72 Aries Quotes That Are Relatable with Fierce Fire Sign

Arians, symbolized by the ram in the zodiac, are known for their intense passion, unwavering independence and boundless energy.

As a fire sign, Arians tend to be quite hot-headed and impulsive.

They often display a frank and straightforward demeanor, which can sometimes be perceived as abrasive.

Although some may view Aries individuals as tough and insensitive, they are not deceitful and value honesty.

Arians possess natural leadership qualities that shine through in various aspects of life, including their careers, families and businesses.

Explore these exceptional Aries quotes that you’ll particularly appreciate if you happen to be a ram yourself.

Let these words resonate with your fiery spirit and celebrate your unique traits!

Best Aries Quotes


This disarming naivete is also why Aries people are so fearless. ~ Linda Goodman.


The Aries woman will help you find your lost illusions and she’ll have a fierce faith in all your dreams. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries is the first sign of the fire element and the cardinal quality – all force, all outgoing, all for moving ahead, but also for putting the self first. ~ Julia Parker.

You may find an occasional Arian who is shy, but you’ll never find one who’s uncertain where he stands. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries has a jealous heart. ~ Nana Moskouri.

Although Aries is the firebrand who forges his way through life with daring, initiative and enterprise, there’s a strange quirk to his bravery. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries sense of individuality makes them uniquely suited for professions where they need to work alone, take risks, and advocate for themselves. ~ Debbie Stapleton.

Aries needs a partner willing to set sail at a moment’s notice – impulsive and action-oriented, he prefers not to plan and overthink a situation. ~ Lynn Hayes.

No other Sun sign can be so scrupulously faithful as Aries when he’s really in love for keeps. ~ Linda Goodman.

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Famous Aries Quotes

Aries in his many fits knows no favorites. ~ Homer.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ~ Anaïs Nin.

The Aries female will open her own doors. She’ll also put on her own coat, fight her own battles, pull out her own chair, hail her taxi and light her cigarette without any masculine help. Doing it herself is, to her, the fastest way to get it done. ~ Linda Goodman.

What an Aries wants, an Aries gets. ~ Unknown.

In the heart of an Aries you’ll find the soul of a Knight of the Round Table: noble and true, and unwilling to share you with any other Knight or Lady. ~ Lynn Hayes.

While Ariens are independent and love their freedom, they do not enjoy being alone. ~ Lynn Hayes.

Aries females invariably get all soft and squishy inside at the mere thought of True Love, their idealism in affairs of the heart being eternal as Spring itself. ~ Linda Goodman.

Inspiring Aries Quotes

Rams must be allowed to express themselves through their own Mars patterns, which must contain a certain amount of violent ups and downs, in order to eventually learn that impulsive, rash behavior usually brings regret. ~ Linda Goodman.


I’m very Aries – every characteristic, good and the bad. ~ Molly Kerim.

All I can do is follow my instincts because I’ll never please everyone. ~ Emma Watson.

Aries individuals need to be first, but they will want you to be a passenger on their adventure ride. ~ Lynn Hayes.

Aries has an innocent wistful facet to his nature, and a kind of eternal, joyous, naïve faith, blended with the blind zeal of the born crusader. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries represents the East, the Day Forces – which is why most of them fight sleep, tranquility, rest and resignation to Fate with such vigor. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries needs a quest that will challenge their courage and help them to create a more ideal world. ~ Lynn Hayes.

Lovely Aries Quotes

A realist, yet a decided idealist, Aries often defies emotional description. No one can show such tough, forceful behavior. Yet, few others are capable of such sentimentality, wistful innocence, and belief in miracles. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries isn’t always adept at expressing his feelings, but don’t let that fool you. ~ Lynn Hayes.


I’m an Aries. I need everybody to like me. ~ Eric Andre.

You can definitely count on an Aries when the chips are down. ~ Patricia Lantz.

Aries are leaders, not followers – Aries will never do something just because everyone else is doing it. ~ Unknown.

Aries is often a step ahead of us. A life that is too predictable makes them antsy. ~ Unknown.

I don’t like laziness or cutting corners. ~ Victoria Beckham.

I love the idea of being an Aries. ~ Vanessa Kirby.

Beautiful Aries Quotes

Aries possesses childlike faith that a quarrel can somehow be made up, a relationship can be repaired each time it’s broken. ~ Linda Goodman.

