70 Best Alistair Begg Quotes, Sayings and Quotations for Inspiration

Alistair Begg, born in Glasgow on May 22, 1952, is the long-standing senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio since 1983.

Besides leading the church, he also heads the Truth For Life radio ministry, which disseminates his sermons across North America.

A prolific author, Begg has several publications to his credit. His spiritual path was deeply influenced by his mother’s death in 1972.

An alumnus of the London School of Theology, he served in Scottish churches before settling in Cleveland.


Although he didn’t finish a DMin in the 1980s, he’s been honored with Doctor of Divinity degrees.

Married with three children and eight grandchildren, Begg became a U.S. citizen in 2004.

He staunchly upholds Christian teachings, stressing the paramount importance and inerrancy of Scripture.

Below are some of the most powerful quotes by Alistair Begg.

Best Alistair Begg Quotes


There is no one insignificant in the purposes of God. ~ Alistair Begg.

We’re to love our children for who they are, not for what we want them to become. ~ Alistair Begg.

The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. It happens quietly. It happens inevitably. Don’t underestimate God’s power. ~ Alistair Begg.

The preacher’s task is to declare what God has said, explain the meaning, and establish the implications so that no one will mistake its relevance. ~ Alistair Begg.

I only need a mirror to see a sinner. ~ Alistair Begg.

It’s all about God. May He forgive us for every time we start to think it’s actually all about us. ~ Alistair Begg.

When we become captive to the Word of God, then we discover true freedom. ~ Alistair Begg.

God’s law has been written on all of our consciences, but only in Christ is it written on our hearts. ~ Alistair Begg.

Holy Spirit, take the Word of truth as we find it in the Scriptures and bring it home to our lives. ~ Alistair Begg.

This is no time for wimpy Christians. It’s time for soldiers of Christ to arise! ~ Alistair Begg.

Regular expository preaching of the Bible is the staple diet of a healthy church. ~ Alistair Begg.

Sincere love is not as a result of emotional surges – it’s a result of obedience to the Truth. ~ Alistair Begg.

It is in getting to know my Bible that I get to know Jesus. ~ Alistair Begg.

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Top Alistair Begg Quotes

It is not our believing of the Gospel that makes it true. It exists as independent, true Truth. ~ Alistair Begg.

God’s concern is for His name, His glory, His people, His unfolding eternal purpose and for His Kingdom. ~ Alistair Begg.

We find Christ in all the Scriptures. In the Old Testament He is predicted, in the Gospels He is revealed, in Acts He is preached, in the epistles He is explained, and in Revelation He is expected. ~ Alistair Begg.

The main things are the plain things, and the plain things are the main things. ~ Alistair Begg.

You will never have a better friend than a friend who points you to Christ. ~ Alistair Begg.

Let us remember the loving-kindness of the Lord and rehearse His deeds of grace. Let us open the volume of recollection, which is so richly illuminated with memories of His mercy, and we will soon be happy. ~ Alistair Begg.

If our Christianity doesn’t work at home, it doesn’t work. ~ Alistair Begg.

Just because someone is sincere in his conviction does not mean that it is true. It is possible to be sincerely wrong. ~ Alistair Begg.

If you live in such a manner as to stand the test of the last judgment, you can depend upon it that the world will not speak well of you. ~ Alistair Begg.

Jesus did not come to live as an example of how to die as a martyr, but as a substitute, taking the place that we deserve in order that we might enjoy what we don’t deserve. This is good news. Let us tell all our friends! ~ Alistair Begg.

Famous Alistair Begg Quotes

You don’t know who you are until you know God and you don’t know how to live until you’ve settled the question of how to die. ~ Alistair Begg.

Hold material goods and wealth on a flat palm and not in a clenched fist. ~ Alistair Begg.

Do you want to lead, or do you want to be liked? ~ Alistair Begg.

Refusal to forgive reveals we have minimized our offense against God and we have maximized a brother’s offense against us. ~ Alistair Begg.

At best we are but clay, animated dust; but viewed as sinners, we are monsters indeed. Let it be published in heaven as a miracle that the Lord Jesus should set His heart’s love upon people like us. ~ Alistair Begg.

Children should be able to see the Gospel modeled in the way their father loves their mother with a sacrificial love… ~ Alistair Begg.

The ultimate fulfillment of God’s mercy in Jesus is not something that is supplied in time to correct a default in the system, but is something that is planned from all of eternity. ~ Alistair Begg.

A good church is a Bible-centered church. Nothing is as important as this – not a large congregation, a witty pastor, or tangible experiences of the Holy Spirit. ~ Alistair Begg.

Singleness and marriage are both evidences of God’s grace that are to be experienced and sustained purely by the strength which God supplies. ~ Alistair Begg.


