48 Put God First Quotes and Sayings in your Life

The phrase “God is great” expresses a deeply held conviction in the omnipotence and goodness of a heavenly force.

This concept often inspires individuals to place God at the center of their lives, affecting their actions and decisions.

The first and most critical step in a spiritual journey is to prioritize God in your life.

It is about submitting to a higher power and seeking heavenly direction in all aspects of life.


It involves offering one’s concerns, aspirations and dreams to God and trusting that He will lead the way.

Such faith often brings about a feeling of calm and clarity, assisting in navigating life’s problems with grace and fortitude.

It also promotes a feeling of purpose and a connection to a broader spiritual world, which enriches one’s daily experience.

Best Put God First Quotes


Put God first in everything you do. ~ Denzel Washington.

Keep God first, chase your dreams, and everything will pay off. ~ Jacob Latimore.

When it comes to our everyday habits, it’s important to ask: ‘Am I putting God first?’ ~ Joyce Meyer.

Mock the devil, and he will flee from thee. ~ Edward De Bono.

If we could only put God first, maybe this ugly trend could one day be reversed. ~ Rebecca St. James.

Be true to yourself, know that you are more than your face and body, and keep God first. ~ Jessica White.


If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead. ~ William Law.

We need to make sure our activities and our attitudes line up with what pleases God first and foremost. Wherever we focus our attention the most will become the driving force in our lives. ~
Lysa TerKeurst.

First, forgive. Second, forget by choosing not to dwell on that which is forgiven and in the past. We have no right to keep in front of us what God has put behind Him. ~ David Jeremiah.

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Famous Put God First Quotes

I say, If everybody in this house lives where it’s God first, friends and family second and you third, we won’t ever have an argument. ~ Jeff Foxworthy.


The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself. ~ Plato.

With God, there’s always an appointed time for things, and when you put Him first, trust in His timing, and keep the faith, miracles happen! ~ Germany Kent.

When we come to Christ, we’re no longer the most important person in the world to us; Christ is. Instead of living only for ourselves, we have a higher goal: to live for Jesus. ~ Billy Graham.
Remember: In the end, you’re not living to impress your friends or your relatives or your coworkers. All of life is for Jesus. ~ Chris Tomlin.


It must be God first, God second, and God third. ~ Oswald Chambers.

The only way to seek God is to seek God first. Deny the nayward, affirm the yeaward, be true to those stirrings and motions which He starts in us, refuse priority to all else, and be faithful to the sacred. ~ Jean Toomer.

Keep God first. If you do that, if you just focus on God and keeping Him first, then everything else will just take care of itself. Do everything for Him. ~ John Salmons.

You can’t believe in your dreams if you don’t believe in the giver of the dreams. In all things, put God first. He is willing to put you ahead for excellence! ~ Israelmore Ayivor.


God uses no one until He first puts them through the storm. The greater your mission, the greater your storm. ~ John Hagee.

To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust him in the dark, that is faith. ~ Charles Spurgeon.

Put God first in everything you do … Everything that I have is by the grace of God, understand that. It’s a gift … I didn’t always stick with Him, but He stuck with me. ~ Denzel Washington.


He must increase, but I must decrease. ~ John the Baptist.

God wants us to prosper. Our need, however, is to evaluate things as they should be evaluated – to esteem earthly things lightly – to put first things first. ~ Kenneth E. Hagin.

I put God first and do not allow other things to cloud my vision. ~ Nicki Minaj.

When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities. ~ Ezra Taft Benson.


You’ll never come second by putting God first. ~ Brian Houston.

Let me tell you how worthwhile you are. You are infinitely valuable to God. First, God created you. Second, Jesus died for you. Third, he puts his Spirit within you. Fourth, he wants you to be with him forever in eternity. That’s how valuable you are to God. You are infinitely valuable to God. ~ Rick Warren.

Top Put God First Quotes

Life is short. Make the most of it. Put God first. Love deeply. Forgive quickly. Laugh a lot. Find and live out your purpose. ~ Nicky Gumbel.


True humility is absolute obedience and dependence on God. It puts Him first, others second, and ourselves third in all things. ~ John Bevere.

No matter what God’s power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of the absolute Master, the Almighty. It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself. ~ Jacques Ellul.

Unless you have already put God first, for example, what you will have to do to be financially secure, impress other people, or fulfill your desires will invariably lead you against God’s wishes. That is why the first of the Ten Commandments, “You shall have no gods who take priority over me,” is the first of the Ten Commandments. ~ Dallas Willard.


No nation has ever failed to prosper when its people put God first and their country second. ~ Harold Lindsell.

When I put God first, God takes care of me and energizes me to do what really needs to be done. ~ David Jeremiah.


Without fail, the days that I start off the right way with a little devotional time and putting God first. Those days are really good days. ~ Larry Gatlin.

When cities were first founded, an old Egyptian scribe tells us, the mission of the founder was to ‘put gods in their shrines.’ The task of the coming city is not essentially different: its mission is to put the highest concerns of man at the center of all his activities. ~ Lewis Mumford.

Powerful Put God First Quotes

One small crack does not mean you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart. ~ Linda Poindexter.


Put God first in your life, and you will live joyfully! ~ Lisa Vidal.

Yes I am very spiritual cos I believe that in everything I do, I have to put God first. ~ Nadia Buari.

We can choose to humble ourselves by loving God, adjusting our will to His, and putting Him first in our lives. ~ Ezra Taft Benson.


You may have a plan, but life throws you curve balls. Put God first; his plan is better anyway. ~ Lisa Vidal.

I would like to be remembered as someone who gave it all and went for it all, As a woman of strong conviction, character, dignity, and talent who always put God first. ~ Zulay Henao.

Profound Put God First Quotes

Eternal joy can never be taken from God’s people. Therefore ambition, restlessness, and avarice can be put away for the first time as we rest more and more in the work of the Son of God. ~ Michael Horton.


I want God to be first in my life, so I’m putting Him first in my life today. ~ Elizabeth George.

The road that leads to Heaven is risky, lonely, and costly in this world, and few are willing to pay the price. Following Jesus involves losing your life – and finding new life in him. ~ David Platt.

Your priorities must be God first, God second, and God third, until your life is continually face to face with God. ~ Oswald Chambers.

So these were the 48 top quotes about Put God First.

If you like these quotes and sayings, then you can also read my other posts on Psychopath quotes and I Want to Die quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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