53 Pat Flynn Quotes on Entrepreneurship and Business

Pat Flynn is an internet marketer, blogger and online business owner.

Pat Flynn Quotes


There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction. ~ Pat Flynn.


Your role, instead, is to find out what people are talking about, and more importantly, how they’re talking about it. ~ Pat Flynn.


If there is no respect found in someone’s comment or response, then there is no need to pay them any attention. ~ Pat Flynn.


The riches are in the niches, but the fortune is in the follow-up. ~ Pat Flynn.


Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. ~ Pat Flynn.

the more you practice accepting feedback, both positive and negative, the better an entrepreneur you will become. ~ Pat Flynn.

What do you need to bring to the lot in order to give oxygen and life back to your audience, which may be tired of the same old stuff or looking for that missing puzzle piece? ~ Pat Flynn.


Learn the language your audience uses – especially how they describe their pains, problems, and needs – and put it into action. ~ Pat Flynn.

Best Pat Flynn Quotes

A successful entrepreneur is one who is both successful in business and in life. Too often, I come across successful business owners who are still unhappy because their business decisions have not supported the life they want. ~ Pat Flynn.

Where in that journey did someone need a hero who wasn’t there for him or her? What made them keep going, and how can I help others keep going, too? ~ Pat Flynn.

If your business involves helping people succeed with their podcasts, maybe it’s asking about the biggest challenges they encounter when finding interview guests for their show. ~ Pat Flynn.


Post your question on social media where even a casual visitor will see it and have a chance to respond. ~ Pat Flynn.

When you can learn the language of your audience, you can more easily make a connection with them, and ultimately they begin to trust you more. ~ Pat Flynn.

You just don’t make money if you don’t care about people first. Putting cash over caring has never rewarded me, and I’ve since learned that your earnings become a byproduct of how well you serve your audience. ~ Pat Flynn.

Be open to and welcoming of unforeseen events because those unplanned moments are often the seeds of spectacular opportunities in your life. ~ Pat Flynn.


Building a strong, successful brand is about solving people’s problems. ~ Pat Flynn.

If you can define the problem better than your target customer, they will automatically assume you have the solution. ~ Pat Flynn.

Top Pat Flynn Quotes

Building a successful business is no longer about B2B or B2C. It’s about P2P, those people-to-people relationships. ~ Pat Flynn.

When you follow up, ask questions like, What kinds of solutions have you tried so far? If you had a magic wand to solve this challenge, what would things look like for you? I promise you’ll receive a ton of incredibly valuable information you’ll be able to feed directly back into your business. ~ Pat Flynn.

As Seth Godin says, Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance. ~ Pat Flynn.


All of this is vital to define now before you proceed, because what you learn about yourself is going to guide all of your future decisions. ~ Pat Flynn.

When you become a superfan of something, it’s not because of a person, a product, a name, or a brand. You become a superfan because of how that person, product, or brand makes you feel. ~ Pat Flynn.

In other words, a sure-fire way to predict the future is to take no action at all. When you do nothing, you get nothing. ~ Pat Flynn.

The world needs you. It needs your energy and what you have to offer, so let’s work together to make sure you dedicate that time and energy to something that matters – both to the world, and to you. ~ Pat Flynn.

Your earnings are a byproduct of how well you serve your audience, and you can only best serve your audience when you know exactly who they are, what they’re going through, and what will get them to take action. ~ Pat Flynn.

Famous Pat Flynn Quotes

John F. Kennedy once said, There are risks and costs to action. ~ Pat Flynn.

Create mode is when you’re imaginative, creative, and open to new ideas. Edit mode is when you are logical, regulated, and analytical. Most of us constantly switch back and forth between the two within a given piece of work, like when we write an email. You write a small part, read it, make edits, and then write some more. The major issue is that your editor brain gets in the way of your creator brain. It stops the flow, which can remove the potential of amazing thoughts that you didn’t even know exist in your head from ever coming out. You need these thoughts to surface during this experiment, but your editor brain can get in the way because it’s too focused on making everything right or perfect. Thinking puts your editor brain into the driver’s seat. ~ Pat Flynn.

I’m writing a first draft and reminding myself that I’m simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles. ~ Pat Flynn.

A sure-fire way to predict the future is to take no action at all. When you do nothing, you get nothing. ~ Pat Flynn.

NASA has never launched a mission just because it sounded like a good idea, and neither should you. ~ Pat Flynn.

Good ideas are common, but those who are willing to take action and execute those ideas are far more rare. ~ Pat Flynn.

Inspiring Pat Flynn Quotes

Failing means we missed the mark, but it doesn’t ever mean we’re done. ~ Pat Flynn.

There are a ton of ups and downs, and many times our highest points come immediately after our lowest. ~ Pat Flynn.

From left to right, you recognize Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Barbara Corcoran, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, and Robert Herjavec. You are on the hit TV show Shark Tank. ~ Pat Flynn.

Entrepreneurs are notorious for idea churn – starting something new, only to abandon it for another idea. ~ Pat Flynn.

Every second you waste thinking about a hater or troll is a second you’re taking away from those who matter and can benefit from what you have to offer. ~ Pat Flynn.

Once you’ve found the people in your target audience and begun learning about their problems – and most importantly, how they talk about those problems – you’ll be setting yourself up to connect with that audience authentically and effectively for as long as you’re in business. ~ Pat Flynn.

We don’t make commercials. We don’t sell your product. We tell stories that make the right audience fall in love with you. ~ Pat Flynn.

I feel like I know you because I listen to your voice all day. You’re like a friend, even though we’ve never met. Sorry if that sounds weird. ~ Pat Flynn.


It’s when your idea supports your lifestyle goals that it becomes worth exploring more. ~ Pat Flynn.

You don’t need to change the entire world to build a successful business; you just need to change someone’s world. ~ Pat Flynn.

That exercise also helped us determine that there were three different groups of people in my audience: people who didn’t have a business yet, people who’d started but hadn’t seen significant results, and people who’d started and achieved good results. ~ Pat Flynn.

They’ll be more engaged, more excited, and more likely to take action. And they’ll be more likely to buy from you, too! Superfans are truly the life of your business. ~ Pat Flynn.

Even if you don’t have a huge audience, you can still take advantage of asking open-ended questions like this. ~ Pat Flynn.

The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it. ~ Pat Flynn.

You may have to be a little creative in the keywords you use. Also, think outside your niche. For example, one level beyond homeschooling might be something like education or parenting. ~ Pat Flynn.

Instead of spending money on ads, spend more time on people. Instead of worrying about the latest growth hacks and strategies, worry about identifying and addressing the biggest pains and problems in your target audience. Instead of figuring out how to optimize your conversion rates, figure out the rate at which you’re able to connect authentically with your audience and make them feel special. ~ Pat Flynn.

There are a lot of ways you can learn the language of your audience. Here are three ways you can do this right now. ~ Pat Flynn.

Share items that are relevant to the group and provide value in every post. When you do this, you will get noticed and you will build trust with those who are there. ~ Pat Flynn.

When I look back and carefully examine each of these failures, the fatal flaw always comes down to one of two things: Making money was more important to me than serving people. I rushed into it. ~ Pat Flynn.

The truth is if you don’t have a passion for what you are doing, your energy will eventually fizzle out. ~ Pat Flynn.

Speed is only useful if you’re running in the right direction. ~ Pat Flynn.

I can imagine some interesting discussions related to the pros and cons of homeschooling in groups related to either of those categories, too. ~ Pat Flynn.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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