgiving and forgetting. ~ Mary MacKillop.

A certain sense of God’s wonderful love strengthens me. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Be faithful in the least as well as in the greatest. ~ St. Mary MacKillop.

So great is the strength we possess in our unity. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Let us all have courage. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Never see a need without trying to do something about it. ~ Mary MacKillop.

If we cannot excuse anything we can at least excuse the intention. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Courage, courage trust in God who helps you in all things. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Bear with one another, help one another. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Try at least to excuse what you cannot understand. ~ Mary MacKillop.

We must teach more by example than by word. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Famous Mary MacKillop Quotes

Be a gift of love and compassion for one another. ~ Mary MacKillop.

No matter what your shortcomings you shall certainly succeed in the end. ~ Mary MacKillop.


God will provide for the future. ~ Mary MacKillop.

True happiness depends on ourselves not on those around us. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God will draw good out of evil. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God helps us walk on water like St. Peter until he began to fear. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God’s love is too deep for words to express. ~ Mary MacKillop.


No duty is too little to be done well. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Let us show this love in our acts bearing with one another another, forgiving and forgetting. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Let us never forget that God has done wonders for us and wonderfully protected us in our helplessness. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Keep young as long as you can. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Motivational Mary MacKillop Quotes

Be eager in your desires but patient in their accomplishment. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Try to excuse what you cannot understand. ~ Mary MacKillop.

If men and women forget, God does not. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Do not be hasty in judging one another. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Have patience with yourselves when you see that you have failed and patience with others when they seem to have done so. ~ Mary MacKillop.


I can never think of God but as one of such tenderness that cannot be cast off. ~ Mary MacKillop.

I cannot forget that there is a dear good God watching over us. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Our courage needs to rise with difficulties and obstacles. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Do all you can to work on in unity. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Keep your mind in peace whatever happens. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Prayer is our great weapon. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God’s will be done. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Whatever troubles may be before you, accept them bravely, remembering Whom you are trying to follow. Do not be afraid. Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide you all your life. God will reward you as only He can. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Bear in mind that you have only to answer for your own faults. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Judge not, leaving that most painful duty to those appointed for it. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Of ourselves we can never be sure that all that looks good is really so. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Believe in the whisperings of God to your own heart. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Be faithful in the least as well as the great. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Work with constancy and courage. ~ Mary MacKillop.


A little patience will in the end be rewarded. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Never be ashamed of work done for God and for God’s poor. ~ Mary MacKillop.

When I want something very much, I thank God beforehand for I feel God will certainly grant what he has been thanked for. ~ Mary MacKillop.

When I could not see my way God kept my heart full of trust to make all come
right. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Be calm and full of hope. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God loves each one of one of us notwithstanding our faults. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Be not hasty in judging one another. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Let us try keep God with by charity in thought, word and act. ~ Mary MacKillop.

We must take things quietly and just do what our good God enables us to do. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Top Mary MacKillop Quotes

Let us never admit grades of distinctions we are all humble followers of Christ. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Try at least to excuse what you cannot understand and bear in mind that you have only to answer for your own faults. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Many things we condemn are pleasing to God because God sees the motives. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God understands us better than we understand ourselves or each other. ~ Mary MacKillop.

When a duty is clear to me it must be done at any cost. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God wants us to take fresh courage ~ Mary MacKillop.

There must be gentleness towards the erring of others. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Be faithful and lose not one opportunity of merit that presents itself to you. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Forgiveness is love. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Put kind constructions where you can and where you can’t be silent. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Try to be blind to the faults of those around you. ~ Mary MacKillop.

There where you are you will find God. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Inspiring Mary MacKillop Quotes

Let not weakness make you discouraged. ~ Mary MacKillop.


Trust in God. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Try always to be generous. ~ Mary MacKillop.

With God on our side what need we fear? ~ Mary MacKillop.


Do not let little things disturb your trust. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God is good and merciful. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Take fresh courage, learn more on God and less on ourselves. ~ Mary MacKillop.

God’s love for us is best shown in times of aridity. ~ Mary MacKillop.


God’s ways and ours are so different. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Never is God nearer to us than when danger threatens. ~ Mary MacKillop.

We must look before us; do what we do well and refuse undertaking too much. ~ Mary MacKillop.

Always remember to love one another. ~ Mary MacKillop.

So these were the 80 top Mary MacKillop quotes on faith, prayer and Christianity.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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