128 Best Steve Harvey Quotes on Success, Life and Faith

Steve Harvey, a renowned American comedian, actor, author and TV and radio personality, emerged to fame through his observational humor and later gained recognition for his self-help advice, particularly on relationships.

Harvey’s career took off in 1985 when he won an amateur night contest at a local comedy club, leading to a successful journey in stand-up comedy.

His significant TV roles include hosting ‘It’s Showtime at the Apollo’, developing ‘Me and the Boys’, ‘The Steve Harvey Show’ and game shows like ‘Family Feud’ and ‘Celebrity Family Feud’.

Steve Harvey

Harvey’s morning radio show on Chicago’s WGCI, which provided advice to callers, inspired him to write self-help books.

His book ‘Act like a Lady, Think like a Man’ (2009) became a best seller.

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Harvey also made headlines as the host of the Miss Universe beauty pageant in 2015 when he mistakenly crowned the wrong contestant.

I have made a list of the motivational Steve Harvey Quotes in this blog post.

Best Steve Harvey Quotes


Don’t let your mind stop you. ~ Steve Harvey.

I’m not a doctor. I just have a tremendous amount of common sense. ~ Steve Harvey.

Men produce strategies for success. ~ Steve Harvey.

The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high. ~ Steve Harvey.

Don’t hate the player; change the game. ~ Steve Harvey.

What you want most out of life is the thing you have to give the most of. ~ Steve Harvey.

When people think you are speaking against them as a group, they try to shut it down out here. ~ Steve Harvey.

Men are, by nature, hunters, and women have been put in the position of being the prey. ~ Steve Harvey.

TV is a different animal. I belong on that little screen. The big silver screen, not so much, ’cause I’ve seen my face up close when it’s 25-feet tall. I’m okay as long as you keep me in that little box. ~ Steve Harvey.

Anyone can sleep with a guy in 24 – 48 hours, but you’re sending the wrong signal to the guy if you do that. ~ Steve Harvey.

Sometimes we don’t appreciate Prayer until we have to go through something! ~ Steve Harvey.

Stop giving your gift to those who want to use you for the development of their legacy, at the cost of yours. ~ Steve Harvey.

Providing for the ones he loves and care about, whether it’s monetarily or with sweat equity, is part of a man’s DNA, and if he loves and cares for you, this man will provide for you all these things with no limits. ~ Steve Harvey.

When you understand that God blesses you to become a blesser, you will realize that giving back will become an important part of your success. ~ Steve Harvey.

Find that one glimmer of light in the darkness. ~ Steve Harvey.

Top Steve Harvey Quotes

Your reality is yours. Stop wasting time looking at someone else’s reality while doing nothing about yours. ~ Steve Harvey.

The cookie is the critical part. It’s a word I created for sex and you’ve got to give a man all three things. If you miss one out, he is going to find it somewhere else. ~ Steve Harvey.

I’m just a living witness that you can be an imperfect soldier and still be in the army fighting for God Almighty. Don’t you think you got to be perfect ’cause I ain’t. ~ Steve Harvey.

Ask any guy if sex is important in a relationship and the one who says no is lying. I just haven’t met that guy yet. When you meet him, let’s get him into the Smithsonian – he’s that special and rare. ~ Steve Harvey.

Men automatically know from the moment she opens her mouth that if they want her, they’ll have to get in line with her standards and requirements, or keep it moving because she’s done with the games and isn’t interested in playing. ~ Steve Harvey.

I tell my boys not to play rough with their younger sister. I try to teach them what I know already: You’re never going to win an argument with a girl, so just let her have what she wants! ~ Steve Harvey.

Our creator, in his infinite wisdom, created every single soul with a gift. Your gift may be totally unique or it may be similar to. ~ Steve Harvey.


I pay attention to every minute of the day. ~ Steve Harvey.

I don’t think it’s cool for people to say, ‘You shouldn’t reference God because I don’t believe that, and I don’t want to hear it.’ Well, there’s a lot of stuff I don’t believe that I still gotta hear. ~ Steve Harvey.

To be No. 1 on the ‘New York Times’ best-seller list, well, that’s alarming. Having been a stand-up comedian, I think it’s surprising to a lot of people that I had the insight I had. ~ Steve Harvey.

All men can and will change. But there’s only one woman we’re going to change for. ~ Steve Harvey.

Failure means you’ve now learned another valuable lesson that pushes you one step closer to success. ~ Steve Harvey.

