70 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes and Sayings

“Actions speak louder than words” embodies fundamental wisdom: in order to genuinely grasp someone’s thoughts and intentions, one should pay more attention to their conduct rather than just their said words.

The phrase emphasizes the importance of deeds as a more accurate and genuine expression of one’s thoughts and emotions.

This collection of powerful quotes firmly reiterates the belief that deeds, indeed, speak louder than words.

These nuggets of wisdom encourage us to be sincere in our goals and consistent in our deeds.


Dive into this collection of motivational quotes to inspire yourself to choose action over words. Allow your actions to express your purpose and intention and allow them to resonate with your truth.

After all, nothing is more essential or influential than your efforts and deeds. They are the most accurate reflections of your personality, shaping your identity and defining your life path.

Finally, actions are the most powerful means of expression and communication.

Top 10 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes


Words may show a man’s wit but actions his meaning. ~ Benjamin Franklin.


Actions speak louder than words, but words of action speak profoundly. ~ Unknown.

Actions speak louder than thoughts – it’s what you do when presented with the opportunity that showcases your love, or lack of. ~ Anna Shine.

You are not just for the right or left, but for what is right over the wrong. ~ Suzy Kassem.

It is much easier to propose than to execute. ~ David Noonan Aesop.

Talk is cheap. Actions speak. ~ Robin S. Sharma.

Life is a song, and the difference you make is the lyrics. ~ Michael Bassey Johnson.

Well done is better than well said. ~ Benjamin Franklin.

If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real. ~ Anthony Robbins.

I am not imposed upon by fine words; I can see what actions mean. ~ George Eliot.

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Famous Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

Words are from the lips, actions are from the heart. ~ Rashida Costa.

In the dating game, the world is difficult because people don’t communicate, or they communicate, but then their actions speak louder than words. ~ Hayley Kiyoko.

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. ~ Andrew Carnegie.

Your mission, goals, and objectives should be aligned with your present actions and where you see yourself in the future. ~ Germany Kent.

You do not write your life with words… You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do. ~ Patrick Ness.

Time is never enough – enough is the action that you take in a given time. ~ Kangoma Kindembo.

Actions speak louder than words. Words cost nothing. Actions can cost everything. ~ Aleksandra Layland.

Now the thing is not to get into unnecessary quarrels by talking too much and not to indicate any weakness by talking too much; let our actions speak for themselves. ~ Henry L. Stimson.

The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterward speaks according to his actions. ~ Confucius.

Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. ~ Anthony of Padua.

Being all talk speaks volumes about you. ~ Frank Sonnenberg.


You need to know it’s your actions that will make you a good person, not desire. ~ Matthew Quick.

Jesus Christ said ‘by their fruits, ye shall know them,’ not by their disclaimers. – William S. Burroughs.

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ~ Robert Frost.

No plan and no action will lead to no results. ~ Germany Kent.

If your actions don’t live up to your words, you have nothing to say. ~ DaShanne Stokes.

I can influence others, but I’m not responsible for others. ~ Brittany Burgunder.

Great Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. ~ George Patton.

It is well to preach as I do, with my lips. But you can all preach with your feet and by your lives, and that is the most effective preaching. ~ Charles Spurgeon.


Do not be wise in words. Be wise in deeds. ~ Jewish Proverb.

When you are purposeful and take daily action, more opportunities come into your life. Believe and build more. ~ Wesam Fawzi.

Words will hold some water, but actions carry buckets full. ~ Christine Szymanski.

Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words. ~ Ibrahim Hooper.

A woman of mystery is one who also has a certain maturity and whose actions speak louder than words. Any woman can be one if she keeps those two points in mind. ~ Alfred Hitchcock.

Best Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

Everybody has a personal decision to make but hopefully my actions speak louder than words. ~ Luke Zeller.


Pay less attention to what men say. Just watch what they do. ~ Dale Carnegie.

Actions speak louder than words. And sometimes inaction speaks louder than both of them. ~ Matthew Good.

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts. ~ John Locke.

Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it. ~ Zig Ziglar.

I don’t trust words, I trust action. ~ Unknown.

Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results. Make sure you can live with the results of your actions. ~ Carlos Wallace.

Give everyday a chance to become the most beautiful day of your life. ~ Mark Twain.

External actions are evidence of internal beliefs. Our deeds are what show our creeds. ~ Tim Hiller.

Inspiring Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

Men are what they are because of what they do. Not what they say… ~ Fredrik Backman.

In leadership, life, and all things, it’s far wiser to judge people by their deeds than their speech, their track record rather than their talk. ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru.

If we don’t fight for what we stand for with our passionate words and honest actions, do we really stand for anything? ~ Tiffany Madison.

Actions speak louder than words. All companies say they care, right? But few actually exercise that care. ~ Simon Sinek.

People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. ~ Lewis Cass.

We’ve been taught to believe that actions speak louder than words. But I think words speak pretty loud all of our lives; we carry these words in our head. ~ Marlo Thomas.

I’ve learned from being in the woods that titles don’t mean much and that actions speak a lot louder than words – even in Congress. I always look for the people who want to act – people who want to run the river or climb the mountain – even if they’re not members of my political party. ~ Mark Udall.

So who’s more adult – somebody who works like mad to avoid a problem or somebody who works like mad to solve it? ~ Janet Kagan.

Powerful Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

People can play dumb all they want, but they always give themselves away in actions. In the small moments, like that. ~ Stephanie Perkins.


It is much easier to propose than to execute. ~ David Noonan.

I think ‘actions speak louder than words’ is one thing, I think, I always took from my mom. And to this day, I think about that in everything I do. ~ Ginni Rometty.

Thoughts do more. Words too much. Actions do much more. ~ Israelmore Ayivor.

A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain. ~ Arabian Proverb.

Sometimes our actions are much more meaningful than words. A hug can sometimes express more than our words will ever express. ~ Catherine Pulsifer.

Actions speak louder than words. So believe what you see and forget what you heard. ~ Unknown.

A tongue doesn’t get things done. ~ Amit Kalantri.

Deep Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

Yes, beliefs are important for they shape who we are, but our identity is revealed not through our beliefs or our talk, but through our actions. ~ Thomas Ingram.

Words have less substance than air. Don’t tell me about your zealous dreams, your firm convictions, your profound love – show me. ~ Richelle E. Goodrich.

Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny. ~ Mahatma Gandhi.

Love is one of those topics that plenty of people try to write about but not enough try to do. ~ Criss Jami.

You can either choose to wait around and hope life gives you what you want – or you can choose to jump up and put in the work to make your dream come true. ~ Oscar Auliq-Ice.


The universe rewards action. Start working on your dreams today! ~ Wesam Fawzi.

Actions speak louder than words. There is a big difference between what people say and what they do. People might tell you they are excited about your new product, but when they are in a buying situation their behavior might be totally different. ~ Alexander Osterwalder.

What they actually did matters more than what they said. ~ Kenneth Eade.

So these were the 70 top quotes about Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Loner quotes and Optimistic quotes.


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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

I’m the Founder of InternetPillar.com and InboxQuotes.com - I love sharing inspirational quotes and motivational content to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #motivation #internetpillar #inboxquotes