76 Best Bruno Mars Quotes to Inspire You

Bruno Mars, born Peter Gene Hernandez, is an American singer-songwriter and producer from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Growing up in a musical family Mars started creating music early, later moving to Los Angeles for his career.

In the beginning he started producing for others and then he gained fame with hits like “Nothin’ on You” and released his debut album, “Doo-Wops & Hooligans”, in 2010, featuring chart-toppers “Just the Way You Are” and “Grenade”.


Mars’ music showcases diverse styles and influences, with recognitions including a Grammy and the 2012 BRIT Award for Best International Male Solo Artist.

He has sold over 5 million albums globally.

Here is a top collection of quotes by Bruno Mars.

Best Bruno Mars Quotes

1. “If you ever forget how much you really mean to me, Every day I will remind you.” ~ (Bruno Mars).


2. “When it’s your time, it is your time.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

3. “When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change ’cause you’re are amazing just the way you are.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

4. “When everything in life gets so complicated it only takes a day to change it.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

5. “Treasure, that is what you are.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

6. “Hawaii is paradise. It sounds cheesy to say it, but there’s music in the air there.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

7. “I think that success is having fun.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

8. “If perfect’s what you’re searching for, then just stay the same.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

9. “And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

10. “My goals are – I don’t need much. I’m a simple man. I think that success is having fun. And when I’m having fun doing music, I’m happy. If I can make a little money on the side doing it, I’m really happy.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

11. “You’re amazing, just the way you are.” ~ (Bruno Mars).


12. “If I was a billionaire, I’d be smart with my money.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

13. “Oh every time I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

Inspiring Bruno Mars Quotes

14. “It’s about you putting in the work, practicing every day, and hopefully one day you write the song the whole world wants to get down to. And one day you’re going to be sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres talking about how you broke records and rocked the Super Bowl!” ~ (Bruno Mars).

15. “You pick up some fans and a handful of haters along the way.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

16. “I just write songs that I strongly believe in and that are coming from inside. There’s no tricks. It’s honesty with big melodies.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

17. “You can’t knock on opportunity’s door and not be ready.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

18. “Don’t you love it that Prince doesn’t use Twitter? Don’t you think he’s somewhere on a unicorn?” ~ (Bruno Mars).

19. “Honolulu is a melting pot.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

20. “Never had much faith in love or miracles, Never wanna put my heart on the line.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

21. “You have to be who you are, and hopefully they dig it.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

22. “Music is not math. It’s science. You keep mixing the stuff up until it blows up on you, or it becomes this incredible potion.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

23. “As proud as I am of Doo-Wops I feel like, ‘Oh, man. People haven’t seen nothing. They don’t even know what I’m about to do,’ and that’s what I can’t wait to show the world.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

24. “Whether it be a reggae song, rock song, a love song, the main thing was just to, whatever I was feeling, to try to capture that emotion.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

25. “Everyone calls me Bruno; they don’t ever call me Peter – that was just my government name.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

26. “You know, when Michael Jackson does the moonwalk, he’s showing off! When Prince or Hendrix do a guitar solo, it’s confidence! I would hate to be at a show and some nervous wreck is sweating up there and doesn’t feel like he deserves to be there.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

Popular Bruno Mars Quotes

27. “I know I’m probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

28. “I don’t throw lavish parties or nothing like that – I just want a bed and a TV.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

29. “I am so proud and so happy to be Filipino.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

30. “Every artist should want to be like Michael Jackson.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

31. “You know, I just do whatever feels right to me! And so that’s what you’re gonna get!” ~ (Bruno Mars).

32. “To write a song you must have an imagination, to have an imagination you must be free.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

33. “Doo-wop is special music to me because it’s so straightforward and melody-driven and captures emotions.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

34. “What I like about Elvis is the same thing I like about James Brown, Michael Jackson, Prince. These guys, back in the day, there was no smoke and mirrors. It was just raw talent. They would step out onstage and command an audience. Talk about awesome.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

35. “Every time I try to write a song, when I sit down and think I’m going to write, I really want to write a song, and it never works out. It’s always when it hits me unexpectedly on a plane or right before I go to bed, something like that.” ~ (Bruno Mars).