Don’t be afraid to lose him, because if a man truly loves you, he’s not going anywhere. ~ Steve Harvey.

Comedians walk out, get a feel for the crowd. If it’s not going good, we change directions. If we got to drag your momma into this thing, we will. Whatever we got to do. ~ Steve Harvey.

Inspirational Steve Harvey Quotes

God has positioned me just this way to be just like I am, to say what I say how I say it. ~ Steve Harvey.

Do what you say you’re going to do! People can do nothing but respect that. ~ Steve Harvey.

Procrastination will delay your change!!! Today is a very good day to change; don’t let YOU stop yourself from growing! ~ Steve Harvey.

I’m still very much a Christian and have a great relationship with God. I love Him, but one of my flaws is that I cuss. ~ Steve Harvey.

It is a promise of God that when you do the right thing, an even better thing will happen… If you take one step, He’ll take two. When you are bold enough to step off in faith, to jump, that is when you’ll soar. ~ Steve Harvey.

I’m a comedian first. I’ve learned how to act. I just draw on life experiences and that’s how I’ve learned. I didn’t take classes or anything. I don’t need no classroom. ~ Steve Harvey.

So many people are missing their way in life because they are afraid to sign the lease on their gift. ~ Steve Harvey.

But even in my darkest days I had faith it would turn around. ~ Steve Harvey.

Men don’t come up to you to just talk. We come up to you with a plan. We’re looking across the room at you, and we don’t care about your hopes and dreams. We don’t care about what your future holds. We saw something we wanted. ~ Steve Harvey.

You’ve got to be in a bad relationship to really understand what a great one is. ~ Steve Harvey.

Change comes in every person’s life. You can either react to it or you can participate in it. ~ Steve Harvey.

It’s really unimaginable that I could start where I was and get here today. ~ Steve Harvey.

Your dream has to be bigger than your fear. ~ Steve Harvey.

Famous Steve Harvey Quotes

Your mission, your purpose and your destiny will all be tied to one thing, your gift. ~ Steve Harvey.

God has already lined up all the people in your path to get you to your dreams and your visions; all you have to do is get rid of the wrong ones. ~ Steve Harvey.

Sometimes, son, nothing is going to change until you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. ~ Steve Harvey.

People don’t like to hear the truth out here cause the truth makes them think. ~ Steve Harvey.

Successful people appreciate where they have come from, but they don’t let their past set the tone for their future. Successful people are innovators. ~ Steve Harvey.

A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head. That it is not easy becoming successful. ~ Steve Harvey.

Sometimes out of your biggest misery, comes your greatest gain. ~ Steve Harvey.

Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you’ve got something to share. ~ Steve Harvey.

If you pray about it don’t worry about it. If you’re going to worry about it, don’t pray about it. ~ Steve Harvey.

Do not ignore the passion that burns in you. Spend time to discover your gift. ~ Steve Harvey.

It’s a woman’s right to know a man’s intentions upfront. Because, once you get emotionally attached to a man and you sleep with him, it’s too late. ~ Steve Harvey.

Men and women really do want the same things. We just need each other to bring it out. That’s really the truth of the matter. ~ Steve Harvey.

I don’t want to be 60 years old standing on stage telling some jokes. I want my life to mean something. ~ Steve Harvey.

The truth is I’ve always been a Christian. What’s amazing, is that the flaws that come with Christianity are really weird, because mine have a microphone and a camera attached to them. Most people don’t have to live under that microscope. ~ Steve Harvey.

Remember this: the number one cause of failure in this country is the fear of failure. Fear paralyzes you from taking action. ~ Steve Harvey.

Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a lesser position so that you can learn something from someone who knows more. ~ Steve Harvey.

How can smart women be so stupid about men sometimes? Lack of knowledge. It’s what men have kept secret for so long. ~ Steve Harvey.

Nothing on this planet can compare with a woman’s love – it is kind and compassionate, patient and nurturing, generous and sweet and unconditional. Pure. ~ Steve Harvey.

When you put your efforts into your gift, you are giving God something to bless. ~ Steve Harvey.

The best timed joke or the best timed phrase comes at spontaneous moments and just relies on me as the host to be very quick, and that’s what I do. ~ Steve Harvey.

You don’t just sit in the car and let some guy drive you through life, wasting your time. ~ Steve Harvey.


The Lord saved my soul. ~ Steve Harvey.

