60 Best Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

Greenlights is an autobiographical snapshot of Matthew McConaughey.

This book covers everything from his childhood to his current-day successes.


The book is written in a very personal and introspective style, and it provides readers with a unique look into the mind of one of Hollywood’s most popular actors.

You can read quotes from Greenlights book below.

Best Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey


To never say I can’t. To never lie. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


The more we travel, the more we realize how similar our human needs are. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


If everything we did was right, we’d never know what was wrong. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

I never wrote down things to remember, I always wrote things down so I could forget. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Guilt and regret kill many a man before their time. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


If we all made sense of humor the default emotion, we’d all get along better. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Stepping in shit is inevitable, so let’s either see it as good luck or figure out how to do it less often. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


I didn’t want to miss my twenties preparing for the rest of my life. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


When we truly latch on to the fact that we are going to die at some point in time, we have more presence in this one. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

There are a lot of things I didn’t do as a kid that I shouldn’t have done, because I didn’t want to get my ass whupped. I also know that I did a lot of things as a kid that I should have done, because I wanted my parents’ praise and adulation. Consequences, they work both ways. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


I learned resilience, consequences, responsibility, and how to work hard. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Also read: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and The Song of Achilles Quotes.

Famous Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

We all have scars, we’ll get more. So rather than struggle against time and waste it, let’s dance with time and redeem it, because we don’t live longer when we try not to die, we live longer when we’re too busy livin. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

DNA and work. Genetics and willpower. Life’s a combination. Some get the genes but never the work ethic or resilience. Others work their ass off but never had the innate ability. Others have both and never rely on the first. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

We cannot appreciate the light without the shadows. We have to be thrown off balance to find our footing. It’s better to jump than to fall. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


When you experience success in your life, remember first to enjoy your success. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

The problems we face today eventually turn into blessings in the rearview mirror of life. Yesterday’s red light leads us to a green light today. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


We learn to measure people on the competence of their values that we most value. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Inspiring Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

We’re all storytellers in the movie business. That’s what we do. We play make-believe. And when we do it well, we make you believe. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

We need finites, borders, gravity, demarcations, shape, and resistance, to have order. This order creates responsibility. The responsibility creates judgment. The judgment creates choice. In the choice lies the freedom. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

We must be aware of what we attract in life because it is no accident or coincidence. The spider waits in his web for dinner to come. Yes, we must chase what we want, seek it out, cast our lines in the water, but sometimes we don’t need to make things happen. Our souls are infinitely magnetic. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


When you can design your own weather, blow in the breeze. When you’re stuck in the storm, pray for luck and make the best of it. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

We cannot fully appreciate the light without the shadows. We have to be thrown off balance to find our footing. It’s better to jump than fall. And here I am. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Top Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

We are all made for every moment we encounter. Whether the moment makes us or we make the moment. Whether we are helpless in it or on top of it, the predator or the prey. We are made for that moment. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


There’s a difference between art and self-expression. All art is self-expression. All self-expression is not art. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

God, when I cross the truth, give me the awareness to receive it, the consciousness to recognize it, the presence to personalize it, the patience to preserve it, and the courage to live it. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Life is not a popularity contest. Be brave, take the Hill, but first, answer the question. What is my Hill? ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Behind the steering wheel has always been my favorite seat, and driving the highways of America has always been my ideal office. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Life is our résumé. It is our story to tell, and the choices we make write the chapters. Can we live in a way where we look forward to looking back? . ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


They are not trying to win arguments of right or wrong. They are trying to understand each other. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Powerful Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

Travel and humanity have been my greatest educators. They have helped me understand the common denominator of mankind. Values. Engage with yourself then engage with the world. Values travel. And sometimes we get a stamp in our passport just by crossing the street. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


No longer chasing butterflies, Camila and I planted our garden so they could come to us. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

I believe trying to maintain a honeymoon glow in a relationship is a fool’s errand fantasy. Worse yet, it’s unfair to the two lovers trying to maintain it. It’s a 120-watt bulb that burns too hot to last. No one can live up to the pedestal we put them on if we always put them on one. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Sometimes which choice you make is not as important as making a choice and committing to it. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

In Hollywood, if you pass on too many projects, they may quit asking. If you step out of your lane, and turn your back on what you’re successful at, the industry can turn its back on you. They don’t mind seeing you miss the bus because there’s plenty of people to take your seat. Again, it’s not personal, it’s just business. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Nobody gets in trouble for what they do, they only get into trouble when they get caught. The art is in gettin away with it. The outlaw don’t live on the edges, he lives in the center, cruisin through the slipstream. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Inspirational Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

To lose the power of confrontation is to lose the power of unity. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

I haven’t made all A’s in the art of livin, but I give a damn, and I’ll take an experienced C over an ignorant A any day. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


We have to prepare to have freedom. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Don’t create imaginary constraints. A leading role, a blue ribbon, a winning score, a great idea, the love of our life, euphoric bliss, who are we to think we don’t deserve these fortunes when they are in our grasp? Who are we to think we haven’t earned them? . ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


I have a lot of proof that the world is conspiring to make me happy. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Great leaders are not always in front, they also know who to follow. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


We have to prepare for the job so we can be free to do the work. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Popular Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

The difficulties we face today eventually turn into blessings in the rearview mirror of life. In time, yesterday’s red light leads us to a green light. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Common sense is like money and health, once you have it, you have to work to keep it. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Success does not solve your problems. It changes them. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Knowing who we are is hard. Eliminate who we’re not first, and we’ll find ourselves where we need to be. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

I’ve never cared much for destinations. The idea of landing is too finite for my imagination and sense of song. Give me a direction and a sixteen-lane highway with room to swerve and explore along the way. Like jazz, I prefer to see life as a river. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Persist, pivot, or concede. It’s up to us, our choice every time. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

The art of running downhill – Don’t trip yourself while running downhill. That mountain you want to climb? It’s just around the corner. Don’t invent drama. It will come on its own. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

An honest man’s pillow is his peace of mind, and when we lie down on ours at night, no matter who’s in our bed, we all sleep alone. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


Knowin the truth, seein the truth, and tellin the truth, are all different experiences. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Wise Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

We must learn the consequences of negligence. It’s not just what we do. It’s what we don’t do that’s important as well we are guilty by omission. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

We need discipline, guidelines, context, and responsibility early in any new endeavor. It’s the time to sacrifice. To learn, to observe, to take heed. If and when we get knowledge of the space, the craft, the people, and the plan, then we can let our freak flag fly, and create. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Nothing will bring you back down to earth like spitting a loogie in your own face. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).


If thine eye be single, Thy whole body will be full of light. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

People wonder how to make it in life. First of kin with innate ability and a lotta hard work. Yes. But don’t forget the steam. The undefined asterisk and intangible. Some call it juice. Some call it magic. The genie’s in the magic. The magic’s in the steam. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Don’t walk into a place like you wanna buy it, walk in like you own it. ~ Matthew McConaughey (Greenlights).

Greenlights Quotes by Matthew McConaughey

So these were the 60 top quotes from Greenlights book by Matthew McConaughey.

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Chandan Negi

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