62 Yasmin Mogahed Quotes on God and Life

Yasmin Mogahed born on March 11, 1980 is a well-known American educator motivational speaker and author specializing in spirituality psychology and personal development.

She made history as the first female instructor at the AlMaghrib Institute and the first Muslim woman to hold this position.

Mogahed holds a BSc degree in psychology and an MS degree in journalism and mass communications from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Before joining AlMaghrib she served as a writing instructor at Cardinal Stritch University. Mogahed has contributed columns to the Huffington Post and InFocus News and she is internationally acclaimed for her motivational lectures.

She has authored impactful books including “Reclaim Your Heart” “Love & Happiness” and “Healing the Emptiness: A Guide to emotional and spiritual well-being”.

Let’s go through some of the most inspiring quotes by Yasmin Mogahed.

Best Yasmin Mogahed Quotes


The body has many needs. But the soul has only one: to be with God. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Your heart is sacred land. Don’t let just anything enter it. Guard it with your life. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Keep going. You’re almost there and remember, the sun is most beautiful as it’s going away. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Everything you have is on loan. Foolish is the one who gets attached to a loan. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Everything is as it should be. God’s design is perfect. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

When you’re in trouble, don’t depend on yourself. Don’t depend on people. Depend on God. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

There’s a time for words and a time for silence. If you’re listening, you’ll hear the difference. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

As a Muslim woman, I’ve been liberated from a silent kind of bondage. I don’t answer to the slaves of God on earth. I answer to their King. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


There is meaning in all things. But are you paying attention? ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

This life will never be without storms. Stop fearing the storm. Build your inner shelter. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Famous Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

If you want this life to stop breaking your heart, stop giving your heart to this life. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Don’t despair if your heart has been through a lot of trauma. Sometimes that’s how beautiful hearts are remade: they are shattered first. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Some hearts understand each other, even in silence. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Embrace life and all that God gives you-but never let it contain you. This world is too small to contain you. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Happiness, sadness, loss and gain all pass away. What they do to us is what remains. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Don’t get attached to moments. Good or bad, they all pass. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Know that transformation sometimes begins with a fall. So never curse the fall. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Popular Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

This world isn’t perfect. That means it isn’t perfectly good; but it isn’t perfectly bad, either. The ease comes with the hardship. Shift the focus of what you see, and your experience of this life will change. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


It is in that which you love the most that you find the greatest tests. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Tear your heart out of your chest. And hand it to God. There is no other healing. I swear, there is no other healing. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Seek the ones who never stop caring, who break down your walls, and help you come back to yourself. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

My laughter won’t last forever but neither will my tears. We say this life isn’t perfect. And it isn’t. It isn’t perfectly good. But, it also isn’t perfectly bad, either. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Love people for the sake of God, but never love God for the sake of people. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Ya Allah, envelop our hearts with a shield of your light and mercy, so the pain doesn’t penetrate. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Your beauty is in your sensitivity. Don’t let anyone take it from you. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Nothing is difficult if you seek it through your Lord, and nothing is easy if you seek it through yourself. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Leaving the people and places you love, is a reminder of the impermanence of this life. And the permanence of the next. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Keep praying, even if you have only a whisper left. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Speak your heart. If they don’t understand, the message was never meant for them anyway. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

There’s a special place in my heart for the ones who were with me at my lowest and still loved me when I wasn’t very loveable. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Top Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

People think that tests only come in the form of hardships. Allah also tests us with ease, it’s often in the test of ease that we fail most. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Time for solitude. God, I ask you to remake my heart. Fill it with what You love. Remove from it what You don’t. And mend what I’ve broken. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

When you have friends, don’t expect your friends to fill your emptiness. When you get married, don’t expect your spouse to fulfill your every need. When you’re an activist, don’t put your hope in the results. When you’re in trouble, don’t depend on yourself. Don’t depend on people. Depend on Allah. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


If there is one recipe for unhappiness it is that: expectations. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Any beauty you see in me is only a reflection of Him, any ugliness, a reflection of my self. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Holding on to hope when everything is dark, is the greatest test of faith. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Don’t lie to me. Don’t deceive me. Give me the truth. Even if it breaks me. A painful truth is better than a pleasant lie. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Religious Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Everything we do is motivated by love. Even fear and hate are born of love. So be careful what you love. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


He chose better for me, He always chooses better. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

If you want to focus more on Allah in your prayers, focus more on Him outside your prayers. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Sometimes the gifts of God aren’t wrapped as we expect. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Time of difficulty test our faith, our fortitude and our strength. During these times, the level of our imaan becomes manifest” ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Be grateful for the wound that pushes you towards God. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Compassion is to look beyond your own pain, to see the pain of others. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

The poison leaves bit by bit, not all at once. Be patient. You are healing. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Times of hardship can act as both an indicator, as well as a cure, for our broken relationship with our Creator. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Stop hating on yourself for not being perfect. If God wanted perfection, He would have made you an angel. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Let the love of Allah heal you. And free you. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Worry is a direct consequence of relying on your own efforts. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Beware of what you let enter your heart. There will come a day when you’d give anything to remove it. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

When someone hurts you, your first thought may be to wish you had never met them at all. But remember that even those who’ve hurt you, came into your life for a reason, and left for a reason. It’s for the best and healing starts with acceptance. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Short Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Give. Even when you know you can get nothing back. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Once in a while, people enter our lives and lessen the loneliness of being away from Home. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


Tawbah is the cleaning of the heart, dhikr is the feeding of the heart. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

If you’re having trouble waking up for fajr, set your alarm to play Quran. It works! ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

You refuse to forgive people, and yet on the Day of Judgment you will stand bare, begging Allah to forgive you. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.


The worst part of getting close to someone is the part when you have to miss them. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

Don’t worry about what the people say. Sometimes they’ll praise you. Sometimes they’ll condemn you. All these things all fade away. And in the end, Allah takes care of everything. Perfectly. ~ Yasmin Mogahed.

So these were the 62 quotes from Yasmin Mogahed for you.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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