Melody Beattie, born May 26, 1948, in Saint Paul, USA, is a 75-year-old Gemini acclaimed for authoring self-help books, notably “Codependent No More.”
This American literature maestro, emerging from a tumultuous youth involving addiction, penned 18 significant works, advancing the understanding of codependency.
Alongside contemporaries Woititz and Norwood, Beattie’s insights, drawn from Cermak’s psychiatric studies, have illuminated the complexities of addiction and relationships, resonating globally and impacting Co-Dependents Anonymous groups significantly.

Her voice continues echoing through her substantial following on platforms like Twitter, under the nickname “MalibuMelB.”
Here is a top collection of quotes by Melody Beattie.
Best Melody Beattie Quotes

You can clear the land, plow the field, spread the fertilizer, and plant the corn. But you cannot make it rain. ~ Melody Beattie.

Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. ~ Melody Beattie.

Be patient. Relax and trust. Let go. ~ Melody Beattie.

Be aware of what is, not what you would like to be, taking place. ~ Melody Beattie.

Relationships are where we take our recovery on the road. ~ Melody Beattie.

Codependents are dependent. ~ Melody Beattie.

We take things to heart that we have no business taking to it. ~ Melody Beattie.

Worrying, obsessing, and controlling are illusions. ~ Melody Beattie.

We can trust ourselves to know when our boundaries are being violated. ~ Melody Beattie.

Life is always moving, changing, shifting into its next shape. The movement is natural. It is how we evolve. ~ Melody Beattie.

You give others permission to do the same: to love themselves. Revel in self love. Roll in it. Bask in it, as you would the sunshine. ~ Melody Beattie.

Prayer and meditation help us affirm that our Higher Power cares for us. ~ Melody Beattie.
Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours. ~ Melody Beattie.
Famous Melody Beattie Quotes
The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. ~ Melody Beattie.

Taking time to rest, renew, and refresh yourself isn’t wasted time. Recharge. Choose what energizes you. ~ Melody Beattie.
Surround yourself with prayer. You never realize when you might need an extra miracle.. ~ Melody Beattie.
I will trust others to work out their own problems, including the ideas and feelings they want to communicate to each other. ~ Melody Beattie.
I will take responsibility for being aware of my pain and problems, and caring about myself. ~ Melody Beattie.
Detaching does not mean we don’t care. ~ Melody Beattie.
Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life. ~ Melody Beattie.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. ~ Melody Beattie.
I will focus on what’s happening now instead of what’s going to happen tomorrow. ~ Melody Beattie.
Gratitude helps us stop trying to control outcomes. It is the key that unlocks positive energy in our life. ~ Melody Beattie.
Even recovery brings losses, more changes we must struggle to accept. ~ Melody Beattie.
Today I will let go of my need for approval and my need to be liked. Instead, I will choose to like and approve of myself. ~ Melody Beattie.
God, help me accept myself, others, and my circumstances. Take me one step further, and help me feel grateful. ~ Melody Beattie.

We are on a very rich emotional and physical journey on this planet. ~ Melody Beattie.
Nurtured, nourished people, who love themselves and care for themselves, are the delight of the Universe. ~ Melody Beattie.
The only person you can now or ever change is yourself. The only person that it is your business to control is yourself. ~ Melody Beattie.
Top Melody Beattie Quotes
Believing that things happen too slowly or too quickly is an illusion. Timing is perfect. ~ Melody Beattie.
Few things can make us feel crazier than expecting something from someone who has nothing to give. ~ Melody Beattie.
Today, I will relax, breathe, and go with the flow. ~ Melody Beattie.
We can trust ourselves to know when our boundaries are being violated. ~ Melody Beattie.

If we want to change what happens, we change what we believe and expect. ~ Melody Beattie.
Goals give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious, and subconscious level. Goals give our life direction. ~ Melody Beattie.
God, help me remember that when I admit and accept the truth, I’ll be given the power and guidance to change. ~ Melody Beattie.
Take responsibility for yourself each step of the way. Trust the new shape and form of your world. ~ Melody Beattie.
I trust so much in the power of the heart and the soul; I know that the answer to what we need to do next is in our own hearts. ~ Melody Beattie.
Many codependents are barely surviving. ~ Melody Beattie.
Popular Melody Beattie Quotes
I’m not helpless. Although help may come, I’m my own rescuer. ~ Melody Beattie.

Let your mind and soul be at ease. ~ Melody Beattie.
The pain that comes from loving someone who’s in trouble can be profound. ~ Melody Beattie.
Guilt can prevent us from setting the boundaries that would be in our best interests, and in other people’s best interests. ~ Melody Beattie.
Beliefs create reality. ~ Melody Beattie.
Letting go helps us to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. ~ Melody Beattie.
Self-love means loving and accepting yourself, your peculiar and unique way of seeing the world. ~ Melody Beattie.
Live your life from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people’s souls. ~ Melody Beattie.
We do not lead others into the Light by stepping into the darkness with them. ~ Melody Beattie.
Great Melody Beattie Quotes
There are almost as many definitions of co-dependency as there are experiences that represent it. ~ Melody Beattie.

Don’t forfeit your self-esteem to another’s disapproval or rejection of who you are or what you have done. ~ Melody Beattie.
The formula is simple: In any given situation, detach and ask, “What do I need to do to take care of myself”? ~ Melody Beattie.
The greatest gift we can bring to any relationship wherever we go is being who we are. ~ Melody Beattie.
Caring works. Caretaking doesn’t. We can learn to walk the line between the two. ~ Melody Beattie.
Don’t reject yourself, and don’t give so much power to other people’s rejection of you. It isn’t necessary. ~ Melody Beattie.
Sometimes people behave in certain ways to provoke us to react in certain ways. ~ Melody Beattie.
Real power comes when we stop holding people responsible for our pain, and we take responsibility for all our feelings. ~ Melody Beattie.
Powerful Melody Beattie Quotes
We can cope by using our faith, other people, and our resources. ~ Melody Beattie.
A Codependent is reactionary. They overreact. They under-react. But rarely do they act. ~ Melody Beattie.

The plan will happen in spite of us, not because of us. ~ Melody Beattie.
It’s our job to first make ourselves feel better and then make ourselves feel good. ~ Melody Beattie.
When we’re surrounded by things that look impossible, making a simple choice to do something that’s possible is a powerful thing to do. ~ Melody Beattie.
We let someone love us, we’re opening our hearts to god. ~ Melody Beattie.
The pain that comes from loving someone who’s in trouble can be profound. ~ Melody Beattie.
Resentments are hardened chunks of anger. They loosen up and dissolve with forgiveness and letting go. ~ Melody Beattie.
gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~ Melody Beattie.
I saw people who were hostile; they had felt so much hurt that hostility was their only defense against being crushed again. ~ Melody Beattie.
Codependent behaviors or habits are self-destructive. ~ Melody Beattie.
Wise Melody Beattie Quotes
Even if the most important person in your world rejects you, you are still real, and you are still okay. ~ Melody Beattie.
Feel what you feel, know what you know, and set your relatives free to do the same. ~ Melody Beattie.
Love yourself just as you are. ~ Melody Beattie.

Today, I will wait if the way is not clear. I will trust that out of the chaos will come clarity. ~ Melody Beattie.
Letting go of our ideas about how life should go is a choice that sets life’s magic free. ~ Melody Beattie.
It’s so easy to look around and notice what’s wrong. It takes practice to see what’s right. ~ Melody Beattie.
Loving ourselves may seem foreign, even foolish at times. People may accuse us of being selfish. ~ Melody Beattie.
It’s hard to give up the self-esteem connected to being codependent and appearing ‘right,’ which is probably a survival behavior. ~ Melody Beattie.
Each moment in time we have it all, even when we think we don’t. ~ Melody Beattie.
You don’t blast a heart open, she said. You coax and nurture it open, like the sun does to a rose. ~ Melody Beattie.
So these were the 81 top Melody Beattie quotes and sayings on gratitude, letting go, codependency and boundaries.
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