There’s no way you’re going to make it out of this world without spending some time down in the valley or in a dark place. But this isn’t the time to give up. This is the time to understand that God is trying to lead you to your purpose and to your gift. Use adversity to your advantage. Don’t let it stop you. ~ Steve Harvey.

Every day, President Obama sends a beautiful message about how we should treat our women based on how he treats his wife. When people went after his wife during the campaign, he took a stand. ~ Steve Harvey.

You can be happy, or you can be right. If you want to be part of a couple and win every argument, you’re in trouble. ~ Steve Harvey.

I have seen some crazy people do some crazy things on my variety show. I have to stop and ask them a lot of the time, just how they figured out that they could do the things that they do, some of it is just plain freaky. ~ Steve Harvey.

Some parts of your vision are meant to be shared, in confidence, only with a trusted mentor, friend, or family member. And some aspects of your vision honestly don’t need to go beyond your prayer time with God. ~ Steve Harvey.

If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. ~ Steve Harvey.

If I were an animal, I’d probably be a bald eagle, since I’m already bald and I love to fish. But I’d probably be a shaky-ass eagle because I’m afraid of flying. ~ Steve Harvey.

Inspiring Steve Harvey Quotes

Catch Fire, Do Something, Get Excited by Finding Your Purpose In Life. ~ Steve Harvey.

Act like a lady think like a man. ~ Steve Harvey.

The first time I saw my wife, Marjorie, I was doing stand-up in Memphis, and she was sitting in the front row. Afterward, I walked up and said, ‘Ma’am, I’m going to marry you one day.’ And 15 years later, I did. ~ Steve Harvey.

You’ve got to quit lowering your standards. Set your requirements up front so when a guy hooks you, he has to know this is business. ~ Steve Harvey.

Hip-hop is a beautiful thing. I think that the music genre itself has created more millionaires than any other music genre before it, especially in our community. ~ Steve Harvey.

Your setback is just a setup for your comeback. ~ Steve Harvey.

Success is not just about your ability to achieve, but also your ability to serve through sharing. True success lives in our legacies. ~ Steve Harvey.

Men respect standards- get some! ~ Steve Harvey.

You should be living your life surrounded by people who are like-minded, service-oriented, and grateful, people who are trying to accomplish things, and who bring something to the table. ~ Steve Harvey.

The most successful people in this world recognize that taking chances to get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot. ~ Steve Harvey.

Warren Buffett said that he would not invest in any business where the owner hasn’t failed at least twice. I love that truly wealthy and successful people understand that failure is part of the process. ~ Steve Harvey.

If you don’t have a base – you can’t not have a spiritual base and survive. That’s probably what has kept me out of the tabloids. Then I go home, I’ve got a family, and I keep my wife in front of my head. ~ Steve Harvey.

I never saw myself not being a stand-up. That was my plan. ~ Steve Harvey.

The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately. ~ Steve Harvey.

Motivational Steve Harvey Quotes

There’s a lot more to me than just funny. ~ Steve Harvey.

If you want to be successful, you have to jump, there’s no way around it. When you jump, I can assure you that your parachute will not open right away. But if you do not jump, your parachute will never open. If you’re safe, you’ll never soar! ~ Steve Harvey.

Life is going to get bad sometimes. You’ll make poor choices. You’ll fail. You’ll lose hope and maybe want to give up. If you jump, and trust that He will be there to help you soar, there is nothing you cannot achieve. ~ Steve Harvey.

Your setback is just a setup for a comeback. ~ Steve Harvey.

Boys Shack, MEN build homes. ~ Steve Harvey.

Excuses are the lies you convince yourself are true to avoid proving you are worthy of the gift you were given. Say this with me – NO MORE EXCUSES. ~ Steve Harvey.

I know how men think when they’re not responding to questions in a clinical study. ~ Steve Harvey.

My father instilled in me to take care of my family. Show up even when you don’t want to show up. ~ Steve Harvey.

Your career is what you’re paid for. Your calling is what you’re made for. ~ Steve Harvey.

Too many women have given up the power over the years because men have created the terms. ~ Steve Harvey.

Catch fire today! Make today the day you stop complaining and do something! ~ Steve Harvey.

I tell jokes for a check; I’m on TV for a check. ~ Steve Harvey.

But remember what drives a man; real men do what they have to do to make sure their people are taken care of, clothed, housed, and reasonably satisfied, and if they’re doing anything less than that, they’re not men. ~ Steve Harvey.

