Baseball is America’s favorite pastime, and it’s more than just a game to us.
The game of baseball is 90% mental and 10% physical.
We have curated some of the top quotes from baseball game’s finest players.

These quotes will make you love the game and its players all over again.
Top 10 Baseball Quotes

Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games. ~ Babe Ruth.

Running a ball club is like raising kids who fall out of trees. ~ Tom Trebelhorn.

Baseball was 100% of my life. ~ Ty Cobb.

The way to make coaches think you’re in shape in the spring is to get a tan. ~ Whitey Ford.

Baseball is a universal language. Catch the ball, throw the ball, hit the ball. ~ Pete Rose.

Baseball is a game of inches. ~ Branch Rickey.

The great thing about baseball is there’s a crisis every day. ~ Gabe Paul.

Baseball is like driving, it’s the one who gets home safely that counts. ~ Tommy Lasorda.

I was born to play baseball. ~ Roberto Clemente.

The game of baseball isn’t over until it’s over. ~ Yogi Berra.

Baseball life is a tough life on the family. ~ Nolan Ryan.

I always dreamed of making it in baseball, but life has moved pretty quickly for me. ~ Mike Trout.

To me, baseball has always been a reflection of life. Like life, it adjusts. It survives everything. ~ Willie Stargell.

No matter what I talk about, I always get back to baseball. ~ Connie Mack.
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Funny Baseball Quotes
Ninety percent of this game is half mental. ~ Yogi Berra.

It ain’t nothin’ till I call it. ~ Bill Klem.
Us ballplayers do things backward. First we play, then we retire and go to work. ~ Charlie Gehringer.
If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can’t get you off. ~ Bill Veeck.

Who is this Baby Ruth? And what does she do? ~ George Bernard Shaw.
The funny thing about these uniforms is that you hang them in the closet and they get smaller and smaller. ~ Curt Flood
I didn’t mean to hit the umpire with the dirt, but I did mean to hit that bastard in the stands. ~ Babe Ruth.
I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain’t never been seen by this generation. ~ Satchel Paige.

I never took the game home with me. I always left it in some bar. ~ Bob Lemon.
I watch a lot of baseball on radio. ~ Gerald Ford.
There have been only two authentic geniuses in the world, Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare. ~ Tallulah Bankhead.

There ain’t much to being a ballplayer, if you’re a ballplayer. ~ Honus Wagner.
Best Baseball Quotes
There is no room in baseball for discrimination. It is our national pastime and a game for all. ~ Lou Gehrig.
I’ve found in life the more you practice, the better you get. ~ Ted Williams.

When baseball is no longer fun, it’s no longer a game. ~ Joe DiMaggio.
The more you play baseball, the less depends on your athletic ability. It’s a mental war more than anything. ~ Alex Rodriguez.
Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand. ~ Leo Durocher.

Baseball is more than a game. It’s like life played out on a field. ~ Juliana Hatfield.
Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. ~ Bill Veeck.
Famous Baseball Quotes

I love baseball. The game allowed me the influence to impact kids in a positive way. This gives me a chance to talk to some social issues. ~ Cal Ripken, Jr.
When I was coming up, I just wanted to play baseball and I’m doing what I love to do most. How can I feel pressure doing what I love to do? ~ Miguel Cabrera.
The way I figured it, I was even with baseball and baseball with me. The game had done much for me, and I had done much for it. ~ Jackie Robinson.
Your job as a baseball player is to come to the park ready to play every day, and the manager, it’s his job to make those decisions about who plays. ~ Cal Ripken, Jr.
The great thing about baseball is when you’re done, you’ll only tell your grandchildren the good things. If they ask me about 1989, I’ll tell them I had amnesia. ~ Sparky Anderson.

Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. ~ Yogi Berra.
In baseball, my theory is to strive for consistency, not to worry about the numbers. If you dwell on statistics you get shortsighted, if you aim for consistency, the numbers will be there at the end. ~ Tom Seaver.

