87 Inspiring Leo Quotes That Shows Personality of Leos

The lion is a magnificent and strong beast and is the Leo zodiac sign’s symbol.

This sign is generally connected with those who are courageous, tenacious and have a strong feeling of power.

These traits represent the lion’s unyielding attitude and power in the animal realm.

Leos are natural leaders, much like the lion, who rules the wild.


Because they are generally regarded for their generosity and devotion, their leadership often transcends into their personal life.

Leos are noted for their great dedication to their friends and family, sometimes putting their loved ones’ needs before of their own.

Their devotion and protective attitude make them a strong ally as well as a beloved friend. These essential characteristics constitute the essence of the Leo zodiac sign.

Best Leo Quotes

A Leo will adore you as no one ever has before. ~ Unknown.

You can’t kill the spirit of the lionhearted. ~ Erin Van Vuren.

There are no introverted Leo, they pretend to be introverts. ~ Linda Goodman.


Maybe it’s just because I’m a Leo. ~ Tierra Whack.


If Leo was a drug, it’d be cocaine. ~ Oneta Walker.

Leo the lion, rules all the other animals. Leo, the person, rules you and everybody else. ~ Linda Goodman.

A Leo woman may control all other sun sign men, but when it comes to the male and female Leos, the Lion dominates the Lioness. ~ Linda Goodman.


Leo is a combination of tender, loving soul and a ready to snap firecracker. ~ Unknown.

The energy you give off is the energy you receive. I really think that, so I’m always myself – jumping, dancing, singing around, trying to cheer everybody up. ~ Cara Delevingne.

A Leo absolutely loves being around people. They also really enjoy watching their favorite shows with someone they love. ~ January Nelson.

In essence, Leo symbolizes the concept of the noble heart. Especially you’re known for your vitality and star-quality. ~ Joanna Martine Woolfolk.


Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for. ~ Jennifer Lopez.

Don’t forget that Leo contains the essence of royalty. ~ Linda Goodman.

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Top Leo Quotes

If Leos are getting on your nerve, know that they are not coming down for a while. ~ Unknown.

For Leos, there is one currency to rule them all: attention. When they love someone they laugh at their jokes, compliment them, make them the star of the show. ~ Chrissy Stockton.


Be patient with Leo. That soul under the armor is worth fighting for. ~ Unknown.

Every lion (and lioness) is born free. ~ Linda Goodman.

Leos, you are a natural-born leader. You are the type of person people admire because they want to emulate your spirit and your sociability. ~ January Nelson.

Something about being born in the summer season means that you have the natural ability to shine bright like the sun. ~ Marisa Casciano.

Leos walks into a room and wants people to know they’re are there. ~ Wesley Snipes.

Give like the sun, and the whole world grows tall. ~ Atticus.


A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man. ~ Turkish Proverb.

To impress a Leo it is quite simple. Demand attention, be charming, and look them straight in the eye. ~ January Nelson.

They sulk when not given importance but Leos will always be ready to forgive – if you accept your mistake and accede. ~ Greenstone Lobo.

Not all Leos will explode into a rage when they feel wronged. Some will freeze into a royally icy detachment, shielding themselves behind a barrier of cool hauteur. ~ Unknown.

Leos don’t give up like a lion chasing its prey until he gets it. ~ A. P. Parashar, ‎Dr. V.K. Parashar.


I don’t feel guilty about any of my pleasures. ~ Adwoa Aboah.

Leo is the fire sign ruled by the Sun. It represents individual self – expression. The symbol for Leo is the lion, the king of the jungle. ~ Joyce Levine.

Leo doesn’t get along with the mundane reality of relationships and the inconsistency and limitations of human nature. ~ Liz Greene.

Inspiring Leo Quotes

I really don’t think of myself as a singer. I think of myself as an entertainer, and the best place I do it is onstage. ~ Cher.


Leo is fire sign, and this imbues them with as great sense of passion. ~ Kramer Wetzel.

Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you. ~ Demi Lovato.

Leos are famed for being very bright and bold “up-front” people. If you’ve incarnated as a Leo, there’s probably not a lot that intimidates you. ~ Doreen Virtue.

Leos don’t need anger management, they just need people to stop pissing them off. ~ Unknown.


You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you. ~ Barack Obama.

Usually a Leo will not let up an attack until the foe is completely demolished . Pride and vanity can be the undoing of a Leo. ~ Peter Balin.

Let nothing dim the light that shines from within. – Maya Angelou.

Confidence is key, Leo. You’re dominant and never passive. You make the first move and are the ones to turn up the temperature. ~ Bob Alaburda.


Leos have trouble finding the fine line between being confident and arrogant. ~ Unknown.

More than anything, Leo needs to respect a partner intensely. Without the grand respect, Leo can fall into lust but never in love. ~ Jenni Kosarin.

She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them. ~ R. M. Drake.

Leos are faithful, adoring and jolly, but can become fixated if there is a problem they cannot solve and never walk away in an argument – they need the final word! ~ Mary English.

