135 Best Jim Morrison Quotes on Life from the American Singer

Jim Morrison was the lead singer of the iconic rock band “The Doors”.

Morrison’s dynamic personality and provocative performances propelled him to stardom making him a defining icon of the 1960s.

His music career began when he formed the band with Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore in 1966 after studying film at UCLA.

Jim Morrison

Known for his baritone voice and sexually suggestive movements, Morrison’s charisma and edgy lyrics, such as “Come on baby, light my fire,” captivated audiences.

Dubbing himself the “Lizard King,” his fascination with Native American lore and American deserts inspired many songs.

Struggling with sudden fame, Morrison’s dependence on alcohol increased.

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He was charged with indecency during a 1969 concert but passed away in 1971 before his appeal could be concluded.

Despite his early death, his legacy continues to inspire fans globally.

I have selected the best quotes by Jim Morrison for you.

Best Jim Morrison Quotes


You live, you die and death not ends it. ~ Jim Morrison.

No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn. ~ Jim Morrison.

The time to hesitate is through. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’ll never look into your eyes again. ~ Jim Morrison.

She dances in a ring of fire and throws off the challenge with a shrug. ~ Jim Morrison.

I believe in a long, prolonged derangement of the senses to attain the unknown. ~ Jim Morrison.

Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors. ~ Jim Morrison.

We need great golden copulations. ~ Jim Morrison.

Drugs are a bet with your mind. ~ Jim Morrison.

We want the world, and we want it now! ~ Jim Morrison.

Let’s just say I was testing the bounds of reality. I was curious to see what would happen. That’s all it was curiosity. ~ Jim Morrison.

We’re reaching for death on the end of a candle. We’re trying for something that’s already found us. ~ Jim Morrison.

I am troubled, immeasurably by your eyes. I am struck by the feather of your soft reply. The sound of glass speaks quick, disdain and conceals what your eyes fight to explain. ~ Jim Morrison.

I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft… ~ Jim Morrison.

This is the strangest life I’ve ever known. ~ Jim Morrison.

You cannot petition the Lord with prayer. ~ Jim Morrison.

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’ve always thought comparisons were useless and ugly. It is a shortcut to thinking. ~ Jim Morrison.

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. ~ Jim Morrison.

The world becomes an apparently infinite, yet possibly finite, card game. Image combinations, permutations, comprise the world game. ~ Jim Morrison.

Rather than starting inside, I start outside and reach the mental through the physical. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’m interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that appears to have no meaning. It seems to me to be the road toward freedom. ~ Jim Morrison.

Each day is a drive through history. ~ Jim Morrison.

Top Jim Morrison Quotes

Is everybody in? Is everybody in? Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin. ~ Jim Morrison.

Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. ~ Jim Morrison.

When you make your peace with authority, you become authority. ~ Jim Morrison.

The spectator is a dying animal. ~ Jim Morrison.

Actually I don’t remember being born, it must have happened during one of my black outs. ~ Jim Morrison.

Some of the worst mistakes in my life were haircuts. ~ Jim Morrison.

I like any reaction I can get with my music. Just anything to get people to think. ~ Jim Morrison.

I think, in these days, especially in the States, you have to be a politician or an assassin or something, to really be a superstar. ~ Jim Morrison.

Windows work two ways, mirrors one way. You never walk through mirrors or swim through windows. ~ Jim Morrison.


Film spectators are quiet vampires. ~ Jim Morrison.

Lying on stained, wretched sheets with a bleeding virgin We could plan a murder Or start a religion. ~ Jim Morrison.

I think in art, but especially in films, people are trying to confirm their own existences. ~ Jim Morrison.

Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss, another kiss. ~ Jim Morrison.

Music inflames temperament. ~ Jim Morrison.

Famous Jim Morrison Quotes

My great joy is to give form to reality. Music is a great release, a great enjoyment to me. Eventually I’d like to write something of great importance. That’s my ambition-to write something worthwhile. ~ Jim Morrison.

A man searching for paradise lost can seem a fool to those who never sought the other world. ~ Jim Morrison.