Inspiring Baseball Quotes
To succeed in baseball, as in life, you must make adjustments. ~ Ken Griffey Jr.
Baseball gives a growing boy self-poise and self-reliance. Baseball is a man maker. ~ Al Spalding.
Well, baseball was my whole life. Nothing’s ever been as fun as baseball. ~ Mickey Mantle.
That’s the beautiful thing about baseball. You can be any size and be successful. ~ Andrew Benintendi.

I can honestly say it took two full years for me to get over the fact that I was no longer a baseball player. ~ Nolan Ryan.
If my uniform doesn’t get dirty, I haven’t done anything in the baseball game. ~ Rickey Henderson.
What you have to remember is that baseball isn’t a week or a month but a season – and a season is a long time. ~ Chuck Tanner.
Inspirational Baseball Quotes

If you have a bad day in baseball, and start thinking about it, you will have 10 more. ~ Sammy Sosa.
There are only five things you can do in baseball: run, throw, catch, hit, and hit with power. ~ Leo Durocher.

Baseball is a team sport played by individuals for themselves. ~ Joe Torre.
No baseball pitcher would be worth a darn without a catcher who could handle the hot fastball. ~ Casey Stengel.
Trying to sneak a pitch past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster. ~ Joe Adcock.

I’ve always wanted to be the best in the world as a baseball player, so when I started to think about opening a business, it was with that mindset. ~ Curt Schilling.
Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. ~ Babe Ruth.
In this game of baseball, you live by the sword and die by it. You hit and get hit. Remember that. ~ Alvin Dark.

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. ~ Babe Ruth.
Baseball is a team game but, at the same time, it’s a very lonely game: unlike in soccer or basketball, where players roam around, in baseball, everyone has their little plot of the field to tend. When the action comes to you, the spotlight is on you but no one can help you. ~ Chad Harbach.

People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. ~ Rogers Hornsby.
Baseball is about talent, hard work, and strategy. But at the deepest level, it’s about love, integrity, and respect. ~ Pat Gillick.
Motivational Baseball Quotes
Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical. ~ Yogi Berra.

Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball. ~ Jacques Barzun.
I’m going to do my best to help the team play hard and help the team win. I’m just coming to play baseball. ~ Asdrubal Cabrera.
Pitching is the art of instilling fear. ~ Sandy Koufax.

In baseball, there’s always the next day. ~ Ryne Sandberg.
In baseball, democracy shines its clearest. The only race that matters is the race to the bag. The creed is the rule book. And color, merely something to distinguish one team’s uniform from another’s. ~ Ernie Harwell.
The only thing I can do is play baseball. I have to play ball. It’s the only thing I know. ~ Mickey Mantle.

Powerful Baseball Quotes
Slumps are like a soft bed. They’re easy to get into and hard to get out of. ~ Johnny Bench.
Baseball is a lot like life. It’s a day-to-day existence, full of ups and downs. You make the most of your opportunities in baseball as you do in life. ~ Ernie Harwell.

Baseball is more than a game to me, it’s a religion. ~ Bill Klem.
In baseball, you can’t kill the clock. You’ve got to give the other man his chance. That’s why this is the greatest game. ~ Earl Weaver.

You can’t get real happy or real depressed when you play baseball. Baseball is a great sport in that it offers a player a lot of opportunities for atonement. ~ Mike Piazza.
Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is. ~ Bob Feller.
The key to winning baseball games is pitching, fundamentals, and three-run homers. ~ Earl Weaver.

It was all I lived for, to play baseball. ~ Mickey Mantle.
Baseball can be slow in many ways. The action starts with when the pitcher delivers the ball. But the action really starts when the crack of the bat happens. ~ Cal Ripken, Jr.
I’d walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball. ~ Pete Rose.

Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too. ~ Yogi Berra.
Baseball Quotes about Life
Baseball is such a tough game, it really humbles you at times, you just have to try not to get too high or too low. ~ Chase Utley.
You can’t be afraid to make errors! You can’t be afraid to be naked before the crowd, because no one can ever master the game of baseball, or conquer it. You can only challenge it. ~ Lou Brock.

Baseball is not a sport you can achieve individually. ~ Curt Schilling.
There are three things you can do in a baseball game. You can win, or you can lose, or it can rain. ~ Casey Stengel.
Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don’t move. ~ Satchel Paige.

Baseball really is a glorified game of throw and catch. And if you don’t have guys who throw it really well, you can’t compete for long. ~ Tucker Elliot.
Baseball gives every American boy a chance to excel, not just to be as good as someone else but to be better than someone else. This is the nature of man and the name of the game. ~ Ted Williams.
Baseball Quotes for Kids
I chose baseball because to me baseball is the best game of all. ~ Dave Winfield.
I think I throw the ball as hard as anyone. The ball just doesn’t get there as fast. ~ Eddie Bane.
I love to play baseball. I’m a baseball player. I’ve always been a baseball player. I’m still a baseball player. That’s who I am. ~ Ryne Sandberg.
There are three types of baseball players – those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens. ~ Tommy Lasorda.
If you’re not practicing, somebody else is, somewhere, and he’ll be ready to take your job. ~ Brooks Robinson.
Life is like a baseball game. When you think a fastball is coming, you gotta be ready to hit the curve. ~ Jaja Q.
I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning. I think about it all day and I dream about it at night. The only time I don’t think about it is when I’m playing it. ~ Carl Yastrzemski.
Baseball is a universe as large as life itself, and therefore all things in life, whether good or bad, whether tragic or comic, fall within its domain. ~ Paul Auster.

Defense to me is the key to playing baseball. ~ Willie Mays.
One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to, reach down and prove something. ~ Nolan Ryan.
This is a great thing that’s happening in baseball. We don’t know if it will ever happen again. ~ Mark McGwire.
Baseball is a simple game. If you have good players and if you keep them in the right frame of mind then the manager is a success. ~ Sparky Anderson.
Baseball is not life. It is fiction, a metaphor. And a ballplayer is a man who agrees to uphold that metaphor as though lives were at stake. ~ David James Duncan.
A guy that throws what he intends to throw, that’s the definition of a good pitcher. ~ Sandy Koufax.
There may be people that have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do. ~ Derek Jeter.
Popular Baseball Quotes
I could have played baseball another year, but I would have been playing for the money, and baseball deserves better than that. ~ George Brett.
Back in my day, we didn’t think about money as much. We enjoyed playing the game. We loved baseball. I didn’t think about anybody else but the Cardinals. ~ Stan Musial.
I see great things in baseball. It’s our game – the American game. It will repair our losses and be a blessing to us all. ~ Walt Whitman.
Doctors tell me I have the body of a 30-year-old. I know I have the brain of a 15-year-old. If you’ve got both, you can play baseball. ~ Pete Rose.
I’m a guy who just wanted to see his name in the lineup every day. To me, baseball was a passion to the point of obsession. ~ Brooks Robinson.
No game in the world is as tidy and dramatically neat as baseball, with cause and effect, crime and punishment, motive and result, so cleanly defined. ~ Paul Gallico.
The best pitchers have a short-term memory and a bulletproof confidence. ~ Greg Maddux.

A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings. ~ Earl Wilson.
Don’t try to be a hero. Try to be a winner. ~ George Brett.
Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there. ~ Bo Jackson.
Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed 3 times out of 10 and be considered a good performer. ~ Ted Williams.
It took me 17 years to get 3,000 hits in baseball. It took one afternoon on the golf course. ~ Hank Aaron.
My pitching philosophy is simple – keep the ball away from the bat. ~ Satchel Paige.
So these were the 117 quotes about Baseball.
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