50 Great Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

The poetry collection Home Body by Rupi Kaur explores the poet’s experiences with love, loss, and healing.

Rupi Kaur has a way of writing about her most intimate experiences in a way that makes them seem universal, and her readers frequently identify with her writing.


The poetry in Home Body are no exception; they will help you feel less alone and seen. Her writing is honest, genuine, and sincere.

Here is a collection of the 50 quotes from Home Body by Rupi Kaur.

Great Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

You lose everything
when you don’t love yourself
– and gain everything when you do. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


If someone dosen’t have a heart you can’t go around offering them yours. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


how can i be so cruel to myself when i’m doing the best i can – be gentle. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


why does everything
become less beautiful
once it belongs to us. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you might have done
the external work
but your mind is starving
for internal attention. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

if you’re waiting for them
to make you feel like you’re enough
you’ll be waiting a long time. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you have everything to gain
from believing in yourself
yet you spend all your time with self-doubt. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


why escape yourself
when you are so beautiful. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Also read: A Walk in the Woods Quotes by Bill Bryson and The Giving Tree Quotes by Shel Silverstein.

Best Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

the mountains i built from all the shit people tried to stone me to death with – warrior. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

your job is to
show up for the process
be patient and when it’s time
the universe will use you again. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

we can work
at our own pace
and still be
successful. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you are one person
but when you move
an entire community
walks through you. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


the need to survive
lit a fire in me. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i am trusting the uncertainty
and believing i will
end up somewhere
right and good. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

make it a point
to love yourself
as fiercely as you do other people – commitment. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


i’m a new person every month always becoming and unbecoming only to become again. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Famous Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

i dive into the well of my body
and end up in another world
everything i need
already exists in me
there’s no need
to look anywhere else. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i am not a victim of my life
what i went through
pulled a warrior out of me
and it is my greatest honor to be her. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


i have to honor my mind and body
if i want to sustain this journey – life. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i want to leave this place knowing
i did something with my body
other than trying to
make it look perfect. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


my mind keeps running off to dark corners and coming back with reasons for why i am not enough. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you do not belong to the future or the past
– you belong right here. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

there is a conversation
happening inside you
pay deep attention
to what your inner world
is saying. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

don’t sleep on
the doormat of your potential
waiting for things to happen
when you could be
the thing that happens. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Top Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

we already have the things that can complete us
they just aren’t things
they are people
and laughter and connection. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i don’t care about perfection
i’d rather roll deep
in the messiness of life. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

things i wish i could tell the younger me
is meditation. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


we were always in survival mode long after we didn’t need to be. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

if someone doesn’t have a heart
you can’t go around
offering them yours. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


the world is changing can you feel it undressing itself and slipping into something uncomfortable and more just – waves. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

depression is silent
you never hear it coming
and suddenly it’s
the loudest voice in your head. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Powerful Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

i want to live
i’m just afraid
i won’t measure up to the
idea people have of me in their heads. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

if you tried
and didn’t end up
where you wanted to go
that’s still progress. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

it’s easy to love
the nice things about ourselves
but true self-love is
embracing the difficult parts
that live in all of us. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


i have never known anything more quietly loud than anxiety. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

there are years in me
that have not slept. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

why do i hurt the ones
who want to lift me up and
worship the ones who crush me. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

there are days
when the light flickers
and then i remember
i am the light
i go in and
switch it back on. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Inspirational Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

depression is silent you never hear it coming and suddenly it’s the loudest voice in your head. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you are lonely
but you are not alone
– there is a difference. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i became confident
once i decided that having fun
was far more important than
my fear of looking silly. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


if you could accept that perfection is impossible what would you stop obsessing over. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you have only scratched the surface
of what you’re capable of
there are decades
of victories ahead of you. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

you can’t quiet a woman who was born muzzled
i fell from the mouth of my mother’s legs
into the palms of this world
with god herself raging in me. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i will never have
this version of me again
let me slow down
and be with her. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Popular Quotes From Home Body by Rupi Kaur

i’m careful about
who i spend my energy on
– i know my worth. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

a man can’t give me anything
i can’t give myself. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).


i am loving myself out of the dark. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

i’m not going to pretend to be less intelligent than i am so a man can feel more comfortable around me. ~ Rupi Kaur (Home Body).

Home Body by Rupi Kaur

So these were the 50 top quotes from Home Body book by Rupi Kaur.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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