73 Negative People Quotes to Remove Negativity From Your Life

Negative people often complain and spread a pessimistic atmosphere, which can lead to a decline in your mental health.

It’s extremely important to learn how to deal with such people, a skill many of us are compelled to master.

While it would be ideal if everyone radiated positivity, reality is often different. Understanding the root causes of negativity can be as significant as learning how to handle it.


This article presents a selection of poignant quotes about negative people, designed to inspire and guide you in navigating life’s complexities with them.

These quotes offer a powerful tool to eradicate negativity from your life.

Best Negative People Quotes

If they disrespect you to your face, imagine what they’re doing behind your back. ~ Sonya Parker.

You also have the control to not let others negative stance affect you. ~ Barb Bailey.

Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you. ~ Christian Baloga.


Whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something negative to say. ~ W.H. Auden.

Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally. ~ Kamand Kojouri.

People who try to bring you down everyday aren’t important in your life, so you better treat their opinions as such. ~ Terry Mark.


Never make negative comments or spread rumors about anyone. It depreciates their reputation and yours. ~ Brian Koslow.

It is easier to avoid the effects of others’ negativity when we question if an action or attitude is appropriately directed at us. If it isn’t, we can choose to sidestep it and let it pass. ~ Sue Patton Thoele.

Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. ~ Deborah Reber.


There are many good seeds in you. Therefore you must avoid every bad soil in the world. ~ Israelmore Ayivor.

You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles. ~ C. JoyBell C.

Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away. ~ Unknown.

Avoid negative people, for they are the greatest destroyers of self confidence and self-esteem. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you! ~ Auliq Ice.

Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself. ~ Hussein Nishah.


Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself. ~ Oprah Winfrey.

Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out. ~ Robert Tew.

When being in a toxic relationship in life at times you may have to step outside yourself, to see yourself, so you can find yourself and love yourself again. ~ Angel Moreira.

Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly. ~ Leon Brown.

Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you. ~ Israelmore Ayivor.


Sensitive souls draw in the negativity of others because they are so open. ~ John Gray.

Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions. ~ Will Smith.

Famous Negative People Quotes

No matter how good you are, someone is always going to be against you. But never let them be the limit of your success. ~ Terry Mark.

A negative and toxic person never feels teased with the genuine presence of the pretenders in his network and he always feels pleased with the absence of the genuine leader in his circle. ~ Anuj Somany.

If someone thinks you’re being dramatic or selfish, then they obviously haven’t walked a mile in your shoes. It’s not important for you to explain yourself. You get a pass here. Don’t let anyone else try to saddle you with guilt or shame. If you need your space, take it. ~ Sarah Newman.


It is better to dwell on the beautiful things in life than the negative. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita.

A lot of people who have experienced trauma at the hands of people they’ve trusted take responsibility, and that is what’s toxic. ~ Hannah Gadsby.

You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people. ~ Joel Osteen.

Fire false friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you’ve planted! The earlier, the better; the quicker, the safer! ~ Israelmore Ayivor.

There’s folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without ‘em’. Your life is just a little better because they ain’t in it. ~ William Gay.


Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power. ~ Shirley MacLaine.

No matter how valuable you are and your ideas, fools will certainly play both of you down, so exclude yourselves from the inflammatory environs of fools. ~ Michael Bassey Johnson.

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People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the color of their cloaks, but by the content of their words! ~ Israelmore Ayivor.

Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out. ~ Robert Tew.


The idea is quite simple, stay a light year away from people who make you feel less about yourself. ~ Mohith Agadi.

Poisonous relationships can alter our perception. You can spend many years thinking you’re worthless. But you’re not worthless. You’re underappreciated. ~ Steve Maraboli.

Like arsenic, toxic people will slowly kill you. They kill your positive spirit and play with your mind and emotions. The only cure is to let them go. ~ Denisse Lisseth.
The less you respond to negative people, the more powerful your life will become. ~ Robert E. Baine, Jr.

Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow. ~ DLQ.

Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. ~ Lucille Ball.


People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely. ~ Hans F. Hasen.

You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. ~ Stephen King.

Top Negative People Quotes

Let go of negative people. They only show up to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear, and judgment on others. If somebody is looking for a bin to throw all their trash into, make sure it’s not in your mind. ~ Dalai Lama.

People who project negativity typically have low self-esteem. They feel badly about themselves, and their negativity is simply a reflection of those feelings. ~ Hendrie Weisinger.

Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back. ~ Michael Bassey Johnson.

Cutting people out of your life doesn’t mean you hate them, it simply means you respect yourself. Not everyone is meant to stay. ~ Anonymous.


Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away. ~ Unknown.

People who try to bring you down every day aren’t important in your life, so you better treat their opinions as such. ~ Terry Mark.

We all have those toxic people around us that make our lives miserable… The day we take them out from our lives, we will all become better people. ~ Rodolfo Peon.

Yes, the people around us can be insensitive, narcissistic, toxic, and sometimes even abusive, but it is up to us to take that energy on or let it flow through us. No one is responsible for taking away our happiness but us. ~ Aletheia Luna.

Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions. ~ Will Smith.


You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle. ~ Shannon L. Alder.

Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success. ~ Charles F. Glassman.

You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage. ~ Chinonye J. Chidolue.

Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you. ~ Israelmore Ayivor.

My encouragement: delete the energy vampires from your life, clean out all complexity, build a team around you that frees you to fly, remove anything toxic, and cherish simplicity. Because that’s where genius lives. ~ Robin S. Sharma.


Cut out any negative people, they will never smooth you towards a great life. ~ Edmund Ronen.

Real love moves freely in both directions. Don’t waste your time on anything else. ~ Cheryl Strayed.

Expect while reaching for the stars, people to whirl by with their dark clouds and storm upon you. ~ Anthony Liccione.

Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly. ~ Leon Brown.

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. ~ W. Clement Stone.

If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome. ~ Michael Jordan.


Removing toxic people (including Naysayers) from your life can repay you in scores of holistic wealth. ~ Keisha Blair.

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed. ~ Ray Goforth.

Don’t let people pull you into their storms. Pull them into your peace. ~ Unknown.

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. ~ Steve Maraboli.


When you notice someone​​ does something toxic the first time, don’t wait for the second time before you address it. – Shahida Arabi.

Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues. ~ Michael Bassey Johnson.

If a person finds negative people in his life, then he needs to mend his own nature than that of others, for his own basic grounding decides the level of acidic or toxicity surrounding him. ~ Anuj Somany.

Short Negative People Quotes

Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses. ~ Alphonse Karr.

As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships. ~ John Mark Green.


If you attach to the negative behavior of others it brings you down to their level. ~ Guru Singh.

I don’t have time to distinguish between the unfortunate and the incompetent. ~ General Curtis Le May.

Stack all the rocks you want, but if you don’t let go of the toxic people and behaviors in your life, nothing will change. ~ Steve Maraboli.

The whole world can gossip about you, and if you don’t take it personally you are immune. ~ Don Miguel Ruiz.

I found peace of mind when I walked away from small fights not worth fighting. I stopped fighting for people who gossiped about me. I stopped fighting for those who didn’t respect me. I quit worrying about those who wouldn’t value me for being me. ~ Dana Arcuri.

So these were the 73 quotes about Negative people.

If these quotes and sayings connect with you, check out our other posts on villain quotes and support quotes.

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Chandan Negi
Chandan Negi

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