45 Reciprocity Quotes on Giving and Receiving to Inspire You

Reciprocity is the balanced exchange of giving and receiving, essential for healthy relationships.

It varies in each relationship, with individuals needing to explore what works best for them.

Key factors include open communication, sharing needs and maintaining individuality while supporting one another.

This concept also applies to personal well-being and work-life balance.

45 Reciprocity Quotes on Giving and Receiving to Inspire You

Reciprocation, a core aspect of human interaction, builds trust and community. Reflecting on its significance, many great minds have shared inspiring quotes.

Explore these quotes about reciprocity to better understand and embrace the power of reciprocity in your life.

Reciprocity Quotes


Reciprocity of sensation is not possible because to share is to be robbed. ~ Angela Carter.


Love is never wasted, for its value does not rest upon reciprocity. ~ C. S. Lewis.


The basis of social relationships is reciprocity: if you cooperate with others, others will cooperate with you. ~ Carroll Quigley.


Anger spoils relationships where there should be great reciprocity. ~ Robert A.F. Thurman.


Sometimes loneliness makes the loudest noise. ~ Aaron Ben-Ze’ev.

People relate giving to reciprocity. They expect things to be expressed in a way they can understand, which is usually their own. ~ Aleksandra Ninkovic.

Whatever mourns when many leave these shores: Whatever shares The eternal reciprocity of tears. ~ Wilfred Owen.


Inscrutably involved, we live in the currents of universal reciprocity. ~ Martin Buber.

Ideally citizens are to think of themselves as if they were legislators and ask themselves what statutes, supported by what reasons satisfying the criterion of reciprocity, they would think is most reasonable to enact. ~ John Rawls.

Best Reciprocity Quotes


We were always expected to see Quebec’s side of things, but there was damned little reciprocity. ~ Judy LaMarsh.


Reciprocity is the key to a successful relationship. ~ Chandan Negi.

The Supreme Court of Canada has given prisoners the “right” to vote. Is it not time that non-jailed citizens were given reciprocity with a “right” that prisoners have; namely the freedom to bypass the public system when it fails to provide reasonable access? ~ Brian Day.

Reciprocity helps us balance the need for self-determination and creative individuality with mutual hope and, therefore, what might be described as ‘solidarity.’ ~ David Blunkett.

In relationships, we often get back what we put in. If we’re kind and considerate, we’re more likely to receive the same in return. This is known as reciprocity. ~ Chandan Negi.


There is one word that can be the guide for your life- it is the word reciprocity. ~ Pearl S. Buck.

Only by affirming the animateness of perceived things do we allow our words to emerge directly from the depths of our ongoing reciprocity with the world. ~ David Abram.

Abundance is a dance with reciprocity – what we can give, what we can share, and what we receive in the process. ~ Terry Tempest Williams.


Simplicity is the best strategy. Reciprocity is the best policy. ~ Debasish Mridha.

Volleyball is one of the most interactive games going. It is a game of intuition, imagination, improvisation – but most of all, of reciprocity – of teamwork. There is no way to free-lance in volleyball. ~ Marv Dunphy.


No love is ever wasted. Its worth does not lie in reciprocity. ~ Neal A. Maxwell.

Famous Reciprocity Quotes

When one cultivates to the utmost the principles of his nature, and exercises them on the principle of reciprocity, he is not far from the path. ~ Confucius.


Reciprocity is a deep instinct; it is the basic currency of social life. ~ Jonathan Haidt.

To stand emotionally open before the world & give of our hearts without fear of hurt or demand of reciprocity – this is the ultimate act of human courage. ~ Brendon Burchard.

When a man is guided by the principles of reciprocity and consciousness, he is not far from the moral law. Whatever you don’t wish for yourself don’t do unto others. ~ Confucius.

My relationships are based on personal reciprocity. Being a Dodger was a matter of heart, but in the end I felt they didn’t want me. ~ Steve Garvey.

Meaningful Reciprocity Quotes

Lack of reciprocity ruins friendships, but makes love affairs exciting for a time. ~ Mason Cooley.


Jealousy knows no logic, nor does it respect reciprocity. ~ Jean Edward Smith.

The central law of all wholesome life is reciprocity, mutuality. … But the group is valuable only as it permits personalities, not automatons, to emerge. ~ Norman Thomas.


Quadratic reciprocity is the song of love in the land of prime numbers. ~ Kato.

We must remember how to honor and respect life with each breath, step, word, and thought. What you bless blesses you in return. This is the power of reciprocity. ~ Sandra Ingerman.

I take “We, the People” seriously because I don’t know how we build a civilization without reciprocity. ~ Bill Moyers.


Reciprocal accountability, or criticism [is] the only known antidote to error. ~ David Brin.

Reciprocity is not mandatory. ~ David Lubar.

Powerful Reciprocity Quotes

Reciprocity, a symbiotic relationship, is a relationship in which two people have worked out certain terms. I am using you in certain ways; you are using me in certain ways. That is a balanced relationship. ~ Frederick Lenz.

Anyway, culture and nation are partners, inextricable from each other. National culture and nation, they are reciprocities. ~ Mark McMorris.


Tell me who I’ve got to be, to get some reciprocity. ~ Lauryn Hill.

True community is based on upon equality, mutuality, and reciprocity. It affirms the richness of individual diversity as well as the common human ties that bind us together. ~ Pauli Murray.

We see things like reciprocity which are fairly central to our view of ethics. But if you’re talking about a set of worked-out rules on what we are supposed to do then, yes, it is a human product. ~ Peter Singer.

Top Reciprocity Quotes

A little reciprocity goes a long way. ~ Malcolm Forbes.

What interferes with this peaceful feeling is our expectation of reciprocity. ~ Richard Carlson.


There is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one’s life – reciprocity. ~ Confucius.

Social peace requires reciprocity. ~ Ralph Peters.

The universe is a vast system of exchange. Every artery of it is in motion, throbbing with reciprocity, from the planet to the rotting leaf. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin.

So these were the 45 quotes about Reciprocity.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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