36. “You gotta know what you are, who you are and how you want to be portrayed.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

37. “I tend to overthink things. I’m not the guy who screams ‘This is a world smash!’ when I finish a song.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

38. “I love artists like Prince, who hold on to that element of mystery.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

39. “My dad was into the 1950s doo-wop era. If you look at those groups, or at James Brown, Jackie Wilson and the Temptations in the 1960s, you’ll see you had to be sharp onstage.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

40. “I guess if I’m a product, either you’re chocolate, you’re vanilla or you’re butterscotch. You can’t be all three.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

41. “What I’m hoping is that every album I’m going to do will give my audience something different, and that they’ll grow as I do.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

42. “Someone told me something that stuck with me: ‘You have to envision your life, and then go backwards.’ I’ve been living by that motto for a while, so I see where I need to be. Now I’m just backtracking and trying to get back up there.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

Top Bruno Mars Quotes

43. “No one sells a song better than the person that wrote it.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

44. “I always say I wanna work with Alicia Keys. I’m in awe of her.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

45. “My dream was to not get a day job but to sleep, wake up and do my music. I want to keep that dream forever.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

46. “I’m a big fan of songs like Joe Cocker’s ‘You Are So Beautiful’ and Eric Clapton’s ‘Wonderful Tonight’ – songs that go straight to the point.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

47. “I could sing you a thousand and one doo-wop songs. I love the simplicity in that music. It’s not super-poetic, it’s just from the heart.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

48. “It’s probably the worst feeling in the world, when you’re deeply and madly in love with a woman and you know she’s not feeling you the same way, and you don’t know why.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

49. “I don’t like two stories. I like one story. I never grew up with stairs. I like to stick to what I know.” ~ (Bruno Mars). Bruno Mars Quote: “Hawaiian music is beautiful and simple.” 0  0

50. “Hawaiian music is beautiful and simple.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

51. “There’s always a bittersweet kind of thing, but I feel like everything had to work out the way it is. Everything that had to happen, happened.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

52. “My father moved to Hawaii from Brooklyn and my mother came there as a child from the Philippines. They met at a show where my dad was playing percussion. My mom was a hula dancer.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

53. “A grown man should always carry cash, right? I don’t know who told me, but someone told me that a long time ago, and the biggest turnoff is when a guy doesn’t have cash on him.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

54. “I’ve had big record label presidents look me in the face and say, ‘Your music sucks, you don’t know who you are, your music is all over the place, and we don’t know how to market this stuff. Pick a lane and come back to us.’” ~ (Bruno Mars).


55. “Tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you’re from.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

56. “I wish I could tell you me and my rock band were traveling around, strung out. No, we were a family band. Straight Partridge Family.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

Famous Bruno Mars Quotes

57. “I came to California and got signed at a young age. And it’s not like you see in the movies, where you start rubbing shoulders with Timbaland and Pharrell, and you become a giant pop star.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

58. “Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent; got kiss myself I’m so pretty.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

59. “In my songs, I’m not saying something that’s never been said before. The lyrics aren’t going to blow people away. It’s the emotion and the melody that drive it home.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

60. “I love that I can talk to my fans through Twitter, to cut out the middle man. Because I’ve done interviews where my words have gotten twisted, so it’s nice to be able to have things coming straight from me.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

61. “I definitely don’t plead guilty to being a heartthrob.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

62. “I don’t try and be dark, but there are obviously darker emotions that I want to capture sometimes.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

63. “You know, my sister sings, my brother plays drums in my band. My whole family is a bunch of musicians.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

64. “I’m a big fan of the young 1950s Elvis when he would just go onstage and control the whole environment.” ~ (Bruno Mars).


65. “I’ve learned people are watching, so don’t do nothing stupid.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

66. “Ever since I was a kid, this was all I wanted to do. I’ve wanted to do music. I wanted to sing. It’s all I know.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

67. “Songwriters, you have to work – you have to wait for residuals. You have to pray that the song’s going to be a hit. And then a year later, you might get a check.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

Short Bruno Mars Quotes

68. “I’m the Nickelodeon version of DangerMouse.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

69. “There are no record companies in Waikiki.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

70. “I just know that I’m a fan of all different kinds of genres. You’re supposed to be free doing music, and that’s how I feel.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

71. “I feel it’s my job to continue being a student of music if I want to continue being an artist and a producer of other artists. You have to keep filling your mind with other music. You have to be ahead of the curve.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

72. “In pop music, the public usually see the results – the hit records, the Grammy Awards performances, the concert tours – but not all the work that goes into getting into the spotlight. And not everyone realizes that, even if you have a lot of talent, chances are you won’t make it.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

73. “I signed up to be a musician, I want to perform, I want to sing.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

74. “In Hawaii, some of the biggest radio stations are reggae. The local bands are heavily influenced by Bob Marley.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

75. “Becoming famous was never what I wanted to do. There’s a lot of things that come with fame – it’s what people in the limelight have to do.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

76. “Expect me to give my all. That’s what I do every time I have a show. Give my all.” ~ (Bruno Mars).

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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