I am an Aries. Although I do not believe in astrology, I think this is exactly the right sign to have been born under. ~ Anne Lamott.


Aries demands love, for like the infant, without love, Aries dies. ~ Linda Goodman.

Aries people pick up steam while everyone else is running out of gas. ~ Joanna Martine Woolfolk.

Never criticize the lover, husband, or children of an Aries woman unless you’re wearing an asbestos suit. ~ Linda Goodman.

Said I rage like a fire and I flow like the water ain’t no surprise I was born under Aries. ~ Beverley Knight.

I’m an Aries. Most of the time, whether I want to admit it or not, it describes me. I don’t check my horoscope too often, but most of the time, yes, I’m fiery and stubborn. ~ Daniela Bobadilla.

Aries continually needs to be reminded that ‘if winter comes’….. the miracle of spring cannot be far behind. ~ Linda Goodman.

I’m an Aries and sort of a challenge to myself. ~ Debbie Reynolds.

Top Aries Quotes

Like anyone else, Aries may feel the fear, but has learned to act anyway, always striving to overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt. ~ Debbie Stapleton.

One of the four zodiac signs that are associated with the qualities of leadership, initiation, action, and ambition. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. ~ April Elliott Kent.

To Aries, miracles are a dime a dozen. If you run out, he’ll make you some more, wrapped in brave, scarlet dreams. ~ Linda Goodman.

I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose throughout my life. ~ Lady Gaga.


Aries may be missing everything, but you’ll always see them fighting. ~ Unknown.

People with Aries tendencies strongly project their own personalities and can be very self-oriented. ~ Joanna Martine Woolfolk.

When the Aries woman has been really hurt, she turns from fire to ice. Her fire burns hot and dies quickly. Her ice can be eternal. ~ Linda Goodman.

Inspirational Aries Quotes

One of the pitfalls of being an Aries is that you’re essentially self-involved. ~ Joanna Martine Woolfolk.

Aries rules the head and brain and like the Ram, Arians go into battle headfirst. ~ Therrie Rosenvald.

I’m probably less volatile and tempestuous than a lot of Arieses, but I think I’m probably quite loud and outgoing and passionate. Maybe a bit difficult or stubborn. ~ Mackenzie Davis.

Aries often defies emotional description. No one can show such tough, forceful behavior. ~ Linda Goodman.

You may find an occasional Arien who is shy, but you’ll never find one who’s uncertain where he stands. ~ Linda Goodman.


As an Aries, you believe in Karma, but only because you are the Karma. ~ Unknown.

I’m slightly controlling. I’m an Aries and I like things to have an order. I get slightly disturbed and I get slightly distressed and flustered if things go awry. ~ Mandy Moore.

What Aries does for those they love is worth more than words. ~ Unknown.

To the Aries soul, Love is a necessity of life, which is taken for granted; for in its infancy of awareness, Love is synonymous with existence itself. ~ Linda Goodman.

Yet Aries to be very, very ambitious. ~ The Whispers.

Aries enjoys doing favors; the larger the charitable gesture the better. ~ Unknown.

Aries woman has a deep, hidden desire to be protected and defended by her man. ~ Linda Goodman.

Arien anger flashes forth with the speed of sound, but it’s usually gone before the victim knows what it’s all about, and the happy child-like smile quickly returns. ~ Linda Goodman.

The Aries wife will probably make an excellent impression on your boss if you can keep her from telling him how to run his business. ~ Linda Goodman.

Arians make very lively parents. ~ Julia Parker.

Powerful Aries Quotes

Aries is known for an explosive temper, and although their outbursts don’t last long, it’s definitely best to avoid fiery rams until the steam has dissipated. ~ Aliza Kelly.


Aries is born to make their mark on the world and take the road less traveled. ~ Patricia Lantz.

Save you some embarrassment I’m an Aries and I ain’t scared. ~ Da Brat.

Aries hearts always carry more scars than the Rams ever show, or openly discuss. ~ Linda Goodman.

You can look for a liberal attitude, lavish generosity with both time and material things, and a marked desire to lead all the marches – with loud cymbals. ~ Linda Goodman.

So these were the 72 top quotes about Aries Zodiac sign.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on December quotes and November quotes.


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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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