Myles Munroe was a Bahamian evangelist and ordained minister and founder of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International.
Best Myles Munroe Quotes

“A man leads with his mind while a woman leads with her heart.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“If your vision dies with you, you failed.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“Leadership success is measured by the success of your successor.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“Every human has a seed of greatness buried in a gift needed by the world.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“If you want to become successful, seek to become a person of value.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Hard work and diligence are essential to success, but they require an internal motivation. That internal motivation is Vision.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“When you believe in your dream and your vision, then it begins to attract its own resources. No one was born to be a failure.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The graveyard is the richest place on the surface of the earth because there you will see the books that were not published, ideas that were not harnessed, songs that were not sung, and drama pieces that were never acted.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Every person is born with a seed of greatness.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Circumstances and crises are God’s tools to move you into your purpose and the maximizing of your potential.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams. Govern your life by priorities not your pressures.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Your work is not your job. Your job is what they pay you to do; your work is what you were born to do.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
Top Myles Munroe Quotes
“The greatness of a man is measured by the way he treats the little man. Compassion for the weak is a sign of greatness.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Your Destiny is chosen by God, Your future is certain, whether you arrive there is up to you.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“You are not free until your past has no effect on your future.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live. And most people are concerned about growing old rather than being effective.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Your future is not ahead of you, it’s trapped within you.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Success in the present is only achieved when you put your focus where you want your future.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The greatest enemy of progress is your last success, you could become so proud of what you’ve already accomplished that you stop moving ahead to what you can still accomplish.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Let me define prayer for you in this show. Prayer is man giving God permission or license to interfere in earth’s affairs. In other words, prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
Famous Myles Munroe Quotes
“Most people die at age 25 and are buried at age 65.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Marriage is a school of learning.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“External circumstances will not change until internal belief systems change.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The greatest failure in life is being successful in the wrong assignment.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“You become a leader when you decide to be an original and not a copy.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“One of the greatest enemies to vision is sight!” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“You came to earth to answer a question God knew would be asked. You are the solution to a problem in your generation.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Love in marriage is more than just a feeling or an emotion; it is a choice.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“I encourage people at this time, do not put your faith in any preacher, in any human system, but put your faith and trust in the Living God.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“You will never change anything that you are willing to tolerate.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The poorest man in the world is a man without a dream.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
Popular Myles Munroe Quotes
“Rulership is in our genes, dominion is in our makeup. We were designed to rule the earth.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Your faith is only as strong as the test it survives.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“A leader can transform an army of frightened people into fearless people.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“God never demands anything that He does not provide for. Whatever God commands us to do, He equips us to do.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“God may not explain Himself, but He will reveal Himself.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“The secret to greatness is in serving everyone else.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior, while poor character will seek to hide behind deceptive words and actions.” ~ (Myles Munroe).

“Whatever you compromise to gain, you will lose.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Purpose gives birth to hope and instills the passion to act.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“No matter how many people celebrate your gifts, don’t ever think that you are more important to them than your gift is to them. This is why many people fail: They fail because they think that people came to follow them.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“My greatest fear is that the spirit of religion is lurking in so many churches today. Instead of men and women of God preaching about and applying Kingdom principles to everyday living, they have given the spirit of religion the power to cloud the path of others.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“We live our lives based on who we think we are.” ~ (Myles Munroe).
“Leadership is birthed out of anger!” ~ (Myles Munroe).