I’m a Leo, with an Aquarian mid-heaven, so I can be mistaken for an Aquarius. My Sun-Uranus conjunction in Leo makes me an honorary Aquarian anyway. ~ Roland Orzabal.

Famous Leo Quotes

I am youthful and timeless. I tell myself that every day, a few times a day … Age is all in your mind. ~ Jennifer Lopez.


You don’t want to tell a Leo to leave because they will leave and they won’t come back. ~ Unknown.

The vibrations of Leo, ruled by the Sun itself, are things you can actually feel throughout your whole being in the presence of a lion or lioness. ~ Linda Goodman.

An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all. ~ Oscar Wilde.

We can’t always agree on everything. ~ Roger Federer.


My favorite holiday is my birthday-it’s very Leo. ~ Jennifer Lopez.

I have such an ego ’cause I’m a double Leo. I can’t let go of me, so it’s very difficult for me to be somebody else and not me. I’m so into me. ~ Paul Mooney.

Whatever you dream of doing one day, don’t give up on that dream because you never know where it can take you. ~ Demi Lovato.

If a raise is out of the question, a Leo will be almost as happy with an impressive title. ~ Paula Taylor.

Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing. ~ Emma Donoghue.


The day will be what you make it, so rise like the sun, and burn. ~ William C. Hannan.

You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve. ~ J.K. Rowling.

Inspirational Leo Quotes

Leos may be born brave by the brain. Yet the fragile heart which kneels for their loved one, always makes them go weaker by the time. ~ Zephyr Limns.

Leos are fiercely loyal and some of the most generous friends to have. People are drawn to their enthusiasm and passion, in everything they do. ~ Caithlin Pena.

At the end of the day, I'm walking with the heart of a lion. ~ Kid Cudi.

At the end of the day, I’m walking with the heart of a lion. ~ Kid Cudi.

Leos believe that you’re the ruler of your own destiny and if you’re not going to change your life when problems occur, don’t cry about it! ~ Unknown.

I take, like, 500 selfies to get one I like. ~ Kylie Jenner.

My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. When he takes a step, he has to put his foot down. You walk into a room and you want people to know your presence, doing nothing. ~ Wesley Snipes.

A Leo woman couldn’t love you if you weren’t strong. ~ Linda Goodman.


Leo has the distinction of being the sign that rules the human heart! ~ Vera Kaikobad.

One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. ~ Linda Goodman.

Leos are sometimes offended by their own attitude. ~ Unknown.

The Leo girl usually makes a jewel of a wife. ~ Linda Goodman.

A Leo’s motto: I’m not gonna change who I am, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. ~ Unknown.


I’m Pisces with Leo rising. The Pisces part is the dreamer. Leo always says, ‘Let’s execute’. ~ Quincy Jones.

Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. ~ Linda Goodman.


Sometimes Leos sit in the bathroom and cry, but then walk out like nothing ever happened. ~ Unknown.

I think of myself as a young prince from a long line of royalty. My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. ~ Wesley Snipes.

The lion will be a chivalrous and gallant suitor, tenderly protective and sentimentally affectionate. ~ Linda Goodman.


Being different is what a Leo loves. ~ Unknown.

Bright, undaunted by failures, resilient and exuding positivity, the Leo woman handles life with a true ‘bring it on’ attitude! ~ Chetan D. Narain.

A Leo will give you just enough chances to show they care (their forgiving nature) but don’t push it. ~ Unknown.

I am into having my hands in a bunch of different things. I am a Leo and I love to be active and creative. ~ Howie Dorough.

Motivational Leo Quotes

To be brave is to love someone unconditionally without expecting anything in return. ~ Madonna.

Glorious Leo! Your sign is ruled by the brilliant sun and you tend to be creative, generous, and open-hearted. ~ Rick Levine.

Leos are seldomly hampered by modesty or self -effacement. ~ Linda Goodman.


If you hear a Leo crying in the bathroom, mind your business. ~ Unknown.

A Lion in love will conquer the world. They positively burst with energy and will fight enemies three times larger if their beloved is threatened. ~ Therrie Rosenvald.

A lioness is a lot of woman. She’s rather a luxury item, not available in the bargain basement. ~ Linda Goodman.

Keep Leo content, and you’ll be showered with gifts and tender protectiveness. You’ll also enjoy the touch of elegance and class Leo projects. ~ Unknown.


You know, I am a Leo. The lion is a giant part of me. ~ Patrick Swayze.

Few things can upset Leos, except for the people they care about. ~ Unknown.

Full of fire that bursts from within, Leo’s are dramatic, yet creative in nature – How could life never be spectacular with a Leo around? ~ Carlie Fox.

When Leo doesn’t like someone, it is written all over their face, in bold expression. ~ Unknown.

So these were the 87 top quotes for Leo sun sign people and from Leos.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Tom Waits quotes and Del Boy quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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