57 Best Yung Pueblo Quotes to Heal You

Diego Perez known as Yung Pueblo is a famous writer.

He practices vipassana meditation and is popular on social media.

In “Lighter” he shares his vulnerability discussing themes like letting go growth and self-love.

Yung Pueblo quotes

Diego believes in liberation and the power of healing over finding love.

I have listed below the best quotes by Yung Pueblo.

Best Yung Pueblo Quotes


To harm another is to harm oneself. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Life hurts when the mind is full of attachments. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it means we stop carrying the energy of the past into the present. ~ Yung Pueblo.


The forces of the universe support those who work at healing themselves. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Emotional maturity is knowing the difference between your true needs and temporary cravings. ~ Yung Pueblo.

I can only understand the world as much as I understand myself. ~ Yung Pueblo.


True power is living the realisation that you are your own healer, hero, and leader. ~ Yung Pueblo.


You can love people and not allow them to harm you. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Maturity is knowing that when your mood is down you should not trust the way you see yourself. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Sometimes people are simply meant to teach you how not to act in the future. ~ Yung Pueblo.

We never wanted to argue, but it kept happening because that is what hearts do when they are overflowing with old pain. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Self-love is the nourishment that gives us the clarity and strength to love others well. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Philosophical Yung Pueblo Quotes


A person grows in beauty whenever they move away from what harms them and into their own power. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Maturity in a relationship is not expecting to always be on the same schedule. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Ego is self-doubt self-hatred anxiety narcissism fear of others harshness impatience a lack of compassion and illusions. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Letting go is the act of getting to know yourself so deeply that all delusions fall away. ~ Yung Pueblo.

If they make you feel rejuvenated after hanging out with them, give them more of your time. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Being okay with not being okay helps you let go. ~ Yung Pueblo,.

Peace makes you strong. Hate reveals your emptiness. Kindness feeds your happiness. Anger reveals your fear. Love makes you free. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Real maturity is observing your own inner turbulence and pausing before you project how you feel onto what is happening around you. ~ Yung Pueblo.


A real sign of progress is when we no longer punish ourselves for our imperfections. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Ask yourself: is this how i actually feel, or is this my emotional history trying to recreate the past? ~ Yung Pueblo.

Famous Yung Pueblo Quotes

Before I could release the weight of my sadness and pain, I first had to honor its existence. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Three things make life harder: not loving yourself refusing to grow not letting go. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Real love began when we both stopped expecting and instead focused on giving. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be fully happy and free. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Forcing ourselves to be happy is not genuine or productive; being honest about what we feel while remaining calm and aware is the real work. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Your vibration is always shining and affecting your environment. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Ego sees problems; consciousness sees solutions. ~ Yung Pueblo.

I lived so long with a closed heart, not because I was afraid to get hurt but because I was afraid of the pain I had hidden away. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Your healing lifts up the ocean of existence. When you heal we all heal. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Progress is when we forgive ourselves for taking so long to treat our bodies like a home. ~ Yung Pueblo.

We carry our attachments and pain in our bodies, as we let them go our bodies change. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Your initial reaction is usually your past trying to impose itself on your present. ~ Yung Pueblo.

The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Top Yung Pueblo Quotes


You feel most agitated right before you settle into a more substantial peace. ~ Yung Pueblo.

People who deeply know and love themselves are not hateful towards others. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Wholeness is when lies no longer stand between you and yourself. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Do the earth a favour, don’t hide your magic. ~ Yung Pueblo.

It is easier to let go of someone’s opinion when you understand that people see you through a combination of their past conditioning plus their current emotion. Without realizing it, they see themselves first and through that lens they get an unclear picture of you. ~ Yung Pueblo.

There is no mystery to the miracle of self-healing; it is courage, commitment, and consistency that move us from misery to inner peace. ~ Yung Pueblo.

I started speaking my truth when being free became more important that guarding the fear of my ego. ~ Yung Pueblo.

How do you know you are growing in the right direction? You can breath more deeply, think more clearly, and feel calmness and happiness flow more strongly through your being. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Happiness is letting go. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Loving yourself is not selfish, it is essential to your wellbeing and the wellbeing of the world. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Popular Yung Pueblo Quotes

All can be healed. ~ Yung Pueblo.

While in the midst of serious internal growth, respect your need to rest. Yung Pueblo

Self-awareness combined with action opens the door to real change. ~ Yung Pueblo.


Sometimes deeper mental clarity is preceded by great internal storms. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting, it just means we stop carrying the energy of the past into the present. ~ Yung Pueblo.

You cannot build a deep connection with someone who is disconnected from themselves. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Great Yung Pueblo Quotes

Three things make life harder: not loving ourselves, refusing to grow, not letting go. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Reclaiming our power, healing ourselves, loving ourselves, knowing ourselves – these phrases are becoming more and more common, why? Because they are the pathways to our own freedom and happiness. ~ Yung Pueblo.

I was never addicted to one thing, I was addicted to filling a void within myself with other things other than my own love. ~ Yung Pueblo.


A sign of growth is being okay with not being okay. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Every time I meet more of myself, I can know and love more of you. ~ Yung Pueblo.

Your emotional history affects your daily behavior; letting go of these patterns allows you to think and act in new ways. ~ Yung Pueblo.

It did not happen overnight and it was not given to me by another. I am the maker of the happiness and love growing within me. ~ Yung Pueblo.

So these were the 57 top Yung Pueblo quotes and sayings on love, letting go, healing, friendship, growth and self-love.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Misty Copeland quotes and Abbie Hoffman quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

I’m the Founder of Internet Pillar - I love sharing quotes and motivational content to inspire and motivate people - #quotes #motivation #internetpillar