All I knew growing up was that my father was married to and loved my momma, period. He worked hard, made some money, and put it on the dresser. She spent it on the family, and he went out and earned some more. He taught me the most about love. ~ Steve Harvey.

I’m not a good mother at all. ~ Steve Harvey.

A guy that’s really serious about you, he’s gotta be talking to you, he’s gotta want to have one-on-one, in-your-face interaction. That’s how we are. ~ Steve Harvey.

God has given me a life far beyond anything I ever dreamed about. God is, man, God is something else man. ~ Steve Harvey.

Love is never going to go out of style, a man is always going to want to have the love of a woman. She just needs a game plan to work out how to get his love. ~ Steve Harvey.

The only way woman can truly be completely satisfied is to get herself four different men – an old one, an ugly one, a Mandingo, and a gay guy. ~ Steve Harvey.

Legendary Steve Harvey Quotes

You can take lessons to become almost anything: flying lessons, piano lessons, skydiving lessons, acting lessons, race car driving lessons, singing lessons. But there’s no class for comedy. You have to be born with it. God has to give you this gift. ~ Steve Harvey.

There’s no such thing as luck. These are blessings. God endows them upon you. He makes you a blessing to become a blessing. ~ Steve Harvey.

Sit up, speak with boldness about what you know, and add value that would be absent from the table if you remained silent. Take your opportunity to add your unique talents and skills to the mix. ~ Steve Harvey.

What I learned from that moment is that when you face your fears, they aren’t as big as you thought they were. What makes them big is when you don’t turn around to face them head-on. The longer you avoid your fears, the bigger they grow in your mind. ~ Steve Harvey.

A woman can’t change a man because she loves him. A man changes himself because he loves her. ~ Steve Harvey.

Do not ignore your gift. Your gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. ~ Steve Harvey.

Everybody by your side ain’t on your side. ~ Steve Harvey.

Wake up and smile! Wake up and be grateful! ~ Steve Harvey.

My mother was a Sunday school teacher. So I am a byproduct of prayer. My mom just kept on praying for her son. ~ Steve Harvey.


You can’t tell big dreams to small minded people. ~ Steve Harvey.

God lets you be successful because he trusts you that you will do the right thing with it. Now, does he get disappointed often? All the time, because people get there and they forget how they got it. ~ Steve Harvey.

You have nothing if you’re texting a guy in a relationship. We can text six women a minute. We can text it and push ‘reply all.’ I mean, since we’re lying, we might as well lie to everybody. ~ Steve Harvey.

I was homeless. I lived in a car for a couple of years. That was the worst. But nothing was worse than when I was 40 and my mom passed away. My mother was the best person I ever knew. Those were the two lowest points. ~ Steve Harvey.

We all think that this relationship thing is a game out here. All I’m saying to women is, ‘Okay. If it’s a game, here are the rules that we play by.’ ~ Steve Harvey.

If you don’t believe in God, then where is your moral barometer? ~ Steve Harvey.

People get jealous and use whatever information they have to make you feel bad and themselves feel better. ~ Steve Harvey.

You are never too old to reinvent yourself. ~ Steve Harvey.

My mother raised me in the church. I was not allowed to stay home on Sunday; there was no option. I sang in the choir all the way up until I went to college. ~ Steve Harvey.

I tell people I’m a stand-up comedian two hours a week. The rest of the time, I’m somebody’s husband, I’m somebody’s father. I’m a man. I take great pride in that. ~ Steve Harvey.

You can’t go forward and backwards at the same time. ~ Steve Harvey.

There has been nothing more impactful on my life and meaningful to me than the introduction of Christ. That, hands down, blows away every joke I’ve ever written. ~ Steve Harvey.

I don’t rehearse on either of my shows, ‘Family Feud’ or my talk show. I never rehearse with the guests. I don’t want to have any preconceived thoughts, notions, because that kills my creativity as a host and as a stand up. ~ Steve Harvey.

I can’t cuss and tell jokes the rest of my life. I gotta say something meaningful. I gotta give something back to a Creator who has given so much to me. ~ Steve Harvey.

People see me laughing and telling jokes, but they had no idea after the show was over, I had no joy in my life, in my heart. ~ Steve Harvey.

So these were the 128 top Steve Harvey quotes success, life, faith and relationships.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Cus D’Amato quotes and Bill Belichick quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

I’m the Founder of InternetPillar.com and InboxQuotes.com - I love sharing inspirational quotes and motivational content to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #motivation #internetpillar #inboxquotes