Endurance is a key indicator of spiritual fitness. ~ Alistair Begg.

If truth were told, most of us spend longer each day on personal cleanliness than on practical godliness. ~ Alistair Begg.

There are times in our Christian life when we cannot see beyond the next step and we have to trust God. ~ Alistair Begg.

How immense God is, that He is able to sweep into His purposes even foolish requests and bad motivations. ~ Alistair Begg.

Popular Alistair Begg Quotes

The death of Jesus is the pivotal event of human history and everything needs to be understood in light of that. ~ Alistair Begg.

The foolishness of the cross is the wisdom of God and the wisdom of God is powerful in its impact. ~ Alistair Begg.

Death for the Christian is to fall asleep in the arms of Jesus and waking up and finding out that you’re home. ~ Alistair Begg.

It takes a whole Bible to make a whole Christian. ~ Alistair Begg.

I do not believe it is possible to embrace the premises of ecumenical strategy and still draw the conclusions of evangelical orthodoxy. ~ Alistair Begg.

The Bible is one story that unfolds in one book, by one author, about one subject. A story that moves from promise to fulfillment. ~ Alistair Begg.

We may be confident in this: that in the pain of our suffering is the presence of a faithful God. ~ Alistair Begg.

The reason most preaching is ignored today is that it deserves to be. ~ Alistair Begg.

Prayer is an acknowledgment that our need of God’s help is not partial but total. ~ Alistair Begg.

As I am humbled by my difficulties, so I am strengthened by God’s grace. ~ Alistair Begg.

The only true conqueror who shall be crowned in the end is he who continues until war’s trumpet is blown no more…. Christian, wear your shield close to your armor and cry earnestly to God, that by His Spirit you may endure to the end. ~ Alistair Begg.

Great Alistair Begg Quotes

The protestant martyrs and their monuments testify to the fact that they died, not on account of ecclesial differences, but because the issue was the way of salvation. ~ Alistair Begg.

There is little doubt that the effective ministry of the Word today continues to be significantly undergirded by men and women who find great fulfillment in the supportive role entrusted to them by our heavenly Father. ~ Alistair Begg.

When all a man has is worldly wealth, he is poor indeed. ~ Alistair Begg.

Our relationship with God will never be right as long as our relationship with others is wrong. ~ Alistair Begg.

What kind of wonderful God is this who reaches down into the lives of people, picks them up, grants them faith, and changes them! ~ Alistair Begg.

Only when we are captured by an overwhelming sense of awe and reverence in the presence of God, will we begin to worship God in spirit and in truth. ~ Alistair Begg.

As a result of grace, we have been saved from sin’s penalty. One day we will be saved from sin’s presence. In the meantime we are being saved from sin’s power. ~ Alistair Begg.

The Creator of the universe knows me. ~ Alistair Begg.

Singleness is a gift; marriage is a gift. We should not misuse the gifts we’ve been given. ~ Alistair Begg.

Prayer is the means that God has ordained for the supply of grace that is necessary to be joyful in hope. ~ Alistair Begg.

It is impossible to serve God without serving one another. ~ Alistair Begg.

We are drifting toward a religion which consciously or unconsciously has its eye on humanity rather than on deity. ~ Alistair Begg.

The return of Jesus will be personal, physical, visible and glorious. ~ Alistair Begg.

Father, write Your Word in our heart; make us men and women who understand Your truth. ~ Alistair Begg.

We must think ourselves empty when coming to the text of scripture and read ourselves full. ~ Alistair Begg.

Christianity is not about how to escape from the difficulties of life – it is about how to face the difficulties of life. ~ Alistair Begg.

When my children hear godliness out of my mouth and they see wickedness in my life, then I point them to heaven and I lead them to hell. ~ Alistair Begg.

Powerful Alistair Begg Quotes

The great need is for us to be taught theologically, not just stirred emotionally. ~ Alistair Begg.

The providence of God does not relieve us of our human responsibility: it doesn’t call for inactivity, it calls for activity. ~ Alistair Begg.

Father, help us to rest our heads on the soft pillow of Your providence. ~ Alistair Begg.

There is an old joke that went around – it goes, in the beginning God made man in His own image, and since the fall, man has been seeking to return the compliment. ~ Alistair Begg.

Unfortunately, preachers who distort God’s Word are all too common today. Sometimes this springs from a sincere desire to soften hard hearts, but hearts aren’t changed by compromise. ~ Alistair Begg.

I remain fascinated by the variety of approaches that preachers take in preparing their sermons. In our preparation, as well as in our delivery we must to our own selves be true. ~ Alistair Begg.

So these were the 70 top Alistair Begg quotes and sayings.

Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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