The Gate is Straight, Deep and Wide; Break On Through to the other side. ~ Jim Morrison.

No one here gets out alive. ~ Jim Morrison.

We could plan a murder, or start a religion… ~ Jim Morrison.

I don’t think there should even be a president, man. I think we should have total democracy. ~ Jim Morrison.

I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable. ~ Jim Morrison.

O great creator of being grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives. ~ Jim Morrison.

There are no laws, there are no rules, just grab your friend and love him. ~ Jim Morrison.

The future is uncertain but the end is always near. ~ Jim Morrison.

Let’s just say I was testing the bounds of reality. ~ Jim Morrison.

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That’s what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is. ~ Jim Morrison.

It’s like gambling somehow. You go out for a night of drinking and you don’t know where you’re going to end up the next day. It could work out good or it could be disastrous. It’s like the throw of the dice. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’ll always be a word man, better than a bird man. ~ Jim Morrison.

Great Jim Morrison Quotes

The appeal of cinema lies in the fear of death. ~ Jim Morrison.

Hatred is a very underestimated emotion. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’m kind of hooked to the game of art and literature; my heroes are artists and writers. ~ Jim Morrison.

There are images I need to complete my own reality. ~ Jim Morrison.

Nobody would stay interested in me if I was normal. ~ Jim Morrison.

We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict. ~ Jim Morrison.

There are things known and there are things unknown and in between are the doors. ~ Jim Morrison.

Choose the day and choose the sign of your day! The day’s divinity! First thing you see!! ~ Jim Morrison.

Death Makes Angels of us all. ~ Jim Morrison.

You feel your strength in the experience of pain. ~ Jim Morrison.

The best songs just come unasked for. You don’t have to think about them. Summer is a good time for songs. ~ Jim Morrison.

People are strange when you’re a stranger. ~ Jim Morrison.

There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors. ~ Jim Morrison.

Blood is the rose of mysterious union. ~ Jim Morrison.

Profound Jim Morrison Quotes

A hero is someone who rebels, or seems to rebel, against the facts of existence and seems to conquer them, but obviously that can work at moments. ~ Jim Morrison.

How can I set free anyone who doesn’t have the guts to stand up alone and declare his own freedom? ~ Jim Morrison.

Give form to the passing World. Freeways are a drama. ~ Jim Morrison.

Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel. ~ Jim Morrison.

No one thought up being. He who thinks he has, step forward. ~ Jim Morrison.

A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. ~ Jim Morrison.

Time to live, time to lie, time to laugh, and time to die. Take it easy baby. Take it as it comes. ~ Jim Morrison.

Violence isn’t always evil. What’s evil is the infatuation with violence. ~ Jim Morrison.

Listen, real poetry doesn’t say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through anyone that suits you. ~ Jim Morrison.

Most people love you for who you pretend to be. ~ Jim Morrison.

Take an Indian home to lunch. ~ Jim Morrison.

It may have been in pieces, but I gave you the best of me. ~ Jim Morrison.

One shouldn’t take life so seriously. No one gets out alive anyway. ~ Jim Morrison.

Los Angeles is a city looking for a ritual to join its fragments, and The Doors are looking for such a ritual also. A kind of electric wedding. We hide ourselves in the music to reveal ourselves. ~ Jim Morrison.


I pressed her thigh and death smiled. ~ Jim Morrison.

That’s what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is. ~ Jim Morrison.

The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder. ~ Jim Morrison.

A true artist does not die. He just stops giving live concerts. ~ Jim Morrison.

When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience. ~ Jim Morrison.

Well, I’ve been down so Goddamn long, that it looks like up to me. ~ Jim Morrison.

Resident mockery, give us an hour for magic. ~ Jim Morrison.

Dreams are at once fruit and outcry against an atrophy of the senses… ~ Jim Morrison.

I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments. ~ Jim Morrison.

Morning found us unaware, noon burn gold into our hair, at night we swim the laughin sea, where will we be? ~ Jim Morrison.

All the poems have wolves in them. All but one. The most beautiful one of all. She dances in a ring of fire and throws off the challenge with a shrug. ~ Jim Morrison.

All our lives we sweat and save, Building for a shallow grave. ~ Jim Morrison.

Deep Jim Morrison Quotes

I like to let each thing happen – direct it a little consciously, maybe – but just kind of follow the vibrations I get in each particular circumstance. We don’t plan theatrics. We hardly ever know which set we’ll play. ~ Jim Morrison.

Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. ~ Jim Morrison.

There’s nothing wrong with being a large mammal. ~ Jim Morrison.

Films are collections of dead pictures which are given artificial insemination. ~ Jim Morrison.

Do you think you’ll be the guy to make the queen of the angels sigh? ~ Jim Morrison.

Out here on the perimeter there are no stars. Out here we is stoned. Immaculate. ~ Jim Morrison.

Nobody understands you better than yourself, but if someone tries to do it is because he loves you. ~ Jim Morrison.

I am the Lizard King, I can do anything! ~ Jim Morrison.

Give me songs to sing and emerald dreams to dream and I’ll give you love unfolding. ~ Jim Morrison.

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~ Jim Morrison.

A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself. ~ Jim Morrison.

Take it easy baby, take it as it comes – specialize in having fun! ~ Jim Morrison.

I think that phrase is the most horrible phrase in the English language – ‘I don’t know.’ It’s terribly embarrassing. ~ Jim Morrison.

Man, I’m sick of doubt. ~ Jim Morrison.

Love is a dream. Dreams are good, but do not be surprised if you wake up in tears. ~ Jim Morrison.

I like a man who wears his soul on his face. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’ll never wake up in a good mood again. I’m tired of these stinky boots. ~ Jim Morrison.

Can you feel it now that springs has come. And it’s time to live in the scattered sun. ~ Jim Morrison.

All our songs are about love, travel and death. ~ Jim Morrison.

I’ve noticed that when people are joking they’re usually dead serious, and when they’re serious, they’re usually pretty funny. ~ Jim Morrison.

Love cannot save you from your own fate. ~ Jim Morrison.

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. ~ Jim Morrison.

Where’s your will to be weird? ~ Jim Morrison.

The highest and lowest points are the important ones. Anything else is just in between. ~ Jim Morrison.

All games contain the idea of death. ~ Jim Morrison.

I offer images – I conjure memories of freedom that can still be reached-like the Doors, right? But we can only open the doors-we can’t drag people through. ~ Jim Morrison.

The time you wait subtracts the joy
The heads the angel you destroy. ~ Jim Morrison.

They got the guns, but we got the numbers. ~ Jim Morrison.

Thoughtful Jim Morrison Quotes

People fear death even more than pain. It’s strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend. ~ Jim Morrison.

I want to have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames. ~ Jim Morrison.

Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws. ~ Jim Morrison.

If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel. ~ Jim Morrison.

Cineama, heir of alchemy, The last erotic science. ~ Jim Morrison.

I am interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that seems to have no meaning. ~ Jim Morrison.

I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown. ~ Jim Morrison.

Be always like the sea, than breaking up against cliffs it finds always the force to try again. ~ Jim Morrison.

That’s what real love amounts to- letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending- performing. You get to love your pretense. It’s true, we’re locked in an image, an act. ~ Jim Morrison.


Look where we worship. ~ Jim Morrison.

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first. ~ Jim Morrison.

We hide ourselves in our music to reveal ourselves. ~ Jim Morrison.

Cinema returns us to anima, religion of matter, which gives each thing its special divinity and sees gods in all things and beings. Cinema, heir of alchemy, last of an erotic science. ~ Jim Morrison.

The mask that you wore. My fingers would explore. Costume of control. Excitement soon unfolds. ~ Jim Morrison.

The kind of people who can assemble huge crowds into one spot will be the major influences on mass culture in the next decade. The rock enthusiasts have created some of the most exciting theatrical events on the planet. ~ Jim Morrison.

So these were the 135 top Jim Morrison quotes on love, life, music, death and to overcome fear.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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