Paul Brunton was a philosopher, mystic, wanderer, and guru from the United Kingdom.
Best Paul Brunton Quotes
The world is our school for spiritual discovery. ~ Paul Brunton.
Your self is sacred; be true to it. ~ Paul Brunton.
The mind has the power to externalize the very thing it perceives. ~ Paul Brunton.
Worry is spiritual short sight. Its cure is intelligent faith. ~ Paul Brunton.
We are but fragments of mind thrown into momentary consciousness. ~ Paul Brunton.
Study everything, join nothing. ~ Paul Brunton.
When it seems humanly impossible to do more in a difficult situation, surrender yourself to the inner silence and thereafter wait for a sign of obvious guidance or for a renewal of inner strength. ~ Paul Brunton.
If outer events bring him to a position where he can bear them no longer and force him to cry out to the higher power in helplessness for relief, or if inner feelings bring humiliation and recognition of his dependence on that power, this crushing of the ego may open the door to grace. ~ Paul Brunton.
Let us accept the invitation, ever-open, from the Stillness, taste its exquisite sweetness, and heed its silent instruction. ~ Paul Brunton.
Find the god in your own heart and you will understand by direct intuition what all the great teachers, real mystics, true philosophers and inspired people have been trying to tell you by the tortuous method of using words. ~ Paul Brunton.
The artist must raise the cup of his vision aloft to the gods in the high hope that they will pour into it the sweet mellow wine of inspiration. ~ Paul Brunton.
That deep silence has a melody of its own, a sweetness unknown amid the harsh discords of the world’s sounds. ~ Paul Brunton.
The first is the art of mind-stilling, of emptying consciousness of every thought and form whatsoever. This is mysticism or Yoga. ~ Paul Brunton.
Every discussion which is made from an egoistic standpoint is corrupted from the start and cannot yield an absolutely sure conclusion. The ego puts its own interest first and twists every argument, word, even fact to suit that interest. ~ Paul Brunton.
Famous Paul Brunton Quotes
Meditation must become a daily rite, a part of the regime which is, like lunch or dinner, not to be missed, but regarded with a sacredness the body’s feeding does not have. ~ Paul Brunton.
It is a grave misconception to regard the mystical progress as passing mostly through ecstasies and raptures. On the contrary, it passes just as much through broken hearts and bruised emotions, through painful sacrifices and melancholy renunciations. ~ Paul Brunton.
You may accept the inevitable with bitterness and resentment or with patience and grace. Mere acceptance is not sufficient. ~ Paul Brunton.
The longing for peace may be kept inside a man for many years, repressed and ignored, but in the end it has to come out. ~ Paul Brunton.
If we can train the mind to be still, it will clear itself of muddy thoughts and let the Soul’s light shine through. ~ Paul Brunton.
Deep down within the heart there is a stillness which is healing, a trust in the universal laws which is unwavering, and a strength which is rock-like. But because it is so deep we need both patience and perseverance when digging for it. ~ Paul Brunton.
Popular Paul Brunton Quotes
Every test successfully met is rewarded by some growth in intuitive knowledge, strengthening of character, or initiation into a higher consciousness. ~ Paul Brunton.
Every morning is like a new reincarnation into this world. Let us take it then for what it is and live each moment anew. ~ Paul Brunton.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one. ~ Paul Brunton.
Whoever wants the I to yield up its mysterious and tremendous secret must stop it from looking perpetually in the mirror, must stop the little ego’s fascination with its own image. ~ Paul Brunton.
It may be considered folly by common opinion but this refusal to destroy life unnecessarily, this reverence for it, must become a deeply implanted part of his ethical standard. ~ Paul Brunton.
Those who spend sufficient time on the mystical quest, and with sufficient keenness and guidance, find it infinitely inspiring because it links them – however remotely weakly and momentarily – with an infinite power, an infinite wisdom, an infinite goodness. ~ Paul Brunton.
That which claims to be the “I” turns out to be only a part of it, the lesser part, and not the real “I” at all. It is a complex of thoughts. ~ Paul Brunton.
He is beginning to master wisdom when he tries to learn how not to try. ~ Paul Brunton.
The source of wisdom and power, of love and beauty, is within ourselves, but not within our egos. It is within our consciousness. Indeed, its presence provides us with a conscious contrast which enables us to speak of the ego as if it were something different and apart: it is the true Self whereas the ego is only an illusion of the mind. ~ Paul Brunton.
Top Paul Brunton Quotes
This withdrawal from the day’s turmoil into creative silence is not a luxury, a fad, or a futility. It dissolves mental tensions and heals negative emotions. ~ Paul Brunton.
Whoever lives in the spirit lives in perennial peace. It is a happy peace, a smiling peace, but one is not lost in it. One is aware also of the suffering which exists around him or her and the world at large. ~ Paul Brunton.
The Quest not only begins in the heart but also ends there. ~ Paul Brunton.
Outwardly one’s life may suffer every kind of limitation, from bodily paralysis to miserable surroundings, but inwardly it is free in meditation to reach out to a sphere of light, beauty, truth, love, and power. ~ Paul Brunton.
There is really nothing to be achieved here; only something to be accepted-the fact of your own divinity. ~ Paul Brunton.
No man who has lived through a temporary spiritual experience is ever likely to forget it. His days will be haunted until he sets out to seek ways and means of repeating it. ~ Paul Brunton.
Accept the long night patiently, quietly, humbly, and resignedly as intended for your true good. It is not a punishment for sin committed but an instrument of annihilating egoism. ~ Paul Brunton.
Imagine and believe that the Master is here in your room, sitting in his accustomed chair or position. Then behave and meditate, as you would do if in his presence. ~ Paul Brunton.
Our greatest illusion is disillusion. We imagine that we are disillusioned with life, when the truth is that we have not even begun to live. ~ Paul Brunton.
Peace is a costly privilege-to be fought for, attained and won. It comes only from a conquered mind. ~ Paul Brunton.
The tranquil passivity he sets out to reach, will eventually deepen and deepen until a point is felt where thinking is still and the mind emptied. Into this inner silence there enters, we know not how, the Overself’s godlike consciousness. ~ Paul Brunton.
Paul Brunton Quotes on Meditation
Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines. ~ Paul Brunton.
God needs no worship, no praise, no thanksgiving. It is man himself who needs the benefit to be derived from these activities. ~ Paul Brunton.
Meditation is the fundamental practice of the Quest. ~ Paul Brunton.
The succession of thoughts appears in time, but the gap between two of them is outside time. The gap itself is normally unobserved. The chance of enlightenment is missed. ~ Paul Brunton.
Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from inner peace and mental calm for its sake. ~ Paul Brunton.
The ego will always be able to find ways to keep the aspirant busy in self-improvement, thus blinding him to the fact that the self is still there behind all his improvements. For why should the ego kill itself? ~ Paul Brunton.
So these were the 46 quotes by Paul